Toya's blowing has controlled the rats within a radius of several miles, allowing them to pour into the villa from small cracks such as sewers and roofs, and sneak attack all the bodyguards in the house, when the bodyguards found out that there were rats, they didn't care much at first, and by the time they found out, it was too late, and the rats Toya recruited were enough to fill the villa.

"K! let's go in" Toya smiled, kicked the door open, looked at the masterpiece in the room and laughed, "How do you feel?"

Chen Jie and Midnight looked at everything in the house and couldn't help but be speechless. There were a few white bones lying on the ground, and the room was full of rats scurrying around, and there was a large area of black pressing.

"It's not bad, it just doesn't feel good. Midnight strode in, looked at the wriggling rats on the ground, and suddenly felt sick to his stomach and said, "You kid is really disgusting." What's not a good trick, recruit rats. "

"You don't understand that. Rats are quick to react and are relatively common and have very sensitive movements. This suburb is one of the most valuable resources. Wha......" Toya smirked.

"Let's go to the monitoring room first. Chen Jie took the lead in looking for a place.

"I know where, come with me. Toya said of a little mouse dragging it in the palm of his hand and grinning, "I just asked the rats, and they will lead the way." "

Sure enough, under the leadership of the rats, they easily came to the so-called monitoring room, which has become a rat's nest, and it is simply difficult to move an inch.

"I don't think there's any need to go. I believe that they have eaten everything that can move except for the rats. Midnight sighed.

Chen Jie also felt the same way, just looking at the thousands of rats was terrifying, and it was estimated that the bodyguards inside would be scared to death if they were not eaten. There is simply no possibility of survival *no* wrong *small* say... opportunities.

"Let's go. Time is running out. Find the Secret Room. Chen Jie took the lead and turned to leave.

Midnight, Toya followed. Chen Jie said to this Toya: "Hey, you ask your little animals to see where the entrance to the secret room is? "

"Understood. Toya got serious, maybe they'd never seen him take it so seriously.

Midnight whispered to Chen Jie: "Idiot, you don't think that idiot has changed sex." Did you notice that his expression was much more serious?"

"I don't think so. Chen Jie followed behind Toya and left.

"Hmph, it's a fool. Midnight shrugged his shoulders and followed helplessly.

Toya's pace quickened, and then he turned to a large integrated bathroom, and sneered, "I didn't expect Koharu to enjoy it." "

Chen Jie said calmly: "Did you find it?"

"Found it. Right here," Toya continued, "The entrance to the secret room is here. What do you guys think?"

"I don't think about it, say it quickly, where?" Chen Jie didn't want to waste time.

Toya smiled and stopped in front of a toilet, saying, "Don't you think this toilet is bigger than the average one? Who would have such a big ass to sit on? "

Midnight walked over and took a look, and the toilet was indeed very large, more than three times larger than usual. Suddenly, he burst out laughing and said, "I think there's a guy with such a big butt that he can sit down." "

"Ichiro Koharu. Chen Jie also understood, and couldn't help but smile.

Toya stood on the toilet and continued in tongue-twisting Chinese: "Koharu thinks he is very smart, this is simply three hundred taels of silver here." He's really a pig's head, hey~!I really admire Ri's own imagination, which can turn the toilet into magic. "

Midnight smiled and said, "Your Chinese level has improved a lot, they are originally pigs' heads." Well, hurry up. Where's the switch?"

Toya confidently pointed to the flush button and said, "This is it." As soon as he finished speaking, he pressed it, and suddenly he heard an alarm sound, and the villa immediately lost power, and the red lights of the alarm flashed.

"You pig's head, this is the switch for the alarm. Damn, Izumiichiro Koharu must have known we were in. Idiot, get off the toilet. I am absolutely convinced that this is the entrance. Midnight instincts told me that the secret room must be under the toilet.

"They're definitely ready to run away. Chen Jie felt that the situation was not good, and immediately swung his blade at the toilet, but the result was surprising, the toilet was not damaged at all.

"Oops. Chen Jie frowned, the blade he was proud of had no effect on the toilet bowl at all.

Toya immediately took out his piccolo and said solemnly, "They can't escape." I'm going to tell the rats to block their back doors, and you guys hurry up and figure it out. Then he began to play. Suddenly, I heard the rats in the house rushing out like demons, making a loud noise.

Midnight said: The situation is not good, if it continues like this, the police and the guards will do it, and they can't be delayed.

At this time, Chen Jie's ears suddenly remembered Mo Junyan's voice: "Your actions are ****, now the whole country is on alert, Chen Jie moves quickly, it's too late." "

Chen Jie told Mo Junyan through the mask's radio: "The entrance can't be opened, we haven't found Kaiguang." "

Mo Junyan immediately analyzed the data fed back from the computer lens of Chen Jie's mask through the computer, and shouted: "Hurry up and use the bomb, on your belt, hurry up, I have analyzed it, you can explode." "

After receiving the news, Chen Jie shouted: "All quit, I'll blow it up with a bomb." "

At midnight, Toya dared to delay and immediately jumped out of the villa. Chen Jie took the miniature bomb from the belt and threw it into the toilet, and immediately fled with a shapeshifter.

In an instant, only a loud explosion was heard, and most of the entire villa was trampled on all sides, and the debris was splashed everywhere by the shock, and the raging fire rushed into the sky, and a strong and pungent smell filled the air.

"Wow~!What kind of bomb did you just drop?,It's more powerful than a grenade?" Toya patted the dust on his body and said to Chen Jie in surprise: "My ears are all ringing in my ears." "

Chen Jie didn't expect that this pee-sized bomb would have such great power, no wonder Mo Junyan would be so sure, it seems that the bomb developed by the organization is not an ordinary thing, it is comparable to rocket artillery.

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