Three minutes and sixteen seconds!

Chen Yang KOS Kubio!

With an absolute advantage, enter the top 16!

At this point,

In the Huaxia delegation, three people reached the top 16 of this Honda Cup.

"Very good, we have accomplished our goal!"

"The next opponent is getting stronger and stronger!

Li Shengtao said to the three of them.

Chen Yang nodded and said to Yun Chao and Liu Shihu:

"Brother Tao is right, I still say the same thing, no matter whether you can win or not, everyone just give full play to their strength, don't have any pressure!"

At this point,

Yun Chao and Liu Shihu asked, "How is Gu Ming?"

"Don't worry, there is news from the hospital that Gu Ming is slightly injured!" Li Shengtao replied.

Yun Chao nodded, turned his head to look at Chen Yang, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Honda Cup, the second round of eliminations is over!


Hijima Tokyo Hotel, South Korean delegation.

"Xingtai, Huaxia Chen Yang also reached the top 16, maybe in the next game, you are very likely to meet him!"

Kang Shin-chul said to Park Heung-tae.

At this point,

Park Heung-tae was lying in the hot spring, his eyes slightly closed.

"Don't worry, if you meet Huaxia Chen Yang, I will abolish him!"

"It's a pity that killing people is not allowed in the regular boxing world, otherwise I will kill him completely!"

Jiang Xinzhe nodded, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes, and said:

"The Huaxia people want to suppress our South Korean Taekwondo, hum, if you can, kill Huaxia Chen Yang, don't worry, if there is any trouble, we will help deal with the aftermath!"

"Oh, haven't you always stopped me from killing people in the ring? Why did you suddenly change your mind?" Park Heung-tae said indifferently.

"Before that, if you kill someone, you can't compete with Huaxia Chen Yang!"

Jiang Xinzhe gritted his teeth and said:

"But entering the top 16 is different, we not only want to let the Huaxia people lose, but also let the Huaxia Chen Yang die!"

Park Heung-tae opened his eyes and smiled indifferently:

"Well, I'll shoot him!"

It was as if he was talking about something insignificant.

Day 3,

The Chinese delegation came to the Dome Stadium.

Gu Ming was slightly injured, and he wanted to be discharged immediately, but Dr. Hijima strongly insisted on staying in the hospital for a few days.

In the end, at Chen Yang's request, Gu Ming stayed in the hospital.

After entering the Dome Gymnasium, the atmosphere today was extremely lively.

Eight boxing fights!

Today's eight boxing matches are all master duels!


All of Asia, including Europe, is watching today's game.

The results of the draw for the third round of the knockout round are coming out soon!

Yun Chao VS Fujita Hoyuki!

Chen Yang VS Ruddock!

Liu Shihu VS Gao Hangang!


Park Heung-tae VS Fike!

After the draw results came out, Li Shengtao and Chen Yang both shook their heads.

In the third round of elimination, Lady Luck did not continue to stand on the side of Huaxia.

Yun Chao and Liu Shihu are two people, and the possibility of winning the game is very small.

Or rather,

There is no possibility of winning!

I don't know if it's fate, the two of them actually met the two kings of fighting on Hijima!


Chen Yang also faced off with Ruddock of the United States, and the outcome was unpredictable!

There are only eight matches in the third round.

The first game is Park Heung-tae VS Fike!

In terms of rankings, Park Heung-tae is ranked sixteenth and Fike is third.

The two are both seeded fighters, and this one can be said to be a dragon fight.

This boxing match was wonderful, hot-blooded, and brutal......

No one thought that South Korea's Park Heung-tae was so powerful and terrifying!

Chen Yang didn't expect that South Koreans would be so powerful.

At the beginning of the game,

Fick is the first to attack, he is the top Dutch kickboxing specialist,

High kicks, whip legs, hooks, and even knee legs in Muay Thai are all displayed, and the momentum is like a rainbow, fierce and domineering!

Stormy attack, Park Heung-tae did not fight hard, but kept retreating!

He's calm, so calm that it's scary!

In the ring, Fick attacked for two minutes straight.

In the end, Park Heung-tae seized the opportunity and knocked Fick to the ground with a side kick!

Fick, the Dutchman, is obviously a little unaccustomed to Park Heung-tae's murderous style of play, or rather, his form is not particularly good!

After getting up from the ground,

Fike became crazy, his leg skills were extremely domineering, and he attacked Park Heung-tae!


Park Heung-tae's style of play is extremely ferocious, and whenever Fick gets close, he is greeted by Park Heung-tae's kicking moves!

Whirlwind sweeps, volley roundhouse kicks, high kicks......

Park Heung-tae's kicks are superb, and the speed is very fast!


Fike's speed is not as fast as Park Heung-tae!

Finally, when Fick made another mistake,

Park Heung-tae erupted with an extremely ferocious kick.


Fast, heavy, brutal!

A kick into the sky and kicked Fick hard in the chin, sending him into the air.

And that's not all, as Fick is in the air and has not yet landed, the referee cannot tell whether to declare the end of the game.

At this time,

Park Heung-tae showed the ferocity of a beast,

I saw him rush forward quickly, grabbing his body with both hands before Fick fell,


Knee jerk up!


Fick's spine was broken and he lay on the ground, unable to move!

At this time, the referee's face changed, and he quickly asked the medical staff to come to the stage and administer first aid!

Even if Fick survives, he will be completely crippled!

The entire Dome Stadium was silent, and everyone was startled by Park Heung-tae's ferocity!

This is the most serious serious disability since the start of the Honda Cup!

What is unacceptable is that Fick was kicked away by Park Heung-tae and was caught in mid-air and broke his spine.

Cruel, bloody, ruthless!

For some reason,

The audience did not feel the excitement of the game, nor did they feel the excitement of the game.

At this point, everyone felt a little scared!

Maybe it's Park Heung-tae's beast-like killing intent, it's too strong!

It makes people feel a sense of fear!

Li Shengtao looked at the scene in the ring, his fists clenched tightly.

"Chen Yang, my third senior brother, was killed by this guy in the underground boxing arena of the United States, you must be careful when you meet him. "

"This guy dares to kill people in the ring, he won't take care of the rules, because he was originally a master of the underground boxing world, and he doesn't care about the regular boxing ring at all!"

At this moment,

Park Xingtai turned his head to look at the Huaxia delegation and stared at Chen Yang,


There was a smile in his eyes, and he reached out to wipe it on his neck, extremely arrogant!

The meaning is obvious, that is, let Chen Yang be careful, he will kill Chen Yang in the ring!

Chen Yang exhaled, and there was a fierce glint in his eyes.

"Nima's, this hanging hair wants to kill me, dare to provoke me, I hope you don't regret it......!"

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