Bang, bang, bang......

Descending the dragon, subduing the tiger, exploring the horse, splitting the mountain, squatting by the bear, hugging the tiger,......

At this point,

Chen Yang's Bajiquan King Kong Eight Potentials formed a chain of strength, constantly punching and hitting,

He no longer thought about hitting Ruddock in the vital point, but focused on the black guy's abdomen and arm.

"Your sister, see how long you can carry it? Lao Tzu beat you up today......!"

The speed of Chen Yang's feet increased suddenly, and he began to use a burst style of play!

Moreover, from time to time, he uses the shape of the intention to drill the fist, forming a hit that breaks the surface with points.


Ruddock felt something abnormal, and his face became ugly.

"Hell, Huaxia boy, why do you keep hitting me in the abdomen and arm?"

"What does he want to do......

"Hmph, stupid, don't you know that my ability to resist blows has been specially trained, thinking that this will knock me down?"

"Shhh...... What's going on? Why does it hurt so much?"

When Raddock first started, he didn't understand why Chen Yang kept attacking his strongest parts.


After a few punches, he felt that something was wrong, his abdomen and arms were like being stabbed with a knife, and it hurt terribly!

was punched more than a dozen times by Chen Yang in a row, and a cold sweat broke out on Laddock's forehead!

I can't stand it!

If this Nima continues to fight, he suspects that he will be killed!

Don't look at him like a chimpanzee, his technique is very rough,

But he was very experienced in the ring, and he quickly changed tactics.

I saw that his body dodged left and right, and at the same time used karate footwork to pull the distance between the two and no longer rush to attack.

If he doesn't attack, it means that his defense is tighter, and it is difficult for Chen Yang to hit him!

At this point,

Chen Yang exhaled and could only use his footwork to maneuver with him and observe the favorable punching opportunities!


Chen Yang did not continue to use the rush style of play, but sprinted forward and smashed it with a punch.

Take advantage of the forward momentum, with a fierce, fierce and domineering!

Lunge punch!

With his left foot, he kicked the ground suddenly, and his body rose into the air and rushed forward to kill!

Lunge punching is the strength of the eight poles and six major openings, with short force, fast speed, strength through the fist, and extremely fierce and domineering explosive power!

If you want to exert the power of lunge punching, you must comprehend Bajiquan to the top level.

This move punches the strength of the punch, and Yun Chao has not comprehended the essence of the starting force!

Ruddock was taken aback,


He was not intimidated by Chen Yang's lunge punch, but quickly stepped back under his feet, and then kicked the ground with his feet, instantly avoiding Chen Yang's punch.


I saw that he suddenly turned back and kicked backwards!

Reverse and kick!

This is the counter-leg method of extreme vacuum karate in the process of retreating, very suddenly!

Maybe Ruddock was angry by Chen Yang's fist just now, and at this moment, he broke out with a series of heavy legs, wanting to fight against Chen Yang!

It's just that

After the distance was closer, he couldn't get his legs up, and he didn't have any advantage against the attack!

Chen Yang sneered,

The black man's mind has always been bad, and he dares to attack himself in close quarters, isn't this looking for abuse?

In close quarters, the fists usually have the upper hand.

Ruddock's boxing skills are far worse than Chen Yanglai's.

At this point,

Ruddock threw an uppercut and smashed it into Chen Yang's chin!

This is a boxing move, and it seems that Ruddock has practiced boxing, and his movements are quite fast.


There was a dull thud in the ring.

Ruddock's fist did not hit Chen Yang's chin, but was smashed between the chest and abdomen by Chen Yang's punch.

The strength of this eight-pole fist is fierce and the angle is tricky!

This is the gap in boxing!

Ruddock's boxing is rough, and Chen Yang's mountain-splitting punch is easy to hit him!

How ferocious the force of the mountain splitting force is, especially at this moment, the distance is very close, and the lethality is even more terrifying!

Ruddock's face suddenly turned like pork liver, his face turned blue, and cold sweat broke out on his back!

It's just that this guy's face is too dark to see anything abnormal!

"Fuck it......! This can be resisted?Nima, this kind of anti-hitting ability is too perverted, isn't it?"

Chen Yang was taken aback in his heart, and looked at Ruddock, feeling a little incredible.

What he didn't notice was that Ruddock was in so much pain that he almost fell to the ground.

"It's terrible! What kind of punch is this?"

Ruddock felt like he had been stabbed in the abdomen with a sharp knife, and it hurt to the heart!

The part of the blow happened to be the stomach, and the stomach was violently impacted and contracted suddenly.

Ruddock retched, almost blasting out the stomach acid.

Although Ruddock's ability to resist hits can be said to be extremely perverted,

His abdominal muscles were very strong, like pieces of iron, and the strength of his fists was not enough to hurt him at all.

But at this time, Chen Yang's punch at close range slashed the mountain, beating him to the point of almost squatting!

I believe that nothing can bear such pain!

The audience, after seeing this scene, all shouted!

"Ruddock, hold on, fight back!"

"Beat him, use your legs, don't hit ...... closely!"

"Waste, why is this big black man's reaction ability so weak?"

"If you continue to fight like this, Ruddock has no chance of winning, doesn't he know that Huaxia Chen Yang's fists have always been very terrifying?"

"Last time, Nakata Ying was abolished by Huaxia Chen Yang's move, hasn't this guy studied it?"

"Simple-minded, well-developed limbs ......!"

Then, many Japanese island viewers began to boo, wanting to use boos to lower Chen Yang's momentum!

I have to say,

Ruddock's ability to resist blows has exceeded Chen Yang's prediction.

Chen Yang just punched the mountain, and it can be said that he did not have the slightest reservation, except that he did not use the secret technique to crit, which was his strongest strength.

The grandmaster-level Bajiquan exerted his strength, but he didn't knock out Ruddock with one punch.

To be honest, he really admired this big black guy at this time!

This guy's ability to resist beating is much stronger than when he met Cui Hongwan in the Samsung Cup!

"Bastard, this guy's fist is too strong, I can't close the distance with him, if I continue to fight like this, I will be crippled by him!"

Ruddock took a deep breath and backed.

At this point,

His abdomen hurt terribly, and the point was, all of a sudden, he found himself feeling like throwing up.

In this case, if you want to kick your legs, your state will be greatly affected!


Ruddock panicked and broke out in a cold sweat!

Originally, he had absolute confidence in his ability to resist beatings.

But at this moment, Chen Yang struck an eight-pole mountain split, and he lost any fighting spirit!

To put it mildly, he was cowardly at this time!

Seeing Ruddock's state at this time, Chen Yang's eyes lit up.

With such a good attacking opportunity, how could he miss ......?

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