Fujita Hoyuki's speed is getting faster and faster, the key is strength, extremely fierce and domineering!

His fastness, unlike South Korea's Park Heung-tae, is powerful and extremely lethal!

This fast leg method that exceeds the speed of sound forms a fierce wind, blowing on the body, like a knife cut!

Strong winds are generated because the legs are too fast, and when they rub against the air, they form airflow.

And with each kick, the space is compressed, and finally an air explosion is formed!


Every time Fujita kicks out a kick, an air pop sound forms around it, as if the air has exploded.

When he felt that he had completely suppressed Chen Yang's momentum, a sneer appeared in Fujita Hozhi's eyes!

Next, he wants to burst out with the strongest killing move, kill with one blow, and completely cripple Huaxia Chen Yang!

Destroy your opponents!

This is the unspoken rule of martial arts competition between Asian countries!

Completely cripple the outstanding fighters of other countries!

This is the cruelty of martial arts competition!


Fujita He remembered the slashing leg method and slashed at Chen Yang!

It's like a flash flood, which instantly submerged Chen Yang!

The momentum is like a rainbow, and Fujita He Yuki's eyes have a fierce murderous aura,

"Nima, you're still fighting hard!"

Chen Yang scolded angrily, kicked the ground backwards with his left foot, and then smashed forward with a punch, hitting it hard, facing Fujita Hezhi's feet!

Xingyi cannon fist!

Fists are like cannons, cannons are like fists!

It's like a cannonball falling to the ground, forming an explosive force!

Although his Xingyi Fist is only a top-level realm, he has not yet reached the grandmaster,

But in the face of Fujita Hoyuki's kicks, only Xingyi Quan is more appropriate!

Because, Bajiquan is wide open and close, fierce and domineering, and the angle is too positive, so it is not easy to hit the opponent!

Xingyi boxing is short and fast, the key is to be tricky and weird, so that the opponent can't figure out the direction!

Pedal Pedal ......

The two of them each took a few steps back, and Chen Yang let go of his fist,

"What a strong force!"

Feeling the numbness in his fist, Chen Yang took a deep breath.


Compared to Chen Yang, Fujita Hoyuki's face became even more ugly, and he felt the explosive power transmitted by Chen Yang's punch.

This explosive force, with a penetrating concussive force, made him very uncomfortable, and it seemed that his muscles and bones were shocked!

"What kind of power is this? It's weird......!"


Fujita once again erupts with a kick and kick!


Just when his leg was about to kick Chen Yang, he could feel that the power in his leg had reached its peak, and it was incredibly lethal!

This leg, even if there is a majestic bull in front of him, can be kicked to death with one leg, let alone a person!

But, alas!

If he faces other Asian masters, even South Korea's Park Heung-tae, this leg will be able to achieve certain results no matter what!

Even if your opponent can avoid this killer move, they will be embarrassed!

However, he is facing Chen Yang!

A grandmaster-level master who has promoted Taijiquan to the top, Taijiquan's strength is a must-have in martial arts!


With the help of strength, the introduction failed!

I saw Chen Yang's fist smash forward, and then retract it back, the speed was so fast that it couldn't be seen clearly with the naked eye!

At this point,

Fujita He Zhi felt a concussive force coming from Chen Yang's fist.

Originally, he didn't care, his fist was on his leg, wasn't that looking for death?


Suddenly, his face changed!

This concussive power is very penetrating, and it can be continuously transmitted in the body.

It seems, like ripples on the water, endlessly, endlessly!

The power of the concussion, forming a superposition, not only did not dissipate, but became stronger and stronger!


Even the bones and muscles have been affected, and the soreness is abnormal!

"Evil Gate, what kind of power is this?"

"Hell, how can there be such a punch? The penetration is so weird!"

"Shhh...... Not good!"

Fujita He was taken aback, looked at Chen Yang in disbelief, and felt that his legs had become heavy, and the soreness was getting stronger and stronger!

To be honest, this powerful concussive force has already affected the state of Fujita Hoyuki!

It turned out that when Chen Yang burst out of Tai Chi to exert his power, he also used dark energy!

Dark energy is a kind of force, not a realm!

One of the most obvious characteristics of dark energy is penetration!

In Taijiquan, the word vibrating trick is to form an endless dark energy!

This dark power can form a counter-shock force, which is called the most terrifying force of counterattack, because it uses the opponent's power to counterattack!

Leverage your strength!

In the actual combat of Taijiquan, there is a famous saying: shaking like a mountain!

Using the sudden force of the body, in the shortest distance, it bursts out at the fastest speed, and the force is fierce, forming a dark and soft force, which produces vibration!

This concussive power is very ruthless!

Chen Yang's observation is much more powerful than Fujita's, and he is very accurate in timing his punches.

At the moment when Fujita He Yuki burst out with his legs, he burst out with Tai Chi Zhenzi Technique, forming a powerful borrowing force!


Fujita He underestimated Chen Yang's Tai Chi method, with his status as the number one in Asia,

Truth be told, he'd never encountered such a weird power before!

This Nima can use the power of the opponent to fight back, and I have never heard of it!

"What kind of power is this? How can it be so terrifying! Evil Gate, too evil Gate!"

Fujita Hoyuki has studied Chen Yang, and he knows that Chen Yang has double explosive power that kills with one hit, and he also knows that Chen Yang's boxing is extremely strong and domineering, and his legs are equally excellent!

It's just that he's never seen him use this kind of punch before?

Could it be that there is such a magical kung fu in the world?

It's incredible!

In fact

Not to mention that no one in Ridao can have this kind of anti-shock power, even if there is no one in Huaxia, no one can do this kind of Tai Chi actual combat kung fu!

It was only after Chen Yang promoted Taijiquan to the top level that he realized the power of this kind of anti-shock and force.

Moreover, all this still depends on his Bajiquan Grandmaster realm to be able to display it!

Tai Chi Zhen Character Formula, if you don't reach the realm of a grandmaster, you can only comprehend some skins.

Just like those street performances, what belly bullet steel balls and so on, these performance kung fu do not have actual combat ability!


Chen Yang didn't stop, and the moment he saw Fujita He Yuki stunned, he smashed it with a punch, and the target was Fujita Heyuki's chest!

At this point,

Fujita was taken aback, his leg was aching, and his combat strength was greatly reduced.

All of a sudden, the rhythm of the ring was controlled by Chen Yang,

Bang, bang, bang......

Bajiquan attacks wildly, and the momentum is like a rainbow!

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Chen Yang took a deep breath and began to look for the best time to punch with a secret technique......

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