Chen Yang turned his head and glanced at the beautiful reporter.

At this point,

He found that all the reporters around him were looking at him with bad intentions.

Generally speaking, in this kind of pinnacle battle, the appearance fee is very high, just like Chen Yang's boxing match, if he wins, he can get an appearance fee of 250 million.

Even if he loses the game, he can get tens of millions of dollars in appearance fees.

But this money is a drop in the bucket for the running accounts of underground banks.

This pinnacle showdown, the real big head, is in the handicap of the underground bank.

According to the normal match odds, the underground bank can make money, but not much.

In fact, after the handicap is opened, it is evaluated according to the comprehensive strength of the fighters on both sides, which is generally relatively close.

Right now

Chen Yang's win rate is higher than that of Holly, because Chen Yang performed anti-joint skills in the battle with the Gracie family in Brazil.

Therefore, Chen Yang's winning chance is higher.

However, for bookmakers.

If you want to win big money, you have to be upset!

This is also the reason why in very influential boxing matches, there will be fake boxing.

The underground bank will pay the fighter more than several times the appearance fee income in advance, bribe the fighter, and make the opponent deliberately lose the match in the match.

In the event of an upset, the underground bank can make a lot of money.

In fact

It's not just boxing, it's happening in any sport.

Once there is a handicap for an underground bank, this situation cannot be avoided.

Of course

If a fighter has done fake boxing, then his status in the martial arts world is completely nullified.

I believe that any boxing fan does not want his idol to play fake boxing, and the consequences of this situation are very serious!


When Chen Yang heard the reporter say this, his face became very ugly, and there was a trace of indifference in his eyes.

"Your sister, you actually put such a thing as fake boxing on Lao Tzu, what do you want to do?"

"No, we have to explain it clearly today, otherwise these guys will go back and scribble, and the world will be in chaos!"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said indifferently:

"I hope you can apologize to me, fake boxing is very serious, do you understand?"

"I entered the WTA Global Martial Arts with the goal of becoming the WTA Global Martial Arts Federation boxing champion, and next, I want to unify the global martial arts!"

"I haven't lost since I came to the United States! Do you think I'll do fake boxing? Do you think I'll lose the fight on purpose?"

"If you don't think it's safe, you can ask Hawley to change the rules and adopt the WTC no-rules battle to the death, I don't have any objection. "

"No one can stop me from winning the WTA boxing title!"

"I solemnly declare here, those who want to smear and frame me for fake boxing, open your eyes and take a good look!"

"I, Huaxia Chen Yang, will be able to defeat any opponent!"

"As for what you think I can beat Hawley in tonight's fight? I can tell you very clearly that I can beat him!"

"Tonight, I have to get my hands on the WTA boxing champion's belt!"

After speaking, Chen Yang stopped paying attention to reporters, and followed Li Shengtao to the competition hall of the hotel under the leadership of WTA staff.

As he entered the competition hall, Chen Yang walked to the locker room.


He saw the WTA boxing champion Hawley.

Hawley, one of the top 10 martial arts masters in the world, used to practice Muay Thai, then competed in the WTA, and then went on to get out of control.

After landing in the WTA, he won the gold belt of the WTA boxing champion in three years.

At the same time, for three consecutive years, he has defeated many strong people, and no one can shake his position.

His legs are unusually fierce, his style of play is varied, and his burly figure makes him unrivaled in his ability to resist blows.

To be honest, even if the WTC invincible overlord Tyson wants to defeat Hawley, it will not be so easy.

Chen Yang wants to defeat Holly in the ring, isn't it ordinary.

The point is,

Hawley was extremely experienced in the Great War, and he was never defeated.


His attacking ability and footwork are excellent, and he is a very well-rounded master.

The only shortcoming may be ground skills!

However, it was not so easy to pull him to the ground.

Caesars Palace Hotel in Las Vegas, there are a lot of people watching the game.

Originally, it could only accommodate 20,000 spectators, but at this time it was crowded with people, and many people did not buy seat tickets, and they had to come in to watch the game when they bought standing tickets.

Of course

The vast majority of the people are in the United States, and it is obvious that Holly is a real hero in the hearts of the United States, and his popularity is very explosive.

Although in this WTA boxing title challenge, Chen Yang's chances of winning are higher than Holly.

However, Holly's die-hard fans unanimously believe that Chen Yang cannot be Holly's opponent.

The appearance was very monotonous, and Chen Yang did not make tricks at the appearance ceremony, because it was completely unnecessary.

With his current popularity, the more monotonous the way he plays, the better.

When Chen Yang stepped into the ring,

The audience began to shout and cheer, and more to some boo.

Those boos are die-hard fans of Holly, and they spend so much money to buy tickets, not to see Chen Yang defeat Holly, nor to cheer for Chen Yang.

When Hawley came out, the atmosphere reached its peak.

Those Holly fans were completely crazy, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and jumped up excitedly.

Similarly, Hawley did not make a fuss about the appearance ceremony, he was very low-key and unusually calm.

Chen Yang nodded to Holly, who behaved calmly, worthy of being the overlord of the WTA boxing champion and had his own demeanor.

It's just that when Holly glanced at Chen Yang, he didn't nod to each other, but turned his head to look at the surrounding audience, and didn't greet Chen Yang at all.

"Damn! This guy is quite confident, wait for Lao Tzu to knock you out, see how confident you can be?"

Chen Yang muttered in his heart, a little unhappy with Holly.

Hawley walked into the ring with a blank face.

He began to prepare, giving a very arrogant feeling, like a male lion, which was unapproachable.

To be honest, anyone will feel the pressure in the face of this kind of fighter who shows his invincible domineering spirit as soon as he enters the ring.


Chen Yang did not have any fear or panic, but had a feeling of blood boiling.

He doesn't care much about the irregular life-and-death battles in the WTC underground boxing world, let alone the regular matchups now?

The two are ready, and the big battle is about to break out.

Holly's eyes were sharp, and he glared at Chen Yang fiercely, as if he wanted to completely tear Chen Yang apart, with a hint of beast-like ferocity in his eyes.

It's very unpleasant to be stared at like this!

Chen Yang raised his head and glared back, looked at Hawley, and said loudly and provocatively:

"Boy, are you scared? Can you win by staring at me? Come on, stop glaring, come up and hit me!"

A hint of anger appeared in Hawley's eyes, gritted his teeth, and no longer glared at Chen Yang, but waited for the referee to announce the start of the game.

It is clear that he is calm!

This kind of opponent is not so easy to deal with.


The referee summoned the two to step forward, the old rules, nonsense, and then waved his right hand,


Chen Yang VS Holly!

The WTA boxing championship battle has officially begun......

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