Chen Yang entered the three major organizations of the global martial arts, with the purpose of unifying the global martial arts.

Any opponent, all of them must lie down!

Right now

The goal has just completed the first step,

Tyson, this guy wants to make a date with himself, and he can't ask for it!

Other than that

Foreman was so anxious to fight with him, Chen Yang immediately informed Tang Jin and asked him to arrange his first title defense after becoming the WTA boxing champion!

To be honest, he was very excited!

Don King's work efficiency is as fast as ever!


Chen Yang VS Foreman, this title defense battle will be negotiated.

In this game, Chen Yang's appearance fee after winning was 200 million US dollars, which was lower than the previous strategy.

And the appearance fee after Foreman's victory is only 50 million US dollars!

Of course, if they are defeated, the two will only have the most basic appearance fee, which is very little, less than five million dollars.

So, that's why standing in the ring, all fighters want to win.

Because if you win, you can earn a high appearance fee bonus! This bonus is the most important thing.

Foreman was unhappy with his appearance fee after his win, and he was unhappy.


There was nothing he could do.

What if you have an opinion, who makes Chen Yang the most famous fighter in the world in martial arts?

This title defense is scheduled in half a month.

And the time is just after the peak battle of WTO boxing overlord Lewis VS Frazier.


When the media announced these two fights, it became a global sensation, and all fans were looking forward to these two pinnacle fights.

The WTA and the WTO are two major martial arts organizations.

In one week, two pinnacle battles were held in a row.

This was unimaginable before!


Before the game, in order to get the topic, the reporters ran to interview Tyson, the king of the WTC.

In an interview with a reporter from "Martial Arts" magazine, Tyson talked about the two pinnacle battles of the WTO and the WTA, and it can be seen from his expression,

The "beast" was in a bad mood.

Especially when it comes to Huaxia Chen Yang, if he wins, he can get a $200 million appearance fee bonus.

Tyson's tone was even more unpleasant, with a strong sour smell that even reporters could perceive.

In an interview with Martial Arts magazine, he declared:

"Huaxia Chen Yang's strength is overestimated by everyone, in fact, Huaxia Chen Yang's weakness is obvious!"

"If the Huaxia people can accept my challenge, then I am sure to defeat Huaxia Chen Yang completely!"


In order to prove that he didn't talk about it, Tyson analyzed Chen Yang's weaknesses directly in the media!

First of all

Chen Yang's physical strength is very good, fast and explosive, which does not need any explanation,

Moreover, after so many boxing matches, Chen Yang's defensive ability has proven that his defensive ability is not weak against any opponent!

In this case, it will be very difficult to defeat him!


Huaxia Chen Yang's boxing style is very adventurous!

Once he encounters an opponent who surpasses him in strength, his sudden style of play is easy to be defeated!

Tyson is full of confidence in his own strength, thinking that if he fights Huaxia Chen Yang, he will definitely find a punch opportunity and completely take the Huaxia people down!

Other than that

Huaxia Chen Yang's double explosive power, this is very short-lived, if nothing else, his ability will not exceed two seconds!

In these two seconds, Huaxia Chen Yang's attack and speed will be invincible,

Tyson at this point, without any doubts about his own judgment!

Even with his ability to resist hits, he didn't have any confidence to stop Chen Yang's double explosiveness.

Of course, Tyson in the media, said the way to crack it!

First of all, fall to the ground to avoid Chen Yang's double explosive power, or close hugging tactics to destroy the distance of his power burst!

Not to mention,

After Tyson's analysis, many fans and fighters began to study Chen Yang.

Huaxia Chen Yang's boxing style is indeed like what Tyson said, he advocates offense, and once he gets the opportunity, he will burst out into a fierce attack.

Crush all the way and completely crush your opponent!

Of course

This is also the reason why Chen Yang is so popular in martial arts around the world,

Any fan will love this kind of fierce fighting!

Wonderful, hot-blooded......

No one likes the kind of fighter who uses dodging guerrilla warfare in the ring!

When everyone understands Chen Yang's boxing style, they find that Chen Yang's performance in the ring,

It's almost the same as Tyson's analysis in the media!

Don't...... Huaxia Chen Yang's double explosive power, can it really be cracked like this?

Maybe Tyson's fame is too great, or maybe Tyson's analysis is very reasonable!

Therefore, many fans were originally very optimistic that Chen Yang could easily defeat Foreman, but now they are not sure!


When Chen Yang saw Tyson's analysis in the media, he couldn't help but want to laugh!

"Nima's, Tyson's hanging hair, it seems that it is not cleaned up!"

"When Lao Tzu finishes beating Foreman, the next thing is to challenge you!"

"Invincible boxing overlord, grass ......! That title is mine!"

Of course, Chen Yang is very confident that he can beat Foreman.

However, he did not dare to underestimate the enemy in the slightest, just like the analysis of data, his win rate was only seventy percent!

In the ring, strength is the key to victory.

However, who can guarantee that they will win, and accidents can happen in any boxing match.

In the ring, upsets happen from time to time, and at this level, everyone has the ability to change the tide of the battle with one hit.

Once you are hit by the opponent's move, you are likely to be overturned by the opponent.

This situation, in the ring, is really common!

With Chen Yang's observation, although he was not worried that he would be secretly attacked by Foreman, he did not dare to underestimate the enemy!

When the time for the match was finalized, Chen Yang began to be in the hotel with Li Shengtao, watching Foreman's previous videos and carefully studying his boxing style and characteristics!

Foreman was forty-one years old,

He has been making his mark in the global martial arts since he was 20 years old, and has fought all the way, defeating many famous martial arts generals.

At his peak, he fought all over the world invincible!

It wasn't until he was thirty-five years old that he was injured and retired.

In the ring.

His strength can make anyone fearful, and his ability to resist blows is even more perverted to the point of helplessness!

"Ring killer!"

This title is because of his ability to hit hard, and he can defeat the opponent in one move when the opponent is completely defensive!

This shows how far his power has reached!

WTC's invincible hegemon Tyson has always been known for his strength.

But compared to Foreman at his peak, Tyson's strength is slightly inferior.

Other than that

Foreman's technique, speed, legs, and punches have reached the world's best level!

This is also the key to why he can be invincible in the world at his peak!

"it...... , this guy's strength is so perverted?"

"This boxing match is a bit difficult to fight! If you don't get it, the boat will capsize in the gutter! Damn, I have to be careful!"

After Chen Yang watched the video of Foreman's game, he exhaled a long breath and didn't make a sound for a long time!

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