On the clipboard in the live broadcast room, Wang Zhan wrote:

"Come on, my foot slipped just now, your sneak attack with that punch is very good, let's fight again, if you knock me down again, I will worship you as a teacher!"

At this time, all the audience followed suit

"Yes, we didn't see it clearly, everyone said, didn't you?"

Your sister!

Chen Yang despised Wang Zhan in his heart.

What feet slip?

Lao Tzu just punched you down, okay?

I've seen people with thick skin, but I've never seen people with thick skin to such a level.

Your sister is a talent!

The rules of the ring, technical knockouts, once you knock your opponent to the ground for more than ten seconds, you win!

With this punch just now, Wang Zhan fell to the ground for more than two minutes!

It's not a loss, so what counts as a loss?

The audience in the live broadcast room, everyone saw the words Wang Zhan wrote on the clipboard, and suddenly realized.


Sure enough, Wang Zhan slipped and fell!

It happened so fast that people didn't even see it.


Everyone thought it was an accident!


Many people saw Chen Yang throw a straight punch

However, how could Wang Zhan be knocked down with a punch?

To know,

He is one of the four rookies of the national martial arts, a real top master!


Virtual combat training has just begun, five seconds.

To say that Wang Zhan's strength is very poor and he can't beat Chen Yang, this is a bit unreasonable.

To know,

The title of Fire Qilin is not self-appointed by Wang Zhan, but in the ring, one boxing match after another.

This guy "Soul" is just a rookie, a rookie who hasn't played a training match!

To put it mildly, he is an amateur among amateurs, how can he be so powerful?

Even if he had learned to fight,

It's impossible for the strength to be so awesome, right?

Chen Yang didn't make a sound, but silently clenched his fists.

It's not a real battle in the ring, it's a virtual combat training!

Isn't the purpose of entering the virtual training room by yourself to improve your actual combat ability?

Since the fire unicorn wants to fight again, then fight!

Such a good opponent, this opportunity should not be missed!


The actual training match continues!

The audience in the live broadcast room held their breath at this time

Everyone looked intently at the actual combat training ground, for fear of missing the wonderful scene.


Wang Zhan took two steps back, his gaze becoming cautious.

He did not attack, but surrounded Chen Yang, constantly looking for opportunities.

For a time,

His style of play has become conservative.

Quite the opposite

Chen Yang stepped forward and backward, acting relaxed and casual

At the same time,

His feints are also constantly testing his opponent's reactions.

The feints of Tai Chi can almost achieve the purpose of making the real fake.

There are clouds in the boxing scriptures:

"There is no fixed fist, there is no fixed trace!".

The virtual and the real are transformed into each other, and it is like turning over the river and the sea.

Slow down like a breeze!

Judging from the appearance, every time Chen Yang kicks and punches, the movements are self-contained and leaky!


His actions like this made Wang Zhan very uncomfortable.

Once, he felt that he had seen through Chen Yang's feints, and at the risk of being beaten, he kicked Chen Yang in the abdomen with a hard kick.


He didn't expect that the punch was not a feint at all, but a heavy punch.

Almost the same power as the first punch, fortunately, Wang retreated after the battle, otherwise he would have been knocked down again.

"Hell, is this kid a real move or a fake move?".

Wang Zhan was stunned all of a sudden

I can't understand the opponent's offensive routine, which is very deadly.

Wang Zhan's legs are strong, and in the ring, he rarely uses punches to attack.


It's not that his fists are weak, but compared to his legs, his fists are worse!

At this time,

Wang Zhan was so entangled in his heart that he was going to die

Your sister, why did you start a live broadcast by yourself?

In front of the audience, it's a shame today, grass!

Who the hell is this kid? Isn't he too powerful?

It looks like the action is soft.,What the hell is it.,How can the attack power be so fierce?

Let's be honest,

Wang Zhan never thought about it

In the holographic simulation actual combat training room, you will encounter such a difficult opponent!

The sudden punch just now almost knocked out his overnight meal.

Fortunately, the holographic virtual only has 50% of the pain, otherwise I may not be able to get up at that moment.

"I won't believe it, see if you can block my chain legs?".

Gritting his teeth, Wang Zhan took advantage of the moment when Chen Yang closed his fist.


He kicked the ground hard under his feet, saw the opportunity, and kicked Chen Yang with a ferocious roundhouse kick.

Roundhouse kicks!

This is a real combat action in taekwondo, and Wang Zhan is very proficient in training.


attack power is not very strong, the key is that the action is very chic and good-looking!

This leg,

The action is sudden, fast, and unpredictable.

Chen Yang's eyes lit up and he turned sideways to avoid it.

And then,

I saw him move half a step sideways with a wrong step, and swing back with a punch!


The speed and power of this punch reached Chen Yang's current limit.

What a chance!

If you don't attack with all your strength at this time, when will you wait?

I don't see my hand, and I go to the side door when I meet a strong side!

Avoid the real and use the power to exert force!

When the opponent attacks, the body is sideways to borrow strength

With Tai Chi to introduce the trend of failure, with the fastest speed, a punch counterattack!

This is the most common counter-attack move of Tai Chi with static braking and force.

The body is bowed like a bow, and the hands are hemmed like bowstrings.

The force is fast, like an off-string bow and arrow, shadowless and invisible!

At this time,

Chen Yang's body formed a twisting force up and down, and at the fastest speed, he concentrated his strength at one point and exploded!

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