
Chen Yang trained at the Raptors for a whole day

His body has been improved by genetic potions, and his physique has changed a lot.

In the gym, he gradually adapted to the rhythm of the ring.

When I first started,

Lin Feng could still fight on par with Chen Yang, but when Chen Yang got used to it, he became only beaten.


Lin Feng couldn't stand it anymore and let the other main fighters fight Chen Yang.

In one afternoon, Chen Yang proved among the main fighters that his virtual combat victory record was not in vain.

In the end, almost no one is willing to fight Chen Yang in the ring!

", Chen Yang, I think this time in the Jiangnan Cup, if you can represent our Raptors, you will definitely get the ranking!".

Lin Feng said breathlessly.

He fought five fights with Chen Yang, one every half hour.

In the last game, he only lasted ten seconds, and was knocked down by Chen Yang's punch, and it took him half a day to get up.

"How can it be so easy?" Chen Yang smiled.

"Seriously, your strength is stronger than Wang Bao and Tang Jun, I have fought in the ring with them, I can't be wrong!" Lin Feng affirmed.

"You're not bad, your legs are very good, your speed is fast, if the strength can go up, I won't be able to defeat you so easily!" Chen Yang smiled and patted Lin Feng's shoulder.

"Damn, aren't you sarcastic about me? I'm a chicken, I didn't hit you once!"

Lin Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"By the way, Chen Yang, is what you performed today really a real combat national technique?"

"Okay, it's almost eight o'clock, I still have to go home for dinner, or I'll come to urge my aunt to call, and I'll continue tomorrow!"

Chen Yang changed his clothes and said goodbye to Lin Feng.

After a day of getting along, he felt that in the entire Raptors Boxing Gym, Lin Feng had a more cheerful personality and could chat with him.

Others, who were training in the ring with themselves, had ugly faces after losing.

It seems that he can't afford to lose, and he is not even very comfortable talking to himself.

Maybe everyone is not familiar with it, so everyone is not used to it!

Back home from the Raptors.

After entering the door, I saw Xu Yunrou live broadcasting.

"Chen Yang is back, everyone wait a while, listen to a song first, I'll be back right away!".

Xu Yunrou said to the live video, and then left the live broadcast room.

"Chen Yang, how is it? I went to the gym on the first day today, are you still used to it?".

"It's okay, after a day of practice today, I don't have to say anything about the facilities of the Raptors Gym!".

"I heard the fans in the live broadcast room say that next Monday is the opening of the Jiangnan Cup, can you play?".

Xu Yunrou asked

"I don't have a good chance to play, I'm a substitute, unless someone gets injured in the preliminaries, I don't have any chances!".


"Yes, there are seven substitutes! Even if someone is really injured, if it is my turn to play, I'm afraid it will be enough!".

"The person in charge of the Raptors Gym, are your brains in water? You have defeated the "Tornado" to the east, the Twelve Heavenly Kings of the Heavenly List! No, I want to make a phone call to ask!".

"Don't, Auntie, this is not decided by one person, but by the Raptors coaching staff!".

"But you can't just be a substitute? If you know this, what's the point of joining the Raptors Gym, is our family short of tens of thousands of dollars?"

Xu Yunrou said angrily

She is not very familiar with the professional boxing world, but the fans in the live broadcast room,

But he kept saying on the barrage, how awesome Chen Yang is!


The Raptors Boxing Gym only let Chen Yang be a substitute, or even one of the substitutes, how can she accept it?

Don't you have the indisputable right to fight?

"It's not about the money, forget it, you don't have to worry about it!".

Chen Yang said with a smile

"The results of the virtual training ground are just a reference, don't worry, I will play sooner or later!".

"And if I don't make a hit, I'm going to make a splash!"

Xu Yunrou shook her head and cried and laughed

"If you can see it, then I'm relieved!But I believe in you, you will definitely become the best fighter in the country!".

"Hehe, of course, who am I? I'm the nephew of the popular anchor Xu Yunrou!".

"Go and go, don't you have dinner? Or I'll go down the sow first, let's go eat first?".

"Let's go, I'll ask you to ...... today!".

The two talked and laughed, and came out of the house ......

For the next three days,

Chen Yang came to the Raptors Boxing Gym every day for actual combat training.

Wang Bao and several other fighters participated in the battle, and at the request of Luo Guohao, they conducted secret training.

The rest of the main fighters can only stay in the gym.


Chen Yang didn't care much about this.

After these few days of actual combat training, he feels that his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

He's confident that if he gets another ring fight with Wang, he'll be able to knock him out in less than three minutes.

There is still a big difference between actual combat and virtual training in the ring.

The attack power of his own national art, in the ring, is more terrifying than virtual training.

You know, there's nothing about lowering pain in the ring.

Collapse and split fist,

The power of these two kinds of Xingyi boxing can only be shown in the ring.

In addition,

After three days of actual combat in the ring,

The other main fighters of the Raptors Boxing Gym can be regarded as convinced of Chen Yang!

Professional boxing, strength is the top!

After losing once, many people are not convinced


After losing N times, everyone has to take it!

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it is ...... the opening day of the Jiangnan Cup Boxing Championship

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