All of a sudden,

Chen Yang has some more memories in his mind, which makes people sigh!

This world is almost the same as the earth, and the history is strikingly similar!

In the ** technique, the force has been lost!

Although it is said that there is sanda now, there are not many chances to win in the real ring.

Besides, if you want to learn the real national arts, there is no place to learn them!

Those media have promoted the national art Tai Chi, the national art Wing Chun, and the national art Xingyi!

There is also a fat Shaolin abbot like the second senior brother, if you want to say that you can fight, only a fool can believe it!


These so-called national arts are all deceptive, and they were beaten by a third-rate boxer Xu Xiaodong so that they couldn't find the north!

As for saying that the best art is not awesome?

Chen Yang believes that Guoshu must have been awesome before, and there is no doubt about this.

Bruce Lee just comprehended the power of Wing Chun, and he became famous all over the world in the United States!

In the middle of the ** operation,

Wing Chun can't even be ranked, and it is called women's boxing!

However, just comprehending the essence of Wing Chun can make Bruce Lee reach the realm of a grandmaster.

As you can imagine,

The ** technique is absolutely awesome!

It's a pity,

After the war of aggression at the beginning of the last century, under the bombardment of guns!

In the ** technique, it has fallen!!

Times are advancing, and all kinds of martial arts around the world have developed like never before.

Especially taekwondo, karate, Muay Thai, boxing, sambo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and many ......

These fighting techniques have become more scientific, more systematic, and more lethal


Coupled with the emergence of holographic virtual combat training, global fighting skills are developing rapidly.


In the ** operation, there was a fault!


essence of the national art that has been passed down in China for thousands of years has been almost wiped out under the guns of the invaders!

In addition, for the sake of national stability, Huaxia has experienced decades of arms ban and control, which has made the decline of national art even worse!

After the country is opened, try to save the Chinese ** technique!


It is that the country wants to save the national arts, and all the famous grandmasters and masters of the National Martial Arts Association are jointly formulated.


What you have lost, how can it be so easy to regain it?

** technique, the soul of the nation!

Up to now, with the advancement of technology and information, few people really believe in Chinese ** technology!

Even if there is, it's rare!

What's more, it's all under the guise of national art to make money!

Xu Xiaodong, a retired third-rate boxer who is not even a professional boxer,

Beat the so-called national art masters to the ground!

I have to say,

This is the sorrow of the nation!

It's a shame for the Chinese national arts!


That's right!

Chen Yang is a traverser.

As a martial arts enthusiast, when I see Huaxia Guoshu vulnerable in the ring,

Chen Yang has been disappointed, annoyed, and more heartache!

Huaxia Guoshu, that is the battlefield killing technique inherited by the ancestors for thousands of years.

It was all the killing techniques that were comprehended with life and blood, why was it killed by foreign fighting skills now?

Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Sambo, Karate, Taekwondo, ......

The martial arts of other countries are constantly being promoted in the world, and their influence is constantly expanding.

In the last century, Bruce Lee promoted Chinese kung fu in the United States, allowing the world to see the power of Chinese martial arts!

Originally, from that time on, the Chinese ** art will rise!

It's a pity,

Bruce Lee died young, and the national art has been in a slump ever since!

With the development of the economy, many so-called masters of national art have changed their methods to make money.


It was the beginning of the national art masters to make money, and they deceived an entire generation!

What is fighting cattle across the mountains, invulnerable, and qigong is invincible ......

Fuck, it's all pit stuff!

When the Tai Chi grandmaster, the Wing Chun grandmaster, fought with the third-rate boxer Xu Xiaodong.

A lot of people were woken up!

Guoshu, it turned out to be a fucking deception!

The national art is all deceitful, and it can't be fought at all!


Is the national art really that bad?

Is there really no real combat power?

Chen Yang traveled to the water blue star and found that this world is not much different from the earth, but the technology is more advanced.

Holographic virtual technology has only just begun to be studied on Earth.

But here, holographic virtual technology has developed relatively maturely.

Here, there is also Xu Xiaodong challenging the traditional national arts

Here, too, there is Hijima, which is known as the Asian martial arts powerhouse!

Here, too, there is what is said to be the strongest martial art in 500 years - Muay Thai!

Here, there is also taekwondo, which is so handsome that the leg skills are so handsome!

Here, too, there is the mysterious Sambo fighting technique

There is also the invincible Brazilian anti-joint jiu-jitsu ...... in the ring


God allowed himself to travel here and gave himself a great master system of national arts!

Chen Yang felt that he must revitalize Huaxia Guoshu!

Medium-** technique, broad and profound!

I, Chen Yang, want to create a brilliant life of my own!

I want to make Kokushu the strongest martial arts in the world!

I want to be an invincible master who is more dominant than Tyson, Mayweather, Fido, etc.!


If you want to do this, you can't do it with just a lot of blood!

What makes Chen Yang full of confidence lies in ......

The Great Grandmaster System of National Arts!

The system is in hand, and I have it in the world!

After this period of exploration and hard training, Chen Yang found ......

The actual combat ability of the national art becomes stronger and stronger with the improvement of comprehension!

With such a powerful gold finger, if you don't make good use of it,

Chen Yang will feel sorry for himself!


Fu Feng didn't hesitate, one leg forward, and kicked at Chen Yang.

Volley kicks, fierce and domineering!

The virtual combat training ground is like a gust of wind

The battle became extremely fierce ......

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