Chapter 683 is strange

The strangest thing about this matter is actually how such a good, lively place could suddenly become like this, and it is necessary to find out about this matter.

Yan Yu sighed: "Who says it's not, how prosperous it used to be, how ridiculous it is now, think about the time when it was lit up all night every night, even if I was there at any time, but now, it hasn't gotten dark yet, everyone has closed the door, ah, it's really to guard against that thing." "

In fact, although he hasn't been here for a long time, his heart in this city can be said to be very deep, and now it may be like this, it's really sad, so it's inevitable that there will be some feelings, because of the love for a new place, so you won't be at ease with anything in this place, maybe this is the truth of love and Wu, seeing the way you live has become this kind of place, it's really dislikeable.

"Yes, we must work hard, get this thing done, we can't let this go on like this, if it goes on like this, isn't this what this dynasty will look like?" Ah Yan sighed and said cheering.

No matter how difficult it is, they have been able to overcome it, and when this little difficulty is such a temper, these big things really don't count as nothing.

"yes, but I think maybe they're coming, and they're a little bit of a move. Su Chusheng said lightly.

It must be determined that it is an inevitable thing, since they have come here, that is, we will do it, as long as a few of them have the belief in this decision, there is nothing that cannot be done, but the premise of this is that this matter is of course reasonable, if it is not reasonable, they will not be able to do this, after all, it is not a very good thing to violate the rules.

After he said this, several people shook up to the roof next to him, because this way they could see the plot of the 4 weeks more clearly, and it was okay to stand on the ground, but if you follow what the two girls said, these things will attack people, so for the sake of safety, it is relatively safe to be on the roof.

Suddenly a large number of people floated up from a road, most of them like the walking dead, waving their hands as if they were looking for some prey.

Several people frowned, after all, they really saw this kind of thing, and they were still a little scared in their hearts


PS: Author of the street, the new book kneels to beg for the care of the bigwigs, begging for care, begging for rewards! All kinds of 360-degree rolling all over the ground without dead ends begging for the bigwigs' collections!Begging for subscriptions!Begging for flowers!Begging for evaluations!Begging for monthly passes!Begging for comments!Begging for changes!Begging for rewards!Begging for care!! begging for all the support of the authors who hit the streets!!


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