When everyone saw the people who came in, they didn't make a sound, even Liu Meng didn't speak.

Obviously, in the Bitu gym, this person has a lot of prestige!

"Ghost" Hu Qiang!

Although Liu Meng is the chief of the Bitu Boxing Gym, in the minds of all the Bitu Boxing Gym fighters,

The first master of Bitu Boxing Gym is not "crazy" Liu Meng, but "ghost" Hu Qiang!

"Ghost" Hu Qiang, in the Siberian training camp, practiced the mysterious Sambo.

Although he is very strong, he is very low-key!

Jiangnan Cup is the first competition that Hu Qiang has participated in.

"Brother Qiang, do you want to let this kid go like this?" said a boxer from the Bitu Boxing Gym.

Hu Qiang turned his head to look at the locker room, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.


I could feel a chill from him, like a lone wolf, which made people feel cold.

"Let him go, how can it be so cheap? Let's go back first, don't be photographed by reporters......"

Hu Qiang was indifferent and turned to leave.

The others looked at each other, no one made a sound, and everyone followed behind Hu Qiang.


Although the chief of the Bitu Boxing Gym is Liu Meng, it is headed by Hu Qiang.

When Chen Yang came out of the locker room,

The reporter had been waiting outside for a long time.

No way

Chen Yang's performance is really exciting.

Especially in the face of the powerful Bitu gym master, a one-punch knockout surprised all the audience.

When Wang Yaxin held the microphone and came to Chen Yang.

Suddenly, Chen Yang's eyes lit up,


Yes, it's beautiful, Wang Yaxin deliberately dressed up, and the whole person looked capable and spiritual.

Anyway, it gives a very amazing feeling.

With a hint of a smile on her face, Wang Yaxin said:

"At the Jiangnan Cup quarterfinals, I am very fortunate that Chen Yang from the Raptors Boxing Gym was interviewed by us again!"

"From the final to now, Chen Yang has won three knockout opponents, and his performance is really good. "

Now, let Chen Yang share with you how he feels at the moment. "

After speaking, Wang Yaxin handed over the topic to Chen Yang.

"I'm so happy, I'm excited!"

"I once said that I want to win the championship in this Jiangnan Cup!"

"Many people may not believe it and think I'm bragging, I just want to tell you that the actual combat national art is no worse than any fighting skills in the world!"

Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Can you tell me what kind of national art you used in your fight? I'm sure a lot of fans are more concerned about that. "

Wang Yaxin continued.

Chen Yang nodded and said:

"Uh...... This question, I remember I said it last time!"

"The Chinese ** technique is broad and profound, and many people have practiced it, but they feel that it is not lethal. "

"In fact, the main reason is that I haven't mastered the essence of force. "

"Our Chinese kung fu should not tend to moves, but should pay more attention to force. "

"Sanda, taekwondo, karate, Muay Thai, etc., if you can comprehend the power of national arts, and integrate them into these moves. "

"I believe that the combat effectiveness will improve very quickly!"

Wang Yaxin was surprised:

"You mean, the power of the national art can be fused with other fighting techniques?"

Chen Yang nodded:

"Of course, the martial arts of other countries in the world are developing, and our national martial arts are also developing!"

"The routine of the national art is just to let you comprehend the foundation of strength, and you don't have the ability to fight!"

"The things inherited by our ancestors, in fact, are the most precious, is to exert force to inherit!"

When the video of the interview is shown on TV,

Some boxing fans or boxers who have practiced national art suddenly realized.

", I've been practicing in the wrong direction all along, no wonder I don't have actual combat power!"

"The essence of national art is the most precious inheritance of our Huaxia!

"No, I want to worship Chen Yang as a teacher and learn the real national art from him!"

"Listening to Chen Yang say this, if I can comprehend the power of the national arts, won't it be able to improve my strength a lot?"

"Chen Yang is worthy of being the soul of national arts, I am looking forward to him being able to fight against the Twelve Heavenly Kings, and even fight with masters from other Asian countries!"

no doubt

The essence of Guoshu will become the focus of discussion on the Internet and become the hottest topic.

"One last question!"

Before the end of the interview, Wang Yaxin said with a smile:

"Recently, the Chinese Martial Arts Association is voting for the title of "fierce general", do you have any confidence that you can become our "fierce general" in China?"

Chen Yang shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"In the ring, I can control the fight, but this ...... It's not something I can control!"

"After all, my time as a professional fighter is too short!"

"I think that one day, I will defeat the king of martial arts in Hijima, the Muay Thai king in Taiguo, and the super boxing champion in Europe and the United States!"

"At that time, the title of "fierce general" will not mean much to me!"


After the interview,

Chen Yang's remarks completely exploded after they spread on the Internet.

"It turns out that Chen Yang's ambition is so far, he puts his goal on the whole world, not at home!"

"Damn, I was wrong, everyone calls for it, and all the votes for the title of "fierce general" will be voted for Chen Yang!"

"Just rely on his phrase "Defeat the king of Hijima fighting"! I fully support him!"

"If Chen Yang can't become a "fierce general", Lao Tzu will not accept it!"

"No way, the Twelve Heavenly Kings have been famous for so long, and there are a lot of iron fans, Chen Yang is still too young!"

"I heard that several heavenly kings launched canvassing in order to obtain the title of "fierce general", and now the difference in votes is too far!"

"Oh, what a pity......"

Chen Yang's ambition has attracted the attention of many fans.


For the number of votes for the title of "The Mighty", a few fans alone are not enough.

Of course

Chen Yang himself did not continue to pay attention to the vote for the title of "fierce general".

After packing his luggage, Chen Yang followed the rest of the Raptors gym and walked towards the gate of the sports center.

Just came to the gate,


More than a dozen beautiful little sisters surrounded them.

"Chen Yang, you are my idol, can you help me sign it?"

Depend on!

Chen Yang took a few steps back, and was a little unaccustomed to being surrounded by so many girls at once!

The point is,

These girls are very fanatical, just like those brainless fans.

The rest of the Raptors gym looked confused and didn't know what was going on.

Even Luo Guohao and Xiao Wendong smiled bitterly at each other a little helplessly!

No way

Chen Yang, this kid, is really too handsome.

And during this time, his performance in the ring was so eye-catching.

With his looks, even if he is no longer in the ring, he can become an idol star.

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