The momentum is like a bamboo, like an arrow!

Chen Yang's feet slid forward, then he bowed up, his right fist clenched, and smashed it hard against Hu Qiang's ribs.

Crash Fist!

The force is short, the strength is sufficient, and the penetration is extremely strong.

Fast, accurate, ruthless!


Hu Qiang's face changed greatly, and a trace of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Since entering the professional boxing world, few people have actually been able to hurt him.

Since his height is not particularly prominent, the muscles in his body are as hard as steel.

Ordinary blows can't hurt him at all.


The collapse punch that Chen Yang burst out just now made him breathe so fast that he was short of breath.

The abdomen was violently impacted, and there was a dull pain!


Finally, Hu Qiang grabbed Chen Yang's left hand.


To his surprise, before he could perform Sambo's anti-joint technique, Chen Yang punched him again and smashed it into his abdomen.


Crash Fist!

Secret Critical Strike!

The two-pronged approach is terrifyingly powerful, and the speed surpasses the limits of the human body!

Hu Qiang's whole person was like being hit by a car, and with a pop, he fell three meters away.

With a breath in his throat, he felt his head buzz and was completely stunned!

"Shhh...... What a punch!"

At this time, the referee hurriedly stepped forward to stop Chen Yang from continuing to attack.

The audience around them didn't understand it all at once.

"Is it over?"

"How long has it been? In more than two minutes, did Chen Yang knock out Hu Qiang again?"

"Fuck, such a dick? Doesn't it mean that Hu Qiang's strength is comparable to that of the Twelve Heavenly Kings? Nima's, it turned out to be bragging!"

The referee starts for a few seconds.

One, two...... Eight!

When the count reached 8, Hu Qiang staggered to his feet, his face pale,

But he shook his head and nodded at the referee, indicating that he could continue to fight!


Chen Yang couldn't help but be taken aback.

Can this be resisted?

This collapse punch just now, but it performed a secret technique crit!

Double the attack power, this guy actually resisted?

Nima's, how do you fight this?

This guy's ability to resist beating is a little too perverted, right?

The critical blow of the collapse punch just now, the timing of the punch was not particularly good.

When he hit Hu Qiang, he retreated part of his force,

Speaking of which, Chen Yang's Xingyi Quan realm is not high enough.

If his form and meaning collapse fist and the realm reached the advanced level, Hu Qiang would definitely not be so easy.

"Your sister, the secret technique crit can't be used anymore, will Lao Tzu lose today?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath,

"Hmph, even if there is no critical hit, I will still KO you!"

The game continues!

Hu Qiang didn't say a word, and continued to break out a fierce attack.

Taking advantage of the moment when Chen Yang retreated, he suddenly kicked and kicked, the timing was very ingenious, it was the moment when Chen Yang changed his strength!


This kick is very sudden, and it is very fast!

The kick target happened to be Chen Yang's abdomen, but fortunately, Chen Yang blocked down with both hands,

Tai Chi potential, like a seal!

Pedaling ......

Taking five steps back in a row, Chen Yang felt his arms tingle.


Such a fierce force, so I couldn't completely unload the force, amazing!

Chen Yang has not been beaten before, whether it is in the virtual training ground or in the actual combat ring.

His ability to resist blows is definitely not weak.

Moreover, his body has been improved by the system gene potion, and he is already extremely strong.


At this time, he was kicked by Hu Qiang, and even if he used the defensive move of Tai Chi boxing, he was repelled by five or six steps.

Sambo's ferocity was shown in Hu Qiang at this time!

"Nima's, it's a little hard to fight!"

Chen Yang twisted his neck, unfolded the Xingyi Seven Stars through the flower steps, and began to use the Youdou.

At this point,

Instead of feeling intimidated, Chen Yang became excited.

If the knife is not sharpened, it will not be made!

Chen Yang's goal is to dominate Asia and fight all over the world!

Now that there is such a strong opponent, how can he not be excited?

Since entering the professional boxing world, Hu Qiang's strength is the strongest master he has met so far.

Such a whetstone is very rare.

Taking advantage of the moment when Hu Qiang retracted his legs, Chen Yang began to fight back.

Tai Chi Thirteen Styles!


A chain of moves, crazy as a tiger!

At this time, his strength became stronger and more fierce than before.

Perhaps by letting go of his mind and no longer having any reservations, Chen Yang found himself calmer.

Bang, bang!

Seeing the stitches, Chen Yang seemed to have turned into a fierce beast, revealing his hideous fangs.


Chen Yang pressed down with a punch, kicked Hu Qiang's whip leg, and smashed it hard.

Tai Chi potential, submarine needle!

This is an extremely powerful move, with a rapid force and not easy to master.


This punch smashed Hu Qiang to the point that he almost fell to the ground, and his face changed.

At this point,

The rhythm of the ring began to be gradually mastered by Chen Yang.

Hu Qiang gritted his teeth and did not dodge, but attacked forward.


A punch slammed into Chen Yang's arm.

Bang, bang......!

Lose both!

This is a fierce way to play together, and there is no way to avoid it!

Once again, the two began a head-to-head battle in the ring.

To be honest, Chen Yang doesn't like to use this kind of fierce play,

If he had a choice, he would rather use a guerrilla, wait for an opportunity, and kill with one hit!

At this point, the game enters a critical moment.

Chen Yang's fist speed became faster and faster, and the penetrating power became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, he didn't spare any hands, and burst out with his strongest combat power.

Taijiquan and Xingyi boxing, the power of the two major boxing methods, are vividly displayed in his hands.

Therefore, the effect of the blow was very obvious, and Hu Qiang soon couldn't stand it!

The two of them attacked in close quarters, and it was difficult to unload at this time.

Most of the punch power was borne by both sides.

It's a pity that Chen Yang's critical hits have already been used,

At this time, if you can perform a critical attack, you only need a heavy punch to end the match completely!

The two of them fought hard, and the scene became tragic, and the viewing was very high.

This scene is easy to make the surrounding audience adrenaline soar, shouting and cheering one after another!

"Okay, Chen Yang, come on!"

"Great, this Nima is the most exciting boxing match in this Jiangnan Cup!"

"I really didn't expect Hu Qiang's strength to be so strong, fortunately, Chen Yang's national skills are also strong, otherwise Hu Qiang would have won the championship a long time ago!"

"It's too fierce, the strength of the two of them is not weaker than the Twelve Heavenly Kings of the Heavenly List!"



Amid the shouts of the spectators, the bell rings for the end of the first round.

This is the first time Chen Yang has finished the first round in the Jiangnan Cup Boxing Championship!

In the first five fights, he knocked out his opponent within the first round.

This time, Hu Qiang broke Chen Yang's record.

"Damn, you must improve the realm of Xingyi Quan as soon as possible, and you will meet more and more masters in the future!"

Chen Yang turned around and walked to the corner, with a sense of urgency in his heart!

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