Half an hour later,

Liu Zhen VS Nakata Young!

This boxing match,

The result was extremely tragic, and it can be said that it was fought to the end, making all the Chinese people almost bite their teeth.

Liu Zhen, nicknamed "Flying Dragon"!

In Huaxia, there is a saying: South Flying Dragon, North Ghost Head!

Among the twelve heavenly kings of the Huaxia Heavenly List, "Flying Dragon" Liu Zhen ranks second, and he is also the leader of the Southeast Asian Martial Arts Conference in China.

He is proficient in sanda, fighting, boxing, Muay Thai!

He has even practiced Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and his strength is very comprehensive.

The two were in the ring and fought fiercely for ten minutes.

This battle shocked Chen Yang.


These two words are used on Liu Zhen, and they are absolutely worthy of the name!

In the end, Liu Zhen was knocked out of the ring.

After the final doctor's examination, Liu Zhen's arm was cracked, three ribs were broken, and his leg joint was sprained.

Even, there is a crack in the jaw.

And Nakata Ying was also uncomfortable, his face was cracked by Liu Zhen's punch, and a shocking cut!

Blood was spilled all over the ground, extremely tragic!



At this Southeast Asian Martial Arts Conference, Gu Ming, the last "iron leg" in China, withstood the pressure,

actually won two games in a row at the most difficult moment and reached the quarterfinals!

Although he finally stopped in the quarterfinals, he finally saved a little face!

A week later,

The Southeast Asian Martial Arts Tournament, which has focused the attention of the entire Asian boxing fandom, is over!

Hijima deserves to be the hegemon of Asian martial arts!

In the top eight, four of them are Hijima masters!

Ying Nakata finally won the championship of this Southeast Asian martial arts conference.

The powerful Muay Thai master broadcast the ball and finally won the runner-up!

China domestic,

Although the fans have long known this outcome, they are looking forward to it!


When the martial arts tournament is over, the Internet begins to tear up!


No one reflected on why Huaxia had lost so badly, but began to tear up!

It seems that tearing up on the Internet will make me feel a little more comfortable.

"Isn't Liu Zhen known as the second master in China? he can't even make it to the top 16, how tall is he!"

"Your uncle, don't you look at who he met in the first scene, are you fucking blind?"

"Don't mention it, you can only blame it on bad luck, otherwise Liu Zhen will definitely be able to reach the quarterfinals!"

"Luck is also a kind of strength, in my opinion, the Twelve Heavenly Kings are going to be re-ranked!"

"Yes, I also think that the Twelve Heavenly Kings of the Heavenly List will be re-ranked, and Gu Ming's strength is not weaker than Liu Zhen!"

"Hurry up, soon it will be the National Martial Arts Conference, and the Twelve Heavenly Kings of the Heavenly List will be rearranged soon!"

"This time, Chen Yang will definitely be able to enter the Twelve Heavenly Kings of the Heavenly List!"

"Enter the yarn, although Chen Yang made me believe that the national art has actual combat power, but he is too young after all, and it will be almost the same after a few years!"

"Let me tell you, that's why we respect the Twelve Heavenly Kings of the Heavenly List so much, in foreign countries, Mao is not!"


Truth be told,

Fans don't care who the fighter is against or how strong they are.

All they know is that

The Twelve Heavenly Kings of Chinese Martial Arts did not even enter the top four of the Southeast Asian Martial Arts Conference.

"Chen Yang, after watching this Southeast Asian martial arts conference, do you have confidence in yourself?"

On the plane back home, Luo Guohao, the head coach of the Raptors Boxing Gym, asked in a low voice.

Due to the long time of watching the game live this time,

Therefore, on the third day, Xu Yunrou and Ye Ya returned to China.

They just passed through Chiang Mai to see the opening game, and then took a tour along the way.

In the end, only Chen Yang and the people from the Raptors Gym fought to the end.

"What confidence? Do you mean Nakata Hide, the Hijima man, or do you mean the Taikoku people broadcast the ball and Songba?"

Chen Yang said indifferently, his expression did not fluctuate.

"Uh...... I mean, in the National Martial Arts Conference half a month later, do you have the confidence to get the rankings?"

Chen Yang shook his head with a smile and said:

"You want to hear the truth?"

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't have confidence, after all, you are still young, even if you don't get the ranking this time, you will definitely be able to do it next time!" Luo Guohao said.

"Hehe, I think you misunderstood me!"

"You say!"

"If it weren't for being able to qualify for the Asian Martial Arts Tournament, to be honest, I wouldn't want to participate in the National Martial Arts Tournament!"


"Because I don't think it's interesting! Do you think the champion of this Southeast Asian martial arts tournament, Hidei Nakata, is very strong?"

"Of course, I know Liu Zhen's strength very well, in Huaxia, the only person who can defeat him is Yun Chao!

Luo Guohao paused, and then said: "Don't look at him and think that he is not strong because he has not entered the top 16, do you know? Although Gu Feng reached the top eight, when the two of them fought, Gu Feng couldn't stop Liu Zhen for five minutes!"

Chen Yang shook his head and said indifferently:

"If I say that Nakata Ying fights me, he can't stop me for two minutes, can you believe it?"

Chen Yang does have this self-confidence, since his Xingyi Quan reached the top, his strength has improved by more than a notch?

Xingyi five fist methods, split boxing, collapse boxing, cannon boxing, drill boxing, horizontal boxing!

He has thoroughly comprehended every boxing technique!

Now, even if he doesn't use secret critical attacks, he is confident that he can knock Nakata Ying to the ground within three minutes!


If you add a secret technique crit, as long as you seize the opportunity, he is not afraid of anyone!

Even if he is a top master in Europe and the United States, he has the power to fight!


In fact, domestic fans are constantly tearing up,

In Japan and South Korea, there was also a lot of trouble.

It's not just domestic fans who are so fanatical, foreign fans are even more noisy!

But they were in a different tone.

"Hmph, none of our top South Korean fighters participated, otherwise where would it be the turn of the Nishima people to win the championship?"

"That is, after our investigation, we learned that Nakata Ying's ancestral home is our South Korea, and speaking of which, he is a Korean-Japanese islander!"

"I've heard experts say that the broadcaster is also Korean, I don't know if it's true?"

"It must be true, the ball is so handsome, where does it look like a Taiguo?"

Fortunately, these remarks only appeared in South Korea, otherwise it would be strange that Boqiu and Nakata Ying would not be so angry that they vomited blood after hearing it!

In Hishima, many fans expressed doubts about this Southeast Asian martial arts conference,

"In this martial arts conference, the strength of other countries is too weak, right?"

"Didn't Taiguo say that it was very strong? Why is it so dish?"

"It's not bad, in the quarterfinals, Taiguo won two places, and the broadcast won the runner-up!"

"The worst is Huaxia, it's too spicy chicken, I heard that they were very strong in the last century, and there have been many masters, why are they so bad now?"

"Huh...... That's going to ask our grandfather's generation!"


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