Actual combat national arts!

Punch, sprint, sideways, back......

The movements are fluid and very fluid.

At this point,

All the spectators were stunned, everyone forgot to breathe, and stared at the ring in disbelief.

This...... Is it the actual national art?

It's too fast, without any fancy moves,

To sum it up, it's one word!


Fast to the extreme!

Chinese Guoshu proverbs:

The hands are like meteors, the eyes are like electricity, and the body is like a swimming dragon, and the legs are like arrows!

Any leg and punch, if you want to defeat your opponent, you must do:

Hands are fast, eyes are fast, body is slippery, and legs are short!

Eyes to the hand, hands to the strength!

It's so fast that your opponent can't resist it, and you can go beyond the limits of your body's reactions!


Fast is the foundation of national art!

At this time, all the audience couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Chen Yang's punches are too fast, and his speed has increased much compared to the Jiangnan Cup.

Such a fast speed, such a ferocious punch!

Let's ask, who else in the Chinese martial arts arena can stop him? Who else can defeat him?

Perhaps only the "ghost head" Yun Chao can be with him for a long time.

Gao Baoli's strength is very strong, not weaker than the Twelve Heavenly Kings.


His ferocity is even more terrifying than that of the Twelve Heavenly Kings!

You must know that he has killed people in the ring, and in the underground black boxing in Southeast Asia, Gao Baoli's reputation is not low.

But at the moment,

Chen Yang actually practiced boxing with him!

That's right

At this time, Chen Yang is practicing boxing with high security!

This is Chen Yang's true intention, and his target is several martial arts powerhouses in Asia, such as Ridao, Taiguo, and South Korea.

At home, he simply didn't take anyone in the eye.

If you want to defeat the top players in Asian countries, you must constantly improve your boxing skills.

Real fighting in the ring is the best way to improve your combat experience.

During this time, Chen Yang trained hard every day.

Although in the Raptors Boxing Gym, everyone is willing to fight against him, but more importantly, it is Chen Yang who teaches everyone boxing techniques.

What is depressing is that he has no sparring partner yet!

Generally speaking, it is very difficult to find a good sparring partner, especially with a strength like Chen Yang's current strength, it is even more difficult to find a suitable sparring partner.

Those with high strength, strong bodies and resistance to beatings generally mix well in the martial arts!

Who wants to be a sparring partner?

And the poor strength does not help Chen Yang to improve his strength!


More often, Chen Yang is practicing his strength against sandbags alone.

Now that he has finally met a master, of course he wants to verify the essence of his Xingyi Fist.

Of course

The most important thing is that Chen Yang feels that Gao Baoli is not a threat to him, and the opponent's ability to resist beating is extremely strong.

This kind of opponent can allow him to exert the power of the top Xingyi Fist without any scruples.

To put it mildly, although Gao Baoli has a lot of weight in the hearts of all fans, Chen Yang can't look down on it at all!


Gao Baoli's leg technique is indeed very strong, and he exploded in a row with three legs in a row within a second.

The surrounding audience can only see the shadow of his legs, but they can't see his movements clearly.

But Chen Yang is different, he can easily judge Gao Baoli's whip legs,


He dodged with great ease, without the slightest pressure.

In any martial arts, the emphasis is on quick eyes and hands!

The meaning of eye disease is actually observation.

Boxing is respected by the eye, and the eye is the heart as the seedling!

In actual combat, the battle situation changes rapidly, and everything depends on the eyes to observe the opponent's next move.


Like the kind of powerful master in the movie - the blind man!

It's nonsense, the eyes are gone, it's weird to be able to fight!

Of course

It's not that there are no blind grandmasters, but a lot of them!

Just like those bone-setting halls, the blind loose bones are very powerful, and they are also called grandmasters!

It's not discrimination against people with disabilities, it's a fact!

The eyes are the window of human beings, and even the window is gone, how to judge the opponent's attack?

By ear, or by smell?

Therefore, whether in the ring or in ordinary life, it is impossible for a blind person to become a real martial arts master.

Anyone who has practiced will have sharp eyes and a much stronger sense of observation than ordinary people.

The two fought fiercely for more than a minute,

In fact

It's all Chen Yang attacking, Gao Baoli is tired of coping, and he can't fight back at all!

Seeing that the time is almost up,

Chen Yang didn't want to delay any longer, took a deep breath, and smashed it with a ferocious punch, targeting Gao Baoli's abdomen!

He didn't perform the secret technique "Critical Strike"! There was no need at this time.


Xingyi cannon fist!

Fists are like cannons, cannons are like fists!

The force starts from the ground, the posture is stretched, and the punch is as powerful as a cannon!

With this punch, the speed exceeded the limit, and Gao Baoli did not make any reaction and was hit by the cannon punch.

In the Chinese national arts, the cannon fist is extremely fierce and terrifying!

Xingyimen, Shaolin boxing, and Bagua boxing all have the power of cannon boxing!

It can be said that the cannon fist is extremely famous in the ** technique, and the punch is fierce, like a mountain and a sea, a mountain collapse and a crack!

Usually, this trick is often used as a killer feature!

Fast, accurate, ruthless!

Anticipate the enemy in your heart, and observe the enemy in your eyes!

Artillery boxing pays attention to the timing of punching, we must know it in our hearts, seize the right time, and kill with one blow!

With Xingyi Quan breaking through to the top realm,

Chen Yang's understanding of Huaxia Guoshu has become clearer, and if he wants to defeat the enemy, it is not the best strategy to attack and fight.

A real master, pay attention to the ease of work, to work hard!

Surprise and be unprepared!

Defeat your opponents with one hit at the lowest cost!

This is the true essence of Guoshu!


I saw Gao Baoli flying up in the air and falling heavily five meters away!

At this point,

His brain buzzed, and a little starlight appeared in front of him,

Shaking his head, he wanted to open his eyes, but suddenly, he found that his brain went blank!

"It's terrible speed, it's terrifying!"

This was the only thing that Gao Baoli thought of when he fainted at the end.

One minute and sixteen seconds!

National Martial Arts Conference, in the opening battle, Chen Yang KO Gao Baoli and won the first victory!

Clean, no mud and water!


The surrounding audience, as well as the audience in front of the TV, everyone opened their mouths wide and couldn't make any sound for a long time.

"Your sister, what about the wonderful duel that you said you wanted? This is the end?"

"Impossible, right? Gao Baoli failed? Isn't it said that he can be compared to the master of the Twelve Heavenly Kings?"

"This is too bad, isn't it? In more than a minute, he was beaten by Chen Yang, and then knocked out by a punch, Nima, this guy actually dares to call him a master?"

"It's too fast, the power is too fierce, Chen Yang has become much more terrifying than the Jiangnan Cup!"

"Terrible! Gao Baoli doesn't have any power to resist? It's too strong!"


Next, all the audience woke up,

The entire Bird's Nest Sports Center soon applauded like thunder, and everyone shouted and cheered!

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