The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2629: The Wonderful Emperor of Ming Dynasty

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Zhu Heping is good. Now the Ming Dynasty is promoted and officials are performing their duties. He is also very effective at blocking Yinxi. He is not afraid that his ministers will rebel. Zhu Heping simply patrols the palaces in various places, and houses beautiful women and enjoys a great blessing.

It seems to be enjoyable, but it is not. The intelligence revealed that his real job is to make generators and light bulbs!

"The Emperor Ming set up his palace in Huangshan and sealed the entire Huangshan. In essence, in the depths of the mountain, he secretly established his laboratory called the'Heavenly Laboratories'. The main focus is on electric power. He has already manufactured hydroelectric generators, as well as The light bulb he invented can light up for more than 1,000 hours! He also made a hand-cranked generator! He has applied for a patent!" Mr. David was full of praise.

Yan Changwu wrote the "Wisdom Code", which records human inventions and creations, covering all aspects. Electricity knowledge is an important aspect. The "Wisdom Code" is also given to the Daming Palace. Zhu Heping is the emperor. He is happy to see Lie. He delves into the knowledge of electric power. , Technology actually surpassed Nanhua's scientists and engineers!

Both China and China have implemented the "Patent Law" to protect scientific and technological inventions, leading to a blowout of scientific and technological inventions, and the technical level has been continuously improved. Zhu Heping has concentrated his staff and researched electricity with considerable results.

Naturally, his actions had not been concealed by Nanhua's intelligence agency and reported back to Rising Sun City.

"Hydraulic generator! There is also a hand-cranked generator! The light bulb is lit for 1,000 hours! His palace has been torn off the wire and the light bulb is installed, and it is very bright at night!" Yan Changwu heard that Zhu Heping was the main inventor, and couldn't help but feel incredible. It feels normal again!

In the former Ming Dynasty there was "Carpenter Emperor" Tianqi Emperor, and Xinming Dynasty had "Emperor of Electricity" Zhongxing Emperor (the title of Emperor Zhu Heping)

The emperors of the Ming Dynasty were all wonderful works, Zhu Yuanzhang, a monk and a beggar, finally sat in the country, the throne passed on from the grandson to the son, and finally let his son **** the throne of his grandson; Ming II Emperor Zhu Laosi-snatched his nephew Throne; Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen-After being captured in Tumubao, he lost his throne, and finally sat back on the throne. Ming Xianzong Zhu Jianshen-the emperor who loved nanny, named his nanny as noble concubine; Ming Xiaozong Zhu Youzhan- -There is only one woman in her life, Empress Zhang, and no other concubines. This is a feudal society that men yearn for, a polygamous society! Isn't he weird and who else is weird? Ming Wuzong Zhu Houzhao, Emperor Zhengde, built the palace into a chicken house, and the court ladies were the chickens. TJ was the tortoise, and he was the ticket guest. There are great generals in the Tatars, which refers to the prince and general. This is not surprising, because Emperor Zhengde is the general emperor, and the emperor canonized the emperor as the governor of military affairs.

Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty-almost became the emperor who was strangled to death by a court lady; Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty-did not go to court for 30 years and did not hold court meetings; um, when it comes to Emperor Tianqi, he is a full-time carpenter and knew how to seize the opportunity at the age of nine thousand. He talked about political affairs at a critical juncture in his work as a carpenter. Emperor Tianqi was impatient, so he said you can handle it, don’t delay labor and capital work; as for the wonderful emperor Chongzhen, no need to say more!

There are only two emperors in the new Ming Dynasty. The first boss is Yongming Emperor Zhu Youchan, who ignores the political affairs and handed over the government to his daughter Zhu Zhenzhen. Even the seal of the state was handed over. Then he passed on to his grandson instead of his grandson. He also resisted, but cooperated extremely well. Whatever the minister Yan Changwu said, he would do what he did without asking. Is Zhu Youchan a strange flower or something?

The current second emperor Zhongxing Emperor has become the "Emperor of Electricity!"

But the problem is that your righteous cause is the emperor!

Either fight the country, or diligently manage the lives of everyone, kill people when you have time, and when you are full, go to patrol the place and rob civilian girls. This is the emperor's righteous cause.

The emperor went to study electric power, and he was still very effective. He became a big electrician, a senior scientist, and his name in the history of science in the future? !

Yan Changwu regretted it: "Perhaps I shouldn't show the "Wisdom Code" to him. I should let his old lady lock it up."


Forgot to mention another strange thing about Zhu Heping's children's shoes. He was able to create inventions in the Huangshan laboratory comfortably, and was overwhelmed. The main reason was that the state political commissar was in the hands of his old mother Zhu Zhenzhen. Don't worry!

During the Yongming emperor, the power minister Yan Changwu controlled the court. He was not always at home, so he handed over the affairs of Daming to his wife Zhu Zhenzhen, the princess of the country. When he grew up with Zhu Zhenzhen’s son Zhu Heping, Emperor Yongming gave up and abdicated, and Zhu Heping became the emperor. Really accomplished his accomplishments and retired, in the southeast palace on the Lion Rock of Jinling, he was the queen of the southeast with peace of mind. I didn't expect Zhu Heping to run away and tell the ministers if you have anything to deal with, just call my mother!

So irresponsible, it really is the old Zhu family's inheritance, wonderful work!

The ministers were so angry that they wanted to scold him. He was already in an improper position and was still so lazy. If it weren't for his greatness, I'm afraid that many people would take the opportunity to rebel!

"Lao Yan's family is also a wonderful work!" Mr. David said with a smile: "The eldest prince just now didn't want to be the emperor, and was willing to exchange identities with his DD, and his DD didn't want to be the emperor. They weren't weird or something!"

Yan Changwu couldn't help but smile: "It's really amazing!"

"It's not going to work like this!" Mr. David took the opportunity to admonish him: "The princess of Jianguo has a weak ruling hand. The government is more complicated and difficult to deal with. Your Majesty should experiment with Emperor Zhongxing from Huangshan. Please go back to Jinling, or... Your Majesty should really go back to Daming to treat those itchy guys!"

"Such a wonderful emperor, labor and capital are not doctors, and he can't be treated well!" Yan Changwu said with a headache.

"Furthermore, I go back to fight the fire. How can I go back to fight the fire!" Yan Changwu looked at Mr. David and said: "You are the captain of my firefighting captain. Or you can go back to Daming and take the post of Daming's second assistant. ?"

He said with enthusiasm: "Just like Taishan Yang Tiansheng, you stay in the Daming cabinet, you can spray anyone who is not used to it, and see who will bite you, and then labor and capital will send him to Africa for land reclamation!"

"This matter is not easy!" Mr. David waved his hand: "The situation of the minister is different from Taishi Yang (the gift of Yang Tiansheng by Daming). Taishi Yang's backstage is so hard that Ming Chen dare not provoke him. The minister is a red-haired fan. Da Ming’s Jinshi lords can value it, and it will not help the development of the minister’s work."

"Then how to solve it?" Yan Changwu asked, and he said to himself: "I can patrol Daming north, but I can't stay in Daming for a long time. Moreover, if I really want to give up my Marshal Dai to Daming, I can't bear it. !"

Hearing Yan Changwu’s sincere words, he was deeply moved. He thought carefully and said: "The minister recommends one person, or he can share his worries for your majesty!"

"Who?" Yan Changwu asked hurriedly.

"Yu Chenglong!" Mr. David said.

"This person comes from a family of officials and eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty. His ancestor Yu Tan was the governor of the Ming Dynasty. After his family, Yu Jackie Chan was also the governor. He went to work in Europe. The minister thought he was indeed a talent!" Mr. David strongly recommended.

"Very good, I'll take him this time when I return to Daming, and I will check it out on the way!" Yan Changwu said.

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