Latest website: Yan Changwu upholds the philosophy of "Listening to both sides will be clear, partial listening will be dark", and he listens to opinions from many aspects. He has seen all the Chinese people he has met except for officials, no matter how high or low. He summoned the envoys of various countries in Nanjing, mainly the principal and deputy envoys, but also featured some embassy staff, such as the Japanese 500 Guiyoubao and the Swedish Carlsen when he returned to Nanjing to land.

The conference was held in the side hall of the Southeast Palace. The attendees included the Chinese Eight Elementary School Followers, Indian Missions, Middle East, Persian Missions and European Missions. There were nearly a hundred people. They are merciful and say good things.

After Yan Changwu brought Mr. David, Yu Chenglong and others into the temple, the envoys bowed to him and greeted him. Yan Changwu said with a full face: "I like to make friends. Foreign friends are welcome to come to Daming and share the joy of Daming!"

After he invited everyone to sit down, he saw that the envoys, including the red-haired fans, were holding a notebook at their hands, prepared ink pens or pencils, and couldn't help but laugh: "I have become the Sun King of the universe, who dares not bring a small notebook? !"

The meeting was presided over by Mr. David. He introduced himself, and the missions in the Middle East and Europe immediately looked at him. It turned out that this red hair fan is a powerful accomplice of the Chinese!

This person is notorious for killing people in those areas, and his name can stop children from crying.

On behalf of Southeast King, he hopes that all friends can give more valuable opinions. Daming's development cannot be separated from everyone's help. What we Chinese hope is that the more friends, the greater the help, and the more we can give back to our friends.

The envoys spoke in turn. Naturally, as ambassadors, they were all safe people. They did not leak their words. The North Korean envoy Pu Zhengjing stood up and was the first to speak. He eloquently said that he had a good impression of China, that the Chinese were warm and generous, and the country was prosperous and strong. , Folks are wealthy... The following three hundred words of praise are omitted, and then a few opinions are not mentioned indifferently, without mentioning the actual point.

Mr. David waited for him to finish and announced the discipline of the venue. That is the content of the speech, no need to say more!

Other ambassadors wondered why they said so much about Korean ginseng, so that we have nothing to say.

The second speech should be the turn of the ambassador of the Republic of Japan. Unexpectedly, the king of Southeast Asia directly named and said: "Let the five hundred ghosts help the leopards!"

This is a great honor. Five hundred Guiyoubao stood up, his teeth were a little bit wary. He had prepared a kind words before coming, but he bit his teeth and said the truth: "We came to China, Chinese people Very polite to us, many people are very friendly to us, and invited us to visit and eat, we are very grateful to them! But there are some people who are not welcome to us and are very polite, and openly call us Japanese pirates and Europeans. It’s Hong Maofan, saying that the Middle Easterners are Baotou guys, the Indian guys are Asan, Morocca, etc. The black slaves we brought are strictly forbidden to enter the customs, and even throw stones at us... To be honest, we are influenced by the Emperor Daming Invited, maybe we have all kinds of deficiencies. We are indeed inferior to the courtesy, courtesy, and wealthy of the country, but we come with a heart that respects China. It is too rude and cold to speak like this. It’s our heart to be guests!"

As he spoke, the hall was quiet, Yan Changwu was expressionless, and Mr. David smiled carelessly. He was said to have spoken a lot in the past, and the Japanese ambassador, the Japanese ambassador, Ikeda Taro's face was blue. Jin Bai, the ambassadors were dumbfounded, and really dared to speak.

The accompanying officials of the Ministry of Rites sweated profusely and looked uneasy.

Some officials even stared at Wubai Guiyoubao fiercely, thinking about him and the Japanese country, but it was a bit troublesome. Wubai Guiyoubao was the military attaché of the Japanese country to Daming, but he was a Chinese national, and he was naturalized in Nanhua. !

You must know that it is becoming more and more difficult to engage a Chinese for no reason. After all, the country's laws are strict, and it is no longer the era of catching whoever wants to be caught.

Besides, Mr. Wubaigui was naturalized in Nanhua, if you **** him, he has a boat ticket, and he goes back to Nanhua by boat. How can you **** him?

I hate S, a ghost is already annoying, he actually has five hundred ghosts, super annoying!

Officials of the Ministry of Etiquette are planning to introduce policies to fill in the loopholes. In the future, the official envoys of any country in Daming must be from the country and must not be invited!

After Five Hundred Guiyoubao finished speaking, Yan Changwu clapped him with a "pap pap", and then the people in the hall woke up like a dream and clapped him together!

"Well, Mr. Five Hundred Ghosts dare to tell the truth, how happy to be lonely!" Yan Changwu said.

The history books record that "Five hundred ghosts and leopards tell the truth, tell the truth, go to joy, and reward him for the post of Nanhua's "General of the Country"!"

The General of the Nanhua Auxiliary Kingdom is the lowest rank, but he stays with the country. As long as the empire is still there, his family assailants will always be able to enjoy the benefits!

After that, the envoys all spoke kindly and did not dare to say anything nonsense.

When it was the Swedes' turn to speak, as with the Japanese envoys before, Yan Changwu skipped the ambassador and directly called the Swedish military attaché. This ghost is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, and also comes to speak out.

In the beginning, his writing style was still very upright. First of all, Carlson thanked the prince for giving the Swedish country a name, which is auspicious and auspicious. He is deeply grateful!

Yes, any kind of person has a kind of mental reaction. The princes are sunny and magnificent, and they are all good names and auspicious names.

Carlson said that not long after he came to China, he has been deeply fascinated by China and loves China's history and culture. What he loves most is Chinese food, and he has gained five pounds since he came here!

Suddenly people laughed, and then listened to his words, and attacked Daming's undesirable phenomena: greed for petty cheapness and counterfeit and shoddy goods!

Carlson said that a month ago, the Ming Li Ministry organized them to visit a place by the sea, and then they saw local fishermen cast their nets on the shore on the beach. When they returned, they saw a lot of fish in the nets. UU reading www.uukanshu. The com fish jumped wildly in the water, attracting a lot of people, but some people came to **** it.

This phenomenon...this fish is not worth much, do you want to grab it?

The people who snatched the fish were well-dressed and looked good. Carlson couldn't figure out why they would **** the fish.

Furthermore, the amber and silverware sold in Sweden were counterfeited, which caused the amber and silverware shipped from as far away as Northern Europe to be unsold, which hurt the hearts of Swedish businessmen!

It turns out that amber is fossil rosin, formed after tens of thousands of years. The amber from Sweden is very famous. As a result, some Ming people use rosin to wrap small insects. After being old, they are sold as Swedish amber at a very low price. Unable to sell, business plummeted!

There are also Swedish silverware with Nordic style, exquisite and beautiful patterns, bright and elegant colors. It is very popular in both China and China. Once Carlson bought a "Swedish silverware" at a shop in Nanjing as a gift, and was found to be fake. It was madeinChina, which made him lose a big face!

The red hair fan is unrestrained and unrestrained. Carlson exaggerated his voice and actions. Yan Changwu laughed loudly and said, "Li Da can't beat Li Gui!"

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