The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2651: Use "3 benefits" to teach North Koreans

Yan Changwu visited the famous Mount Kumgang in North Korea, cruised on the Han River, and inspected the North Korean army. He also visited North Korea’s Confucian Temple, Wanqing Farmland in the Han River Plain, and Sino-North Korean joint venture mines, handicraft farms, plantations and breeding farms. Etc., to understand the operation and living conditions of the two Chinese people in North Korea. North Korea learns from the two Chinas. In addition to Ming’s national studies and etiquette, South China’s economic development strategy has also been adopted by North Korea. They actively develop farmland water conservancy, develop mineral resources and export materials. , As well as dispatched labor, is the second most among all countries.

Regarding the economic and cultural links between the two countries, Yan Changwu expressed gratification and full of praise.

His words made the North Koreans feel like a spring breeze, and let them know that this Southeast King was just like the world said, "All beings are equal!"

You should know that the two Chinas are the upper countries, and sometimes the envoys of the upper countries come to North Korea. They are quite arrogant and look down on the small place of North Korea.

And Yan Changwu fully respects North Korea, and his restraint is leverage.

He didn't just praise him blindly. When he saw the improper place, he did not make mistakes. He spoke to the point and fulfilled the truth. The North Koreans worshipped!

Yan Changwu affirmed: "You are on the right path!"

He said to Li Xi: "The two Chinas are now people-oriented, and you are also learning. People's lives have been greatly improved compared with before. This is right!"

Seeing Li Di's face changed, Yan Changwu asked, "Why, do you have any difficulties?"

Li Di just nodded and didn't speak. He only revealed his difficulty when walking with Yan Changwu on the embankment of the Han River, that is, the partisanship in the Korean court!

East and West divide the party!

In the early years of King King Xuanjo of Korea (the end of the 16th century), a conflict between Shen Yiqian and Kim Hyo-won was caused by the fight for the court position. Shen Yiqian was opposed to Kim Hyo-won’s role as the official and Cao Chuanlang, and turned against Kim Hyo-won, thus forming the Eastern Party headed by Kim Hyo-won (Kim Hyo-won’s house is located in Ganchuan-dong east of Hanyang) and the Western Party headed by Shen Yi-qian (Shen Yiqian) The family house is located in Jeongdong, west of Hanyang).

The next step is to divide the party between the North and the South!

In the twenty-fourth year of King Sunjo (1591), the issue of the establishment of the king's son was the fuse, which triggered a confrontation between the steady and hardliners in the Eastern Party, the so-called Southern Party and the Northern Party. After the end of the Imjin Japanese Rebellion, the Northern People's Party came to power, so it was divided into the Great Northern Party and the Small Northern Party. After that, the Great Northern Party, which supported Gwanghae-kun (Li Hui) ascended the throne, gained power and was divided into the Bone Northern Party and the Rou Northern Party.

During the reign of Li Xi, two "litigations" occurred in the mourning dress of the widow of Injo's widow, the concubine Zhao of Ciyi (Queen Zhuanglie), the essence of which was crony disputes and the legitimacy of the throne. The problem. The Western Party, headed by Song Shilie, based on "Rituals" and other "ancient systems", advocating that Xiaozong should be treated as a concubine, and the concubine of the great princess and concubine should go through the annual dress; the Southern Party, led by Xu Mu, Yin Wei, and Yin Shandao He expressed opposition and believed that Xiaozong should be regarded as the eldest son, and the eldest concubine went to death for three years. Among them, Yin Shandao's sparse words were particularly fierce, which increased the degree of "the respect of heaven and earth, and the survival of the clan". The Western Party recognized that this was the Southern Party’s challenge to itself, so it accused Yin Shandao of “fake rituals and deliberately insidiously” and demanded severe punishment.

The big fight between the two parties is to rallied against each other, citing the classics, the righteousness is sonorous, it seems that the two parties are well-reasoned, and Li Xi can't decide!

Li Wei hated cronies. He summoned his nephews and gave them yellow oranges. He said, "You eat these oranges today. Don't engage in cronyism in the future, even if you are rewarded!" This shows that he hates cronies deeply.

But Huang Gan couldn't solve the party disputes at all. The increasingly fierce party struggles kept him up at night. He barely maintained the weak balance of the court. He only found it difficult to move, but he could only complain to his concubines in the harem.

Today, facing the big figures in Shangguo, he is not afraid to be embarrassed and tells the situation face-to-face!

Yan Changwu heard Mimi smile, and the North Korean scene made him very familiar.

Once a senior official of Qian Ming, I don’t know that Qian Ming is also a fierce party fight, and the dog bites the dog terribly!

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the ministers formed parties, and the Donglin Party, the Xuan Party, the Kun Party, the Zhejiang Party, the Qi Party, and the Chu Party took turns to perform on stage. There must be an **** party, ha ha, it’s so lively!

In North Korea, there was the issue of the mourning service system of King Injo’s widow, King Ciyi, the concubine Zhao (Queen Zhuanglie), and the Ming Dynasty had a famous Jiajing emperor, and the court officials asked who was Jiajing emperor, and the Jiajing emperor. The issue of the emperor’s reign of the birth father raised the three-year "great etiquette" controversy. The courtiers were defeated, and Emperor Jiajing was also exhausted, which to a certain extent became the cause of his negligent administration.

Seeing Li Di's sad face, Yan Changwu volunteered and said: "Lonely come to help you solve your problems!"

So Li Hao gathered his ministers in Changdeokgung Palace and saw the Southeast King of Shangguo together to listen to his explanation.

The ministers of the two Chinas including Mr. David, Chen Zizhuang, Chen Zilong and others attended the meeting.

Yan Changwu instructed Mr. David to first speak about the Jiashen Rebellion. Emperor Chongzhen went on a grand tour, and Yan Changwu, who was a southeast lord at the time, entered Nanjing and established the king of Jinhua, Zhu Youchan, as the emperor, and established Xinming.

The first thing in the new dynasty is to destroy the Donglin Party!

The sins of the Donglin Party are too numerous to mention. The Donglin Party provoked party struggles, regardless of the overall situation, not knowing the general situation, and persecuting the fathers of the three dynasties. It was not a matter of ministers, and they did not discuss it!

"The prince was kind, and he caught more than 50,000 Donglin Party and its members. They did not kill them, but all were exiled overseas for labor reform, so that they could understand that happiness is the result of hard work, that they can work hard to rejuvenate the country, and that empty talk will mislead the country. !" Mr. David said so the North Koreans present here, Xu Mu, Yin Yeon, Yin Shandao’s Yugoslav Party, and Song Siyeol’s Western Party headed by the North Koreans are restless!

When Yan Changwu spoke, people from both parties were all frightened. If Yan Changwu gave an order, they would be wiped out.

The prestige of the king of the above country, don't say he is sitting here, if he issues an order to reach North Korea and says that he wants to catch anyone, whoever has to be arrested!

It is expected that Yan Changwu did not order the arrest, but only said: "The way to govern lies in the'three benefits', whether it is conducive to the rule of the country, whether it is conducive to enhancing the country's comprehensive national strength, whether it is conducive to improving the living standards of the people, and political affairs. Efforts should be made to focus on these three aspects, and not to get entangled in minor roads and waste time and energy!"

Mr. David reacted most quickly and said to the North Koreans: "Wang Ye Sheng Lun, you still don't understand it?"

All the Koreans except Li Di obeyed unanimously: "The minister waits for the emperor's teachings!"

Li Di also thanked him: "How lucky is Changdeokgung Palace, the prince was able to publish the sacred theory here, the ancient Yunpengxun was brilliant and walked around the beam for three days, and sincerely did not deceive me!"

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