The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2705: face of the king

The French are proud. Although their navy has suffered in front of the Chinese, the army still thinks that it is the best in the world. Even the second-rate troops are very arrogant, not to mention the French army of the first-rate troops is quite heroic.

However, when fighting with the Shinra Army, the firepower of the Shinra Army surprised them. Cannonballs, bombs, and bullets kept coming, and bows and arrows fell from above their heads. The firepower was stronger than that of the French army.

What surprised them even more was the fighting will of the Shinra Army. The Shinra Army persisted when they were queuing up to shoot.

There was absolutely no such ruthless Shenluo army before. If there were, they would not have been defeated in the Thirty Years War.

Now the French encountered the reorganized Shenluo army, and the emperor's halo fell on them. They fought very tenaciously, coupled with strong firepower and a large number of people, the French army was defeated and fled in all directions.

Lieutenant General Biert Balzac and Earl de Vincent rushed across the road, and after escaping, they regrouped their team, only feeling bitter.

Only more than 10,000 of the 50,000 French troops left before the war escaped back!

The Shenluo army counted that more than 5,000 people died in the battle and 10,000 were injured. Most of them were from the New Austrian army. They killed 15,000 French soldiers and captured more than 20,000 French soldiers. The 20,000 French troops lost before going up, hehe, the record is okay.

In any case, after paying some tuition fees, the Austrian army is a bit decent. Some officers and soldiers who were immature before the war became old after the war. After fighting a few more battles, they can become qualified soldiers. .

Admiral Tellier of the French Army received the battle report, which made him dizzy!

Now the 100,000 forwards of his 300,000 army are gone, and the 100,000 elite soldiers have also lost nearly 20,000, and the total force has dropped to more than 180,000.

The Shenluo army on the opposite side still has 150,000 troops, because the supplementary troops came up. As soon as the French army came to fight, Admiral Tellier felt the pressure. He did not dare to move forward and concentrated his troops on the defense of Turin.

Seeing how cowardly Admiral Tellier was, Marshal Raimondo Montecuccoli simply frightened him again, that is, today he sent 30,000 troops to force the French army to disembark, and in the evening, 20,000 troops were sent back to the French army. Gather 10,000 more horses for a total of 30,000 horses, and then go to the front of the French army to go down to the stronghold, and do one more time, so that the French army thinks that the Shenluo army has 90,000 people (in fact, there are only 50,000 people). There are 250,000 troops (actually only 130,000), so the French army is terrifying!

When the two sides had not fought before, the French army was worthwhile.

But after a p, the French army was surprised that the Shenra army was so capable of fighting, and found that the Shenra army had a lot of soldiers...

When the Shenluo army marched towards the city of Turin, they found that it was an empty city. The French army had fled and slipped back to hide in the fortresses on the French-Italian border.

The soldiers who surrendered without fighting, the Shenluo army regained the previous land, and laughed at the French as cowards. General Tellier of the French army was nicknamed: "Talier the Shrinking Turtle!" (gifted by the Chinese) or "Long-legged Tellier!" (presented by the white skin)

When the news reached Paris, the nobles were in an uproar!

Gallic chickens have always been proud, and they can indeed fight. Its territory is relatively large in Europe. Of course, it will not be given to them by others for nothing.

The British once occupied a large amount of French territory and made the French bloody, but so what? Otherwise, he was driven out of the sea by the French!

The French think highly of themselves, and they didn't take the Shinra people seriously, but were scared away by the Shinra army. It's so embarrassing!

For a while, there were rumors that Admiral Tellier should be held accountable, and Louis XIV was also very dissatisfied with him.

For the monarch, how many people die is a number, the key is not to let him lose face.

Fortunately, Admiral Tellier's statement of defense was delivered. He said that Shinra's army is powerful. If he fights with them, it doesn't matter if he dies. If the army is completely trapped, there will not be enough troops to protect southern France. Terrible, and a waste of money the state had invested in building the Southern Fort.

Louis XIV showed the public with his book, and everyone believed that Admiral Tellier was a seasoned and successful general who spared no effort to preserve the country's military power. He was not afraid of losing face, and he was indeed the leader of the country...

Everyone said that Admiral Tellier was good, and Louis XIV also believed that Admiral Tellier was resourceful.

They were all praising Admiral Tellier. Unexpectedly, Count Don Garcia, the ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to the Kingdom of France who was staying in the Palace of Versailles, smiled strangely. The French nobleman he knew asked him what he was laughing at, and he said that it reminded him of Spain. Former Admiral Don Fernando Chacon, when he led the fleet stationed in the port of La Coruni, stood still, allowing the South China pagans to ravage the land of Spain, and took away the believers of Christ as slaves.

Naturally, this admiral was criticized by everyone, but he said plausibly: "The power of the heretics is strong now. Once our army goes out to fight according to His Majesty's will, this fleet will be wiped out and there will be no more power to threaten them." It is possible to repeat the scene of the Battle of Harding, and I dare not obey the order! If you want to go to war, please send someone else to serve as the (Spanish) admiral, and I am willing to accept the crime."

The Battle of Harding was a pain in the hearts of all Christians. On July 4, 1187 AD, King Guy of Jerusalem recklessly left the fortified city and the source of water, and led the army of Christ to attack the famous military strongman Saladin. A series of dire consequences.

He himself was captured, Reynald of Châtillon, Humphrey of Torun, Gerard of Ridford, Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Roger de Molins, Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller All died in battle, and the Holy Cross, which was always carried by the Christian army in battle, was smashed by the pagans, and the Holy Land, Jerusalem, also fell into the hands of the pagans!

Count Don García recounted the incident, sarcastically saying: "It seems that Admiral Tellier learned from our admiral Don Fernando Chacon how to avoid the excuse of war!"

Spain and France are both senior Catholic countries, but the two countries are at, Count Don Garcia took the opportunity to ridicule the French for fear of death!

Louis XIV knew what the Spanish envoy said and hated Admiral Tellier.

If Admiral Tellier was the first to say something like Don Fernando Chacon, he was a wise man, but now he is a fool!

In addition, Earl Loufoy received information from the south, and learned that the actual strength of Marshal Raimondo Montecuccoli of the Austrian Army was not as large as that reported by Admiral Tellier. People scared away 200,000 French troops!

After the news was confirmed, Louis XIV's face was red like a monkey's butt. In a rage, he dismissed Admiral Tellier and replaced him with his deputy, Lieutenant General Bierthe Balzac, as the commander of the Southern French Army. .

The king's fate was like a mountain, and Admiral Tellier resigned and returned to Paris to confess to the king.

This news is really a surprise to the Shinra army. I saw that the fortresses in southern France are strong, and I have no confidence to attack them. Admiral Tellier is old, and the defense is solid and impeccable. Who knows that the French changed their generals and prepared to go back to Vienna. Marshal Raimondo Montecuccoli, who was on vacation, was overjoyed and started working immediately. 2084/10092420

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