The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2718: Both sides are in high spirits

The mighty Nanhua Fleet consists of:

Six "Imperial" class first-class battleships, each with 100 guns (30 42-pounders, 28 24-pounders, 30 12-pounders and 12 6-pounders).

There are ten "Zhonghua" class first-class battleships, each with 98 guns (28 32-pounder guns, 60 18-pounder guns, and 10 12-pounder guns).

Ten "Indian Ocean" class second-tier battleships, each with 90 guns (30 32-pounders, 30 24-pounders, 20 18-pounders and 10 12-pounders).

There are fifty-eight "Southeast Asia-class" third-class battleships, each with 76 guns (30 32-pounder guns, 30 24-pounder guns, and 16 9-pounder guns).

The huge "Empire" class battleship is as huge as a mountain, with a huge hull and sharp guns!

The "Zhonghua" class battleship is smaller than the "Empire" class battleship. Its lines are smooth and its movements are agile, like a dragon sailing out to sea, representing the pinnacle of shipbuilding technology of the Nanhua Navy.

Due to sufficient military expenditures, every battleship, whether new or old, is well maintained. In addition, it is clean and hygienic, the hull is painted, the ropes are refueled, the deck is polished, the shells are polished, the battleship is bright, and every officer and soldier is even more energetic. Vibrant, like a dragon and a tiger in the sun,.

The fleet sailed in the English Channel, dragging out various tracks, which was a sight to behold.

"With such a fleet, it's unreasonable not to win a battle!" Commander-in-Chief Yan Donglai said with satisfaction on board the Chinese flagship "Supreme".

Yan Donglai and his ship were bombed by the British in the previous war. The insidious British developed the rocket and then concentrated on Yan Donglai, trying to win by surprise. They were all almost finished, but fortunately, the damage control force on the ship was very good, and they put out the fire abruptly. The whole ship was almost destroyed and was towed away by friendly ships.

Due to the well-developed shipbuilding industry of the Nanhua Empire, there is a dock in Cyprus, and the technical staff and masters are of excellent level, and the "Supreme" was repaired.

Yan Donglai recovered from his injuries, returned to the fleet, and was still reused.

To be honest, some people whispered behind his back that if his surname was not Yan, he might not be able to sit in the position of admiral. Yan Donglai also laughed at himself as a "loyal" person, implying the meaning of the mean, loyal to the emperor , mediocre talent.

But his level is far better than that of the French admiral Jean d'Estret, who is said to not even understand the meaning of wind direction in fleet command (the French said it himself). Yan Donglai was among the best in the fleet command assessment. , Single-ship sailing and gunnery are also licensed to work, and the current gold content of the Nanhua Navy certificate is still full of fineness.

His captain is Colonel Literary Soldier, which is a strange name. In fact, he is not literary at all in war, and he is not a soldier. The captain, because of his bravery in combat, became the captain of a first-class battleship when he was just over 30 years old.

This position is very critical, known as "Yuelongmen", he is also ambitious, intending to express himself, turning the two-bar three-star on his shoulder into a star.

Hearing Yan Donglai's words, the literary soldier joked: "Commander, the emperor said that 'victory is on the strongest side', we have such a powerful battleship, we must win!"

"Of course!" Yan Donglai said as a matter of course: "From the eyes of white skins, we villains are powerful, but they can't even think about turning the tables!"

Seeing that Yan Donglai was in high spirits, Wen Wenbing took the opportunity to ask the general to ask what is the meaning of "a strong villain"?

So Yan Donglai told him that the allusion came from the emperor. The emperor said that he wanted to be a villain. The villain is always powerful. If it is a screenwriter, then wait until the end and be defeated by decentness. In this way, decentness will appear greater .

And what the emperor has to do is to be a qualified villain, don't talk too much --- villains often die from talking too much, concentrate on working hard, bring out the villain's ability, use the power to the greatest extent, and make the decent counterattack powerless.

Yan Donglai uttered the words of the strong man given by the emperor: "The Force is with you!" He told Wen Wenbing to answer: "It is also with you!"

"The Force is with you! It is with you!" Generally speaking, only the strong, that is, senior military officers, are qualified to say the answer. The soldiers can only say "Heavenly King Gaidihu" and "Pagoda Town River Demon". " and other market sayings, but no matter what you say, it shows that you are an out-and-out Chinese!

Hearing Wen Wenbing's tut tut, he nodded frequently, and understood the concepts of "villain" and "force". He is also a person who is qualified to say such a thing!

They were talking about the "Force," and one guy on the Grand Fleet's forward flagship, the Thor, went a step further and said, "The Force is with me!"

On the deck, the "Black Warrior" Sires horse was wearing a black armor, especially his helmet was inlaid with two large black transparent crystals, which was terrifying and frightening, increasing his might even more. When he walked by, all Everyone held their breath, even though they knew he was their admiral!

There are quite a few legends in the South China Army, and the "Black Warrior" Siresma shined among them with his impressive record. When Yan Donglai asked him to be the forward leader, no one competed with him, showing that He has extraordinary ability!

His black armor was bestowed by Emperor Yan Changwu, similar to the armor of Lord Vader, the black warrior in Star Wars. Wearing this armor, he can scare the enemy and his own people. The mighty Black Lord!

If the Nanhua Empire has the title of Lord, he will definitely occupy the pit and not move it.

Now he was walking around on the deck, watching the front from time to time, and the chiller covered by the cloak behind his back gave off a bit of cold air, making his body feel comfortable.

By mixing saltpeter and water in a one-to-one ratio, it can cool down, so that he can walk around wearing armor even in summer.

The freezer and saltpeter were paid out of the office funds granted to him by the emperor, and they were the only ones in the world, which was really a great grace of the emperor!

The officers and soldiers looked at the Black Warrior in awe, full of confidence that he would win, because the Force was with him!

Sensing that the morale of the army is available, Siresma secretly rejoiced, knowing that this time he can kill again, let himself teach these Catholics a lesson!

The Nanhua Grand Fleet is full of ambitions, determined to give Baipi a ruthless, while the French are fighting for God and the king, vowing to send the Eastern pagans to hell.

Both sides are gearing up for a hard fight.

In the French fleet, the origin of the crew is complicated. In addition to the French, there are also white skins from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the Shinra Empire and other Some of them are for money , Some challenged the pagans in the East for the sake of religion, and gathered to fight under the command of Louis XIV.

Among them are veterans with grizzled beards, and more are young and energetic boys. They are sincerely happy to be able to fight for God.

In monotheism, eliminating heretics or heretics will be able to get the favor of gods. The boys are energetically preparing for each ship, some are wiping guns, some are moving their bodies, impatient to make contributions, the whole team The fleet is full of fighting spirit!

On the spacious deck of the forward flagship "King", Lieutenant General Abraham Duquesne (it was a bit hot and many officers and soldiers were shirtless) looked ahead with a binoculars in his hand, wearing a general's military uniform and meticulous attire. serious.

Unlike other people's optimism, Lieutenant General Abraham Duquena sighed slightly in his heart!

His orders were to advance along the French coastline and to fight against the wind when he encountered the enemy.

Others don't know the meaning of this order, but Lieutenant General Abraham Duquesne knows very well that the French fleet is showing weakness! 2084/10102682

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