The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2815: European business is done

In a manor on the shoreline of Stockholm, the beautiful little princess is unpacking gift boxes one by one with the maid, and spread a small pile in the living room.

Including beautiful gold and silver ornaments, lush emeralds, colorful and shiny gems, fiery red corals, all kinds of high-quality silk and satin materials and so on.

The maid said enviously: "Your Highness, the emperor cherishes you very much. He gave you so many beautiful gifts before we met!"

The fifteen-year-old princess Christina Constantine is already extremely beautiful, tall and outstanding, and has a charming face. She has beautiful golden hair, as yellow as a sunflower, and shiny. In contrast, many places in Europe Most of the blond girls' blond hair is khaki, and they are of inferior quality!

That's right, Christina is the purest Nordic girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin and long legs.

And like Queen Margaret Theresa and Princess Mary, there is no body odor. In the end, everyone understands that the emperor does not like women with body odor!

After careful analysis, there are young teeth, long legs, and blonde hair is the best.

The upper class in Sweden knew that the emperor had hired Christina, and they were frightened that the emperor's information was so accurate!

Now the Kingdom of Sweden has agreed to the marriage between the two parties. Although it was a small one in the past, who has such face as her, a bride price of five hundred thousand silver dollars, a ten-year interest-free loan of one million silver dollars and a three-year loan of two million silver dollars. With ten years of low-interest loans, the Shenluo Empire is pouring blood into the Kingdom of Sweden, asking them to keep their country's territory and prevent attacks from Denmark and Poland, especially preventing the Russians from getting access to the Baltic Sea!

Locking up Russia is one of Yan Changwu's general goals. He spares no expense in supporting relevant countries and forces.

Having said that, there are prerequisites for the use of funds from the Shenluo Empire (South China Empire), requiring recipient countries to purchase arms and supplies from the Shenluo Empire (South China Empire), and the money returned to the Chinese.

Spending so much money to destroy the poor and the princess of the Kingdom of Sweden, after receiving the blessings of the king, the archbishop and the subjects, the princess happily boarded the big ship and headed for Hamburg, Germany, planning to land there. Go to Vienna.

She knew that she would be the mistress of Sicily, and the ministers told her that the land was rich, the climate was warm and beautiful, and it produced wheat, barley, corn, olives, oranges, almonds, grapes, and some cotton. Donkey and sheep. Because of its good natural environment for the development of agriculture and forestry, it is called "Golden Basin".

The active volcano on the island provides much-needed sulfur for Europe. There are salt fields by the sea, and the west coast has a well-developed fishery, which produces sardines and tuna. In addition to the agricultural income, she can also make wine. She will have a lucrative annuity.

Needless to say, Her Royal Highness the Princess is very happy and full of expectations for her marriage.

The Kingdom of Sweden, supported by the Shenluo Empire, was revived with full blood, and the shriveled treasury was also abundant. The aid was quickly equipped with ammunition, military salaries were distributed, and the morale of the army was boosted. In the next battle, Denmark, Poland, It took a round with Russia and beat them to pieces!

Sweden is a powerful country in Northern Europe, known as the Nordic lion, and its army is very powerful. Once their supplies are in place, the neighboring countries have no chance to defeat them.

Denmark lost 13,000 people, Poland lost 21,000 people, Russia was the worst, losing 50,000 people, and Sweden's military loss was very small. For a while, the three countries were silent and had to surrender to Sweden!

At present, the main unstable factors in Europe have been eliminated by Yan Changwu, so he can enjoy his little concubine with peace of mind.

In the Schönbrunn Palace, Yan Changwu and Christine Constant held a Chinese-style wedding. In fact, the European upper classes are all deceiving themselves. wedding ceremony.

On the day of the wedding, the Schönbrunn Palace was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and it was very festive. Apart from the Europeans, all the Chinese ministers and generals who followed Yan Changwu to the west came and sent gifts they had carefully selected, congratulatory messages Like a tide!

The emperor treated his courtiers very sincerely and rewarded him generously. The courtiers wanted to repay him a long time ago, but unfortunately there was no good opportunity, and now is a good opportunity.

When he was sent to the bridal chamber, Yan Changwu's incomparably calm heart also experienced ups and downs when he saw the beautiful and frozen blonde girl let him eat a big piece!

The pinnacle of my life, I finally achieved it!

In the Schönbrunn Palace, Queen Margaret Theresa and Princess Christina Constantine accompanied Yan Changwu. After seeing a submitted memorial, the queen congratulated the emperor and said: "Your Majesty, everything is going well, congratulations! !"

"Hehehe, thank you for my good wife!" Yan Changwu said.

The two used Chinese to answer, and the imperial concubine was not very familiar with Chinese, so she seemed to understand half understood, but it should be a good thing to see that both the emperor and empress were happy.

Yan Changwu actively planned, worked hard to use troops, and occupied Britain. The South China Empire and the Holy Roman Empire formed a confederal state, which became an important foothold for the Chinese in Europe, and formed Europe into three fragmented regions: France, Italy, and Holy Rome. Guard against Russia with Sweden and Poland, and make all European countries' overseas colonies independent.

ok! marvelous!

Next, he established the European Affairs Council, which was attended by representatives from various countries. The members were called directors, and there were a total of 160 people. They were stationed in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to resolve and negotiate European affairs.

The number of directors is determined according to the total population of each There are many directors in large countries, but few in small countries. For example, the Shinra Empire has 20 votes, and a voting system is implemented to determine affairs.

Yan Changwu began to use dishes to poison these countries!

If the European Affairs Council is just a place for talking, then the European Court of Justice is interesting. It is located in The Hague, the Netherlands, and has a total of 28 judges, and there are 9 assistant judges. These judges are all voted by the European Affairs Council. Produced, the term is six years, can be re-elected, and half of the judges are elected every three years.

The European Court of Justice mainly adjudicates disputes between countries based on the relationship between European countries formulated by the Council of European Affairs. It is an institution that specializes in managing international disputes. The government and individuals have the power to punish, and all decisions must be made with the consent of a majority of judges present.

At present, the Council of European Affairs and the European Court of Justice are not very perfect. After all, Yan Changwu likes to solve by force, and he is not familiar with the new routine he has formulated. Let's develop slowly, and there will be a future!

The European affairs were completed, and Yan Changwu returned to the South China Empire with his little wife, Princess Christina Constantine, in July 1673!


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