The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 671: Richelieu's advice

Cardinal Richelieu!

Prime Minister of French King Louis XIII, and Catholic cardinal, the first Duke of Richelieu of the Bourbon Dynasty.

He has a dominant influence in French political decision-making; the Thirty Years War broke out during the ruling period, and through a series of diplomatic efforts, he obtained considerable benefits for France and laid the foundation for Japan to determine France's position in Europe.

At this time, the cardinal was very old and seriously ill. He no longer had the arrogance of dominating the world in the past, but had the wisdom of an old man.

He received envoys from the east at his manor outside the city, and at the pavilion. After official Hong Xi bowed to him, he asked official Hong Xi to sit down on the stone bench and say, "This stone pavilion is what I told people to imitate your country. Made."

"It is our country's honor for the throne to study Eastern culture!" Hong Xiguan politely sat down.

The throne is the name Richelieu was called after the two parties negotiated.

"Please have tea, this is the tea you sent, it is indeed a kind of enjoyment!" Richelieu said.

"In China, tea not only enjoys, but also represents a kind of culture." Hong Xiguan told the cardinal, and then began to pour tea, and said that the doorway of making tea.

"Extremely, it is indeed a kind of culture." Richelieu admired.

"General Hong, although I have never been to China, I am very envious of China." Richelieu looked at the curvy tea flue: "You have sent a steady stream of silk, porcelain and tea to Europe. There are sugar, tobacco and alcohol."

He suddenly became lively and said: "For a long time, you have had a trade surplus, and a large amount of European silver has flowed out. What will it cause?"

"Please advise from the throne!" Official Hong Xi said calmly.

"Either it is a trade embargo, or it is a trade tariff, no, no, no, your things are what we need, and we can't stop importing!" Richelieu shook his head.

"We want to expand exports to you, but this kind of traded commodity is not easy to find. It seems that you don't need anything except gold and silver, unless there are some commodities that can draw huge profits to export to you, or it is war!" Liu unexpectedly guessed what happened after eighty to ninety. The British first sold the Yapian to China, and then launched the Yapian War.

"These products that can draw huge profits are definitely not good products. As for war, our strength at sea is enough to fight against any European power!" Hong Xiguan proudly said, and made up his mind to ask the government to check Hong Maofan's products after returning. .

He later realized that France's share of East-West trade was small, so Richelieu added a blockage to other trading countries, so that countries could not obtain profits smoothly, and silver continued to flow out, thereby reducing national power!

This is determined by Richelieu’s position. France is a large Catholic country, known as the “eldest daughter of God,” but it has trouble with another large Catholic country, Spain. At the same time, it has irreconcilable contradictions with Britain (think Thinking about the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, the two countries are inevitable enemies), on the contrary, they have good relations with the Protestant Netherlands. If Spain and Britain gain trade, it will be very detrimental to France.

The rest of the French did not see this point. Richelieu, who had ignored political affairs, thought of this immediately after learning about the visit of the Southeast Mansion fleet, so he received the Southeast Mansion envoy and expressed his friendship.

"Very good!" Richelieu greeted him. A servant gave him a chaise longue. Richelieu lay down and said, "Please forgive the rudeness of an old man. A stone bench in your country is more suitable for young people to sit on."

"We respect the elders and the virtuous in etiquette, please come to the throne!" Hong Xiguan said.

"Tell me about your situation!" Richelieu whispered.

"Okay!" So official Hong Xi first talked about Daming, and then talked about the situation in the Southeast Mansion, making Richelieu more energetic as he listened!

He admired: "It's amazing! You have recreated another Ming!"

"Yes, this is China on the sea!" Hong Xiguan himself admired the authenticity, and Rong Youyan.

Richelieu closed his eyes, quickly thinking about the benefits in it, and then said: "You should not be satisfied yet, and you will continue to enter the Indian Ocean!"

Official Hong Xi jumped in his heart and reluctantly said: "We are already very reluctant to occupy such a large territory. How can we continue to move westward?"

"You Haizhong Zhonghua is now the first emperor, he will definitely continue to advance, and he is still so young!" Richelieu said softly, "This can't fool me!"

"The throne is wise!" Official Hong Xi shut up and didn't discuss it with him, so as not to miss the conversation.

Sure enough, being old and not dying is a thief, and an old thief is cunning.

Seeing him look serious, Richelieu shook his head and said, "Don't worry, we have no conflict of interest. I will not send the fleet to the Indian Ocean!"

Official Hong Xi knew that he could not hide it from him, so he deliberately joked with him: "Throne, are you not afraid of our fleet hitting Europe?"

"How long will it take to hit Europe and bypass Africa? I'm afraid your first generation emperor..." He jumped up and said: "No, you are from the Red Sea! You want to open the canal! "

Official Hong Xi regretted it very much. He would not get out of the topic before he knew it. He almost wanted to slap himself in the mouth. This is really which pot should be opened or not.

Richelieu actually laughed and said, "Don't be afraid, they don't believe me after I said it. Even if they do, you have to deal with the Ottoman Turks!"

He suddenly said: "Do you know how to deal with Ottoman Turks?"

This topic is good. Official Hong Xi lifted up his spirits and said humbly: "Tower, please advise!"

"You want to defeat their navy and root out their naval power in the Indian Ocean. This should not be difficult for you. After all, you have killed even the Dutch!"

"The infantry and cavalry of the Turks are indeed strong. In addition to firepower, their offensive depends on batches of soldiers who will not retreat even if they encounter strong artillery fire. When the Ottoman infantry attacks, they rarely maneuver and form a formation , But when arrows, bullets, or artillery are raining, they rush forward and attack the enemy. These simple tactics are effective and require everyone's investment in life and death. At this point, the Ottomans also have tried and tested ways to maintain and improve morale.

Therefore, to deal with them, we must rely on strong firepower to withstand their attacks, and withstand their attacks, the advantage is that their leaders lose their brilliance. .

In addition, don't be frightened by them, the Turks have assembled a huge force, often throwing up to 200,000 people on the battlefield. This is pure fantasy and may be caused by fear. The Turkish army is daunting, and it is indeed larger than the armies of other countries. Part of this image of an army with flags covering the sky is deliberately created.

Also, there are many internal contradictions among the Turks, so you might as well buy them with money!

To combat their economy, they don't have enough financial resources to arm the army and develop science and technology. This is a good thing for everyone.


When bidding farewell, the cardinal warned again and again: "Be fully vigilant and go all out. Turks are not so easy to deal with!


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