The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 172 Opponents of Sky Insects

In the following time, the entire Insect Imperial City began to see the appearance of some characters who, although not well-known in the past, were gradually becoming more prominent at this time.

These people have kept a low profile for many years, obviously waiting for this battle for the Twelfth Holy Son, trying to take advantage of it to soar into the sky.

The rankings on the Selected Holy Tower also change three times a day. After many people step into the tower, their original rankings will change directly. This also makes everyone understand that it turns out that only those who step into the range of the Selected Holy Tower Only then can the true strength be detected and then given an accurate ranking.

Now there are even more people going to the Holy Tower...

And with more people, conflicts will inevitably increase, especially those who were originally ranked high but were suddenly squeezed down by others.

So these days there are challenges or competitions taking place in the tower every day.

Of course, it is also fortunate that this holy tower itself is a sacred object, so it can withstand the aftermath of the battles of those eighth- and ninth-grade supremes. Otherwise, the buildings in the city would be destroyed by these people.

Tian Chong is very clean, because he has been staying in his temporary residence these past few days and has not gone out at all.

However, he still knows some news about the outside world. For example, the Xuanmai Tianjiao Xuanji, who got the opportunity with him in the Butterfly Emperor's tomb, also entered the top ten of the Holy Tower. Tianchong got it early. information.

"It seems that this person also had a lot of opportunities after leaving the Butterfly Emperor's Mausoleum. He actually broke through to the cultivation level of the Ninth Grade Supreme. This is enough to rank first among all the people participating in this battle." Tianchong There was also a solemn look on his face.

Of course, this first place refers to one's own spiritual power cultivation, and does not represent the true strength, because the current number one on the Holy Selection Tower is still his Celestial Insect, and the Xuan Borer can only be ranked second.

This also made other people have more speculations about Tianchong. After all, someone who can stabilize the existence of ninth-grade supremes should at least have the realm of ninth-grade supremes, right?

Amidst this commotion, a few days passed by in the blink of an eye, and the battle for the position of the Twelfth Holy Son of the Spirit Insect Tribe was also long overdue, amidst the expectations of countless people.

When the day of the war came, the entire Insect Imperial City was filled with drums and bells. All those who were preparing to join the war adjusted themselves to the best condition and then headed towards the largest white jade square in the city.

The area around the square was already filled with an endless sea of ​​people.

In the square, majestic young men and women stood proudly, quietly waiting for their own moment to come...

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Lights and shadows with spiritual power kept roaring in the sky, and finally landed at the top of the square. They stood with their hands tied and their expressions solemn.

These are the supreme powerful men of the Spirit Zerg tribe, and most of them are the masters of the same lineage, so their appearance also caused a burst of noise around the square.

At this time, Tian Chong and Xue Hao were standing side by side among the crowd in the square, and many people's eyes were focused on their position.

Of course, these people mainly look at the snow clover, and the sky bug is just an eyesore in their eyes.

Today, Xue Hao is wearing an ice-blue long skirt that sets off her slender and delicate body. She looks curvy and exudes a noble and elegant atmosphere.

The long snow-colored hair hangs down like the Milky Way, falling to her small waist. Although the beautiful cheeks are covered by a thin veil, the beautiful eyes as clear as glass that are exposed are looking forward. It exudes extraordinary beauty, making people unable to take their eyes away.

It has to be said that Xue Hao was at her most beautiful age at this time. She was completely free from the youthfulness of a girl, and her demeanor was elegant and calm. Her posture was really charming and charming to the extreme.

Especially because she majors in ice aura, her temperament has a touch of coldness, which makes her even more attractive.

Of course, not everyone is looking at the beauty. There are also a few people who have their eyes on Tianchong. Obviously, no matter how low-key Tianchong is for such a long time, someone can dig out his identity. .

Among them was Xuan Chong, who was ranked below him. At this time, he looked at Celestial Chong with a hint of coldness in his eyes...

There was no way, even if the ranking in the Holy Tower was not selected, what happened in the Butterfly Emperor's Mausoleum caused a bad relationship between the two. At that time, the two were only one step away from conflict.

In addition, there is Tianpeng who is also a member of the Tianmai. He has really seen the power of the heavenly insects. The powerful body far surpasses that of the Tenth Holy Son, which left a deep impression on Tianpeng.

So when he learned that Tianchong had actually parachuted into the Holy Tower to choose the first place, he was not surprised at all.

Just when everyone was overtly or covertly sizing up what they considered to be their biggest opponent, a burst of wind came again, and then nine figures landed on top of the many Earth Supremes.

"The Sons are coming!"

The surrounding crowd was in an uproar again, and everyone stretched their necks to get a closer look.

"I have met all the saints."

The masters of each channel at the top took the lead in cupping their fists.

The position of the Holy Son is nominally higher than that of the major lineage masters and elders. It can be said that the status is respected.

"Masters of the pulse, please don't be too polite." The oldest and most powerful First Holy Son chuckled.

As for the remaining Holy Sons who do not have the supreme power of the Earth, they also need to bow to these vein masters and elders at this time.

As the number of people increased, the next moment, a figure suddenly appeared on a golden throne in front of the main hall on the square.

As soon as this figure appeared, the entire world seemed to be shrouded in an invisible pressure, and for a while, the boiling sound stopped.


At the moment when the pressure appeared, the whole world seemed to be silent for a moment, and all the strong men present were shocked at this moment.

They looked at the figure on the throne with shocked eyes, and they could clearly sense what terrifying spiritual power fluctuations were emitting above the figure at this time.

That kind of fluctuation has shockingly surpassed the level of Earth Supreme!

That is the Supreme Being!

"The Patriarch has really surpassed the Heavenly Supreme..."

At this moment, all the Spirit Insect clan members were as if they were in a dream.

You must know that the reason why the Spirit Zerg tribe in the past could be called a super force was only because of the shadow of their ancestors and the protection of the Zong Emperor who was in the supreme realm of heaven.

But the Ancestral Insect Emperor was a spirit insect under the spirit insect ancestor back then, and it has been tens of thousands of years now. And because of that war, his strength has not improved in recent years, but has continued to decline. The Saint-level Heavenly Sovereign has become the Spirit-level Heavenly Sovereign...

"God is really blessing our clan. Let the clan leader break through to the Heavenly Supreme. There is hope for the revival of our Zerg clan!"

Many old people were crying bitterly at this time.

The reason why the Spirit Zerg Tribe has implemented the policy of "isolating the country" in recent years is because the Zong Emperor's strength has been greatly reduced and he is seriously injured. He doesn't know when he will fall. By then, the Spirit Zerg Tribe may not even be able to maintain the title of a super power. .

Now that they finally have a new Heavenly Supreme Power, they no longer have to live in such a humble manner in the world.

"Okay, today is a big day for our Spirit Zerg tribe. I am the Breakthrough Heaven Supreme, and now there are so many young heroes who want to compete together. I am very happy!"

The voice of the Spirit Insect leader spread throughout the city, and all the Spirit Insect clan members who heard this suddenly shouted excitedly.

"God bless the spiritual worms!"

"God bless the spiritual worms!"

"God bless the spiritual worms!"

The leader of the Spirit Insect clan raised his sleeves and waved his robe, and all sounds suddenly disappeared.

"Okay, today is our clan's battle for the Holy Son. It's getting late now, so let's start the battle."

As soon as he finished speaking, the leader of the Spirit Insect clan flicked his finger, and countless points of light suddenly shot out and landed in front of everyone in the square.

A light spot also fell in front of the sky insect, and then turned into a spiritual seal with a ferocious ancient insect engraved on it. The spiritual light surged on the spiritual seal, and there seemed to be a unique wave faintly emanating from it.

"Every contender will have a spiritual seal. This is your guarantee. If the spiritual seal is taken away by someone, then the competition will naturally fail, and the loser will be immediately teleported out of the battlefield."

"And in the end, the one with the most spiritual seals will become the twelfth Holy Son of our Spirit Zerg Tribe."

After a pause, the leader of the Spirit Zerg tribe said again: "However, there is only one position for the Holy Son. There are so many heroes in our Spirit Zerg tribe. In order to encourage everyone, I will give you some benefits. After you enter the battlefield, you only need to pour your spiritual power into it. In the spirit seal, you can view the treasure house of our spirit insect clan, in which many holy objects, magical powers, spirit insects, secret techniques, etc. can be exchanged for you."

As soon as these words came out, the square was in an uproar. This was even more exciting than having only one Holy Son.

"I heard that there are not only powerful holy objects in the clan's treasury, but also spiritual insects of the Insect King's blood. If I can exchange for one or two of these, my fortune will really skyrocket."

Of course, if you want to exchange for these treasures, you must seize the spiritual seal from your opponent, because this is the only designated currency for exchanging treasures.

However, the battle for the Holy Son is not a big melee, but a fight between enemies. The winner gets all the spiritual seals on the loser, while the loser withdraws from the battlefield directly.

In this way, those participating in the battle need to be able to assess the situation. If they know that they are outmatched and do not want to lose the spiritual seal, they can only use the spiritual seal directly in the treasure house and then admit defeat...

Tian Chong is also very excited at this time, and he doesn’t know if he will be able to find something good that will make him excited...

"Okay, the battle begins, everyone enters the battlefield..."

As the leader of the Spirit Insect clan finished speaking, a void suddenly appeared in the sky above the square. From below, you could still see the huge suspended battle platforms in the void.

After receiving the order, everyone flew up one after another, and then found their own fighting platform under the guidance of the spiritual seal, and also saw their opponents.

He was dressed in fire and was domineering. As soon as he appeared on the stage, there was a spirit insect wrapped in flames next to him, spitting out a mouthful of flames and sweeping towards the heavenly insect...

"Hahaha, I'm Yanmai Yandon, the one across from me, please tell me your name!"

Looking at this guy who came from the Yan vein and looked wanton and arrogant, Tianchong didn't even turn his eyelids.

As for the opponent's demonstrative flames, Tianchong raised his palm, and a red-gold fireball appeared in his hand, and then he threw it directly towards the opponent's flames...


The flames rolled back, and before Yan Dong could close his smile, he was directly sprayed all over his head and face by the flames of his own spiritual insects. Even with the blessing of the dragon's breath released by the heavenly insects with the help of the ancient dragon centipede, the flame's The power was greatly increased, and it was burned to ashes.

However, this Yan Dong was not an ordinary person. Although he was embarrassed due to his carelessness, these flames could not hurt him.

"Use fire? You actually want to use fire against me?"

Yan Dong burst out of the flames with anger rising in his chest. He felt that the other party was looking down on him, which made him feel insulted, and his whole body exploded with 120% of his strength.

Seeing this, Tian Chong frowned.

I had long heard that those guys in Yanmai were just powder keg, but I didn’t expect that I would encounter them in my first battle.

However, since this guy wants to compete with himself in flames, Tianchong is also willing to fulfill his wish...

As he stretched out his palm, the ancient dragon centipede in his sleeves quickly crawled out, and then with a high-pitched dragon roar, it transformed into the body of a thousand-foot dragon centipede, carrying blazing flames, and rushed towards the spirit insect beside Yan Dong.

According to the rules of the rivers and lakes, the battle between spiritual insect masters takes the lead in the battle between spiritual insects, and they can observe the enemy's situation from behind.

Of course, there are also some spiritual insect masters who advocate fighting and will rush forward first, just like the Yan Dong with the Yan Vein...

"Hahaha, it turns out to be an ancient dragon centipede, and it also has a powerful fire attribute. You are indeed qualified to be my opponent!"

"Then let the two of us have a happy fight!"

Seeing the figure rushing over like a meteorite, Tianchong shook his head speechlessly.

It's too easy to deal with such a reckless opponent. Under the Earth Supreme, anyone who dares to fight me is no different from seeking death...

Clenching his right hand into a fist, Tian Chong's expression became fierce, and golden flames rose up from his entire arm, and he immediately rushed towards the meteorite flying above his head.


The spiritual power burning with raging fire instantly turned the entire battlefield into a sea of ​​fire.


The golden stream of light instantly hit the red meteorite, which disintegrated in mid-air and turned into flames that filled the sky and fell on the earth.

At the critical moment, a figure escaped from the scope of the explosion, but the violent and fiery shock wave still shocked him into a bit of a panic.

"How could this guy have such a powerful body!" Yan Tong looked at the distant Tianchong with a face of surprise and uncertainty, and couldn't help but thought to himself.

You must know that Yanmai mainly cultivates fire-attribute spiritual power and is very good at body refining. It can be said that the people of Yanmai are one of the few branches in the Spirit Insect clan that pay attention to body refining.

This is one of the reasons why this group of people has always advocated close combat. It is very common to use their own characteristics to crush their opponents.

But in this battle, the first opponent met someone who was more perverted than his own body, which made Yan Tong unable to react for a while.

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