The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 182 Poor Ghost Celestial Insect

Tianchong: "You're here."

Xiao Xiao: "I'm here."

Tian Chong: "You shouldn't have come..."

Xiao Xiao: "?"

"Ahem, sorry, I went to the wrong set, I had a brain twitch..."

Xiao Xiao looked at the guy in front of him speechlessly and gave him a cute roll of his eyes.

The inexplicable conversation caused the charming atmosphere that had just been created between the two to completely dissipate.

Looking at the pair of cold yet charming eyes opposite him, Tianchong showed a bright smile, then opened his arms and greeted her.


It wasn't the sound of a soft and delicate body rushing into the arms, but a white and tender little fist hitting Tianchong's belly directly, almost knocking the latter away...

"Little Tianchong, you are very bold. Why, do you feel that your courage has become stronger as your cultivation level has improved? Then do you want to go back to the Endless Fire Realm with me..."


Tianchong, who was rubbing his belly, suddenly choked, and then a sly smile appeared on his face.

"'s better not to do it. The main thing is that I feel that now is not the time. Otherwise, if Lord Yandi looks down on me, wouldn't it be embarrassing for you..."

The girl is still sitting by the lake, with a perfect jade foot gently touching the water below. This scene can inspire the most primitive desire in any man's heart.

Of course, Tianchong is also a man, so he was inevitably subject to certain changes, but he suppressed them with great perseverance.

"Don't worry, don't worry, these will all be yours from now on..."

I kept telling myself to be steady and not to be tempted by the girl opposite, otherwise I would really have no choice but to succumb to her red dress in the future.

The girl held her cheeks in her small hands, and her obsidian eyes looked quietly at the muttering fool opposite...

Taking a deep breath, Tianchong suppressed all the charming images in his heart, walked gently to the girl's side, and gently sat down side by side with her. One hand had quietly covered the soft grass on the grass. weed.

"Finally see you again..."

An affectionate sigh was slowly let out, making the girl feel the friendship from the other party.

A wisp of red clouds climbed onto the girl's cheeks at some point, immediately making her originally perfect face look even more charming.

After struggling slightly, and feeling the power coming from the big hand, the girl finally stopped moving and allowed her little hand to be slowly kneaded by the other party.

After a while...

"Okay, don't be too presumptuous!"

Feeling that the other party's big hand wanted to explore her forearm, the girl suddenly felt a tremor all over her body and immediately took her hand back...

You know, over the years, she has come into contact with very few men except for her father and brother, let alone such "intimate" behavior, not even once. So having her little hand held and played with by Tianchong just now was already a very outrageous move for the girl.

Tianchong smiled softly and did not continue. Instead, he lay down gently on the green grass, sniffing the fragrance coming from the girl next to him, and said softly: "Ah, I haven't felt this comfortable for a long time. How you feel..."

Xiao Xiao turned his head slightly, and his perfect curves were displayed in front of the young man. Seeing the expression of enjoyment on the other person's face at this time, he felt endless softness in his heart.

"You know, Xiaocai has evolved a lot this time because of the help of the dragon and phoenix fruit and the essence and blood of the mythical beasts. In the future, I will no longer have to rely on long periods of sleep to adapt to the energy in my body... This is what my father told me. of!"

"Really?!" Tian Chong was immediately overjoyed.

"Then if you come out this time, doesn't it mean that we can have a good time in the world?"

The thought of facing Emperor Yan makes Tian Chong feel a little guilty now, so if he wants to spend more time with the girl, he can only do it under the guise of traveling abroad.

"Do you really not want to see my dad?" Xiao Xiao tilted his head. There was a cuteness in his original cold charm, which made Tianchong couldn't help but stare straight.

"You can't say this, it's just that I'm not ready yet... After all, if I want to be worthy of such an outstanding person like you, I have to work hard to improve myself, so I'd better wait until later to meet my parents. "

Seeing the pretense of the guy in front of her, the girl immediately curled her lips.

Time passed slowly, and before you knew it, the bright moon was already hanging in the sky.

The calm lake reflected the bright moon in the sky, as if someone had plucked the bright moon from the sky, like a dream.

The two figures still stayed by the lake, and the faint sound of soft words was carried to the distance by the breeze, as if they were not aware of the coming of the night.

Slowly, the sound disappeared.

The entire valley has become quiet, with only the gentle breeze still blowing...

The next day, when the morning sun just broke through the horizon, the West City was already boiling.

After yesterday's news about the gathering of geniuses from all walks of life, and later the news about the mysterious token that came from the ancient heavenly palace, it also spread in the city, so at this moment, West City has attracted great attention.

Many people had already started rushing towards the center of the city early in the morning.

In the center of Xicheng, there is an ancient auction house. In the past, this place was idle, but today it was used again, and its popularity was no less than the auctions held in the super cities on Tianluo Continent.

In the auction house, on the third floor attic, Tianchong and Xiao Xiao were sitting on a blanket made of ice and fire mink fur. They felt like their whole bodies were about to sink in. They were so comfortable.

Of course, for this small amount of enjoyment, Tianchong also spends a lot of money.

But with such a beautiful woman by your side, they can't both be crowded in the lobby...

"Hey, the person hosting the auction this time doesn't look strong. He should be a local force, and he is quite different from those overlords." Tianchong looked at the middle-aged man who walked on the stage and chuckled.

Xiao Xiao did not speak. He glanced around with cold eyes and said calmly: "Normally, none of these people want the other party's people to host the auction, lest they get into trouble, so looking for local forces is the best choice."

Tianchong nodded. Actually, if you think about it, you can understand this kind of thing. If everyone has similar strength, it is impossible for them to fight hand-to-hand without regard for face, right?

"Did you see the side? Muchen is right there. The one next to him is Jiuyou, a genius girl from the Jiuyou Bird Clan..." Tian Chong looked at Muchen and the two not far away and said softly to Xiaoxiao.

Xiao Xiao naturally saw the other party, but he just nodded.

On the opposite side, Muchen suddenly showed surprise when he saw Xiao Xiao sitting with Tian Chong.

"I asked why there was no news about Brother Tianchong as soon as he left. I thought he wouldn't come to the auction, but I didn't expect that he went to find Miss Xiao Xiao..."

This was the first time Jiuyou saw Xiao Xiao. When she saw the perfect face opposite her, even if it was a woman, she felt a little moved.

After listening to Muchen's words, he immediately sneered and said, "Who would hang out with a grown man like you when I have a confidante here..."

Muchen nodded, "Yes, it's a good thing I have you with me, otherwise I would be really sad..."

Jiuyou: "..."

A blush flashed across her pretty face, and Jiuyou cast a vicious sidelong glance at this guy.

At this time, Xia Hong from the Great Xia Dynasty, Mu Shan from Qianlong Pavilion, and Miss Qin Ya from Tianya Tower all arrived at the same time.

Everyone present knew what the real sensation in this auction was, and that thing was not something ordinary people like them could covet. There was a high probability that it would fall into the hands of one of these overlord forces.

However, in addition to the token, there are also many treasures obtained by adventurers from the periphery of the ancient heavenly palace space in this auction, and these can be competed for.

"Haha, everyone, we, the Great Xia Dynasty, are bound to get that token this time. If you can sell me a thin face, our Great Xia Dynasty will remember this." The fourth prince of the Great Xia Dynasty, Xia Hongwang He looked at the countless figures in the huge attic, then turned his head and smiled at his side.

However, upon hearing his words, Mu Shan, the Young Pavilion Master of Qianlong Pavilion, grinned and said, "How about I personally pay you five million supreme spiritual liquid, so you don't want to rob it from us. Dragon Pavilion will also remember this."

Everyone has similar strength, who is afraid of whom?

But the words of the two people made the Celestial Chong next to him feel affected, because at this time, the Supreme Spiritual Liquid in his hand was only five to six million. Originally, he thought he was quite rich, but now he heard that it was five hundred. Wan, instantly knocked him back to his original form.

"Made, no matter what, we are still the holy son of a super power. Isn't it a bit too low to have such a small amount of supreme spiritual liquid on my body?"

Of course, that's not how the accounts are calculated.

After all, Tianchong has just become the Holy Son and hasn't even received a year's salary. The five million is just for his training. Who knows what auction he will attend!

Of course, although he is still a poor man, he is sitting next to the strongest second generation in the entire world. It is easy to get tens of millions of supreme spiritual liquid...

It's a pity that although Tianchong wanted to eat soft rice, he couldn't put it down, so he didn't have the nerve to speak.

On the other side, Miss Tianyalou Qinya did not get involved in the overt and covert fight between the two, and just watched the show silently with a smile on her face.

After everyone arrived, the auction started as scheduled.

On the balcony, four beautiful girls each held a silver plate in their jade hands. On the silver plate, spiritual light patterns emerged, forming a light shield that isolated the fluctuations of spiritual power, making it impossible for people to sense it.

The middle-aged man named Han Fei looked at the countless blazing eyes and said with a smile: "The scale of this auction is not large, and the four items now are all from the ruins of the ancient Tiangong, and they have passed through Carefully selected…”

"Then, let's start the auction of the first item now."

As soon as he finished speaking, a girl walked forward cautiously, holding a silver plate in both hands. On the silver plate, spiritual light flowed, and then the rich light gradually dissipated, and at the same time the contents were revealed.

Countless powerful people looked up and saw a dark stone bead on the silver plate. The stone bead was covered with mottled marks, and there was a faint ancient aura emanating from it, which was obscure and inexplicable.

Above the pavilion, Muchen stared at the pitch-black stone bead, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then a gap suddenly opened between his eyebrows, and a faint light surged, and he could see the pitch-black stone pillar clearly and completely. , and at the same time, he also observed the huge spiritual power contained in the dark stone bead.

"What is this?" Jiuyou asked with some confusion upon seeing this.

If you just look at the surface of this stone bead, it seems to be just a mortal object.

"It should be a quasi-sacred object, quite powerful."

Muchen said slowly after the gap between his eyebrows disappeared.

With the help of the Life-Destroying Eye, he was able to sense the powerful power contained in this stone bead. That kind of power was quite top-notch even among quasi-holy objects. It was probably not weaker than his Life-Destroying Eye. .

It is a quasi-sacred object when it appears. It seems that there are many treasures in this ancient heavenly palace...

Tian Chong looked at the stone bead with great interest, secretly wondering if he could take down this bead with his little bit of supreme spiritual liquid.

"Photograph this bead!" A soft voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

Tianchong turned his head in surprise, looked at Xiao Xiao who was speaking, and asked in confusion: "Do you know this thing?"

You, a super rich second generation, can still fall in love with such a piece of rubbish? It shouldn't be...

Tian Chong was a little puzzled.

At this time, Han Fei had already begun to introduce.

"Haha, everyone, this object is called the Pohai Bead. It is said that in the ancient heavenly palace, only some elite disciples who have made great achievements can be rewarded with this object. This bead is a quasi-holy object.

It possesses the power to break the sea, its power is unparalleled, and it is so tyrannical that even the ninth-grade supreme master does not dare to take it lightly. "

Tian Chong raised his eyebrows. Although a treasure of this level is precious, it should not be too difficult to obtain for the few people present. Who doesn't have a few of them...

Xiao Xiao opened his mouth and said: "Although this object is not of high grade, its power to break the sea is still useful. It will be useful when you enter the ancient heavenly palace..."

Tian Chong nodded, it seems that Xiao Xiao also knows something about the ancient Celestial Palace.


"The auction price of this item is 10 million Supreme Spiritual Liquid, and each increase in price must not be less than 1 million. If you are interested, you can compete for it."

As soon as these words came out, Tian Chong was dumbfounded.

Damn it, I can’t even afford this bidding price, why are you just joining in the fun!

As soon as the starting price of 10 million came out, the place that had been boiling just now became slightly quiet. After all, this is not a small amount. Without the support of top forces behind it, it would be difficult for one person to come up with such a sum. A large amount of supreme spiritual fluid.

After all, this supreme spiritual liquid can not only be used as currency, but more importantly, it can be used to improve one's own cultivation, so no one will really use all their wealth to buy things.

"Eleven million supreme spiritual fluids!"

Soon, in the attic on the second floor, a man in white shouted loudly, which immediately attracted many envious looks and whispers.

"That is the young master of the Jinyu Tower. It is said that he is now at the peak of the seventh rank."

"No wonder you are so heroic. With more than 10 million supreme spiritual fluids, if I have to practice, I will probably be able to break through to the seventh and eighth levels of supreme."

The man in white was waving a jade fan. He looked at the envious eyes of everyone in the audience and smiled modestly, but he was very pretentious.

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