Chapter 029: Persuading People with “Virtue” and Beating Chun Yue violently! 【8/7】(New book asks for flowers!) )

Seeing Kong Yu just grab a brick from a wall.

And the mouth also said that this is dead.

Chun Yuyue panicked the next moment.

He took a step back in panic, but stepped on the footsteps of a Confucian student.

At this moment, Chun Yuyue remembered that there were hundreds of people behind him.

So he pointed at Kong Yu with fear.

“Kong Yu, what are you going to do?”

“I am an official of the imperial court, Imperial Shizhongcheng, if you dare to beat me, you will definitely be brought to justice.”

“Do you dare!”

“Do you dare!”

Chun Yuyue raised his voice, as if he was bolstering himself: “Hundreds of Confucian students behind me are looking at you!” ”

“People like you are also worthy of being called Confucian?”

“Confucianism emphasizes subduing people with virtue, but you use force?”

“You move me and try it!”

Kong Yu smiled, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Nanfu, who was standing on the side, looked at it, and suddenly felt bad.

He remembered the last time Kong Yu laughed like this, the more than forty people in the Ichthyosaurus Gang were beaten like dead dogs.

And the last time Kong Yu laughed like this, he and his dozen or so subordinates were lying neatly together.

Now there are several who can’t get off the ground among the medical officers.

This is over.

It’s definitely over.

Nanfu had already quietly taken a step back, afraid that blood would splash on his clothes later.

“Serve people with virtue, don’t you?” Kong Yu said with a smile: “Well, today I will let you know what it means to serve people with virtue.” ”

Saying that, Kong Yu stretched out a finger.

Then it began to buckle on the brick in his hand.

Everyone was very curious.

Curious about what Kong Yu is doing?

How to do something in the bare hands to buckle bricks.

However, soon they saw it.

Because Kong Yu buttoned a word on the brick.

A “de” word.

Just after Kong Yu Bar cut out a “de” character abruptly on the brick.

The next second, tragedy happened.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

The brick engraved with the word “De” in Kong Yu’s hand was directly on Chun Yuyue’s head.

“Didn’t you let Benfuzi convince people with virtue!”

Kong Yu went down with a brick, and Chun Yuyue only felt that his brain was buzzing.

Then came darkness.

With a bang, he fell straight to the ground.


“Unbeatable goods!”

Chun Yuyue, who fell to the ground, kicked his legs and twitched as if he had been shocked by electricity.

The scene was quiet, and the needles could be heard.

At this moment, everyone finally understood what Kong Yu said about persuading people with virtue.

Feelings this brick is called “Duc? ”

Is that how to convince people with virtue?

“In the imperial history, Benfuzi is still the prince and the prince, and the official position is bigger than you!”

“You dare to besiege the Crown Prince Fu’s mansion with hundreds of people?”

“Who gave you courage?”

Kong Yu raised his head, weighed the brick in his hand, and then looked at the hundreds of Confucians behind Chun Yuyue who fell to the ground.

“Which one else is not convinced.”

“Whoever wants to call Benfuzi to serve people with virtue, step forward!”

Almost as soon as Kong Yu’s words fell, hundreds of people retreated towards the back in unison.

Kong Yu, on the other hand, did not retreat and took several steps forward.

Kong Yu entered, and hundreds of frightened Confucians retreated towards the back in unison.

A group of people huddled together in black, looking like a flock of ducks.

Kong Yu looked at the hundreds of Confucians in front of him without narrowing his eyes.

“Just your group of goods?”

“Self-cultivation, Qi family, governing the country, which of you can do it in the world?”

“Weak root chicks alike.”

“The limbs are not diligent, and the grains are not divided.”

“When the country is in trouble, can you carry a knife and mount a horse, or can you defend the city?”

Kong Yu’s gaze swept over each Confucian body like a blade.


After spitting out, Kong Yu turned and walked towards the gate of his mansion.

Fusu and Nanfu met and looked at Kong Yu like idols.

“See no, this is Confucianism.”

“Benfuzi alone scared these hundreds of people without even daring to speak.”

“The country is in trouble, and they are still expected to defend the country?”

“Xue Confucian? Learn the fart of the ass. ”

“In the future, don’t say that Benfuzi is Confucian, Benfuzi is Confucian!”

Saying that, Kong Yu threw the brick in his hand to Nanfu.

“Find a place, hang up for Benfuzi, and tell the people of the world, this is the ‘virtue’ of Benfuzi, and whoever wants to make Benfuzi convince people with virtue, first ask if his head is this brick hard!”

Outside the door, hundreds of Confucians looked at each other, and none dared to speak.

In the distance, Ying Zheng always had a smile on his face when he watched this scene.

“A good one to convince people with virtue, I can be regarded as seeing it today.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

Not to mention that Ying Zheng saw it, even Wang Ben saw it.

This is to convince people with “virtue”.

Dare to love Nade is a brick!

This is a brick down, who is not convinced.

“Kong Yu has a saying that is not wrong.” Ying Zheng said: “If the country is in trouble, then the people of the world will save it, if this Great Qin is actually such a Confucian, then when the Great Qin is in trouble, who will save the country?” ”

“Do you really want to go straight to these Confucians who are not diligent in their limbs and do not divide grains, and only know how to shake their heads and read books all day?”

“It’s not that I hate Confucianism, but if it’s just such a Confucianism, what’s the use of it?”

“Wang Bian, do you think what Xu said is right?” Huan Zheng turned his head to look at Wang Ban behind him.

Wang Ben thought for a moment, and then nodded: “Your Majesty is right. ”

“Daqin established the country with military merit, if everyone is really like this, then the empire is in danger.”


After a while, Nanfu followed Kong Yu’s instructions.

The turning head with the word “Confucian” engraved found a rope and hung it in front of the gate of Kong Yu’s mansion.

Hundreds of Confucians huddled together and have not yet dispersed.

Kong Yu didn’t leave, naturally no one dared to step forward and move Chun Yuyue, who was still twitching on the ground.

“Look what, don’t you carry this goods away, stay here and wait to finish eating?” Kong Yu glared fiercely at the huddled Confucian, and then walked towards the gate of the mansion.

When the crowd rushed out, more than a dozen people were ready to carry Chunyue who had fainted to the ground.

However, at this very moment.

Mutations emerge suddenly.

A middle-aged man dressed as a Confucian took out a dagger from his cuff when he was bending over.

“Master be careful!”

“Master be careful!”

Nanfu and Fusu, who were standing opposite Kong Yu, immediately shouted this to remind Kong Yu.

And the Confucian who escaped the dagger from the cuff did not hesitate, and his eyes stabbed fiercely at Kong Yu’s waist.

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