Chapter 71 Kong Yu’s words were amazing, and Ying Zheng looked confused!!

Inside the carriage.

Kong Yu and Yingzheng sat opposite each other.

“Old Zhao, I didn’t inform you of something.”

Kong Yu looked at Yingzheng and said, “I promised you before, and the two percent of hemp paper sales have been lost.” ”

The manufacturing methods of hemp paper and bamboo paper have been handed over to Winzheng.

Although Kong Yu retains some management rights, if the Great Qin Dynasty satisfies domestic sales, he will definitely choose to export them.

So these two percent of the profit may be greatly reduced.


Yingzheng smiled and raised his eyebrows: “Actually, I shouldn’t take these two costs, and it doesn’t matter if they are there or not.” ”

Yingzheng had a smile on his face, but in fact, he had already smiled in his heart.

Of course, he doesn’t care, because now he even has the formula, which is not such a simple matter as two percent profit.

“But then again, why did you hand over this item?”

Ying Zheng asked: “The profits of bamboo paper and hemp paper only need to be sold for one year, and you are probably the richest person in Daqin.” ”

“With so much money, aren’t you distressed?”

Ying Zheng looked at Kong Yu.

Kong Yurou nodded painfully and said, “It’s false to say that you don’t feel distressed.” ”

“But money is enough, if it is too much, it is just a number.”

“Compared to me personally, Daqin Cai needs this thing more.”

Kong Yu’s did a little surprise to win the government.

Ying Zheng originally thought that Kong Yu would say that he was not distressed, but he did not expect Kong Yu to admit it very frankly.

And being able to stand on the general will of the country, this also made the winning government a little unexpected.

“Then you didn’t think about exchanging this paper for something? Like a knighthood, or whatever? ”

Yingzheng looked at Kong Yu and asked.

Kong Yu shook his head again.

Comfortably leaned back on the carriage and stretched.

“Wealth is like a floating cloud, why care.”

Kong Yu said dashingly.

“You can see it, rich and rich money don’t care, compared to you, then I am a layman.”

Win the political way.

Kong Yu hurriedly denied it: “I didn’t say I didn’t care.” ”

“Don’t get me wrong.”

“When I say that wealth is like a floating cloud, it is not the same thing as what you know.”

“When I say wealth, I mean that wealth is like a floating cloud to me, and today it is like a floating cloud in the sky, and it is just desirable at any time.”

“As much as you want, you can have as much as you want, so you don’t have to care.”

Kong Yu waved his hand and said without care.


At this time, he was also confused about winning the government.

It turns out that wealth is like a floating cloud, which is what it means.

Dare to be affectionate is that he misunderstood.

Could it be that Daqin’s official positions are already so worthless?

Casually, Kong Yu really wants to take it?

Ying Zheng expressed dissatisfaction and said: “Brother Kong, now that the Great Qin is peaceful and barbarian is threatening, where does this official position and wealth come from?” I’m afraid it’s not as simple as Brother Kong thinks, right? ”

Kong Yu leaned on the carriage with his hands on his pillows and closed his eyes.

He didn’t pay the slightest attention to the look in Win Zheng’s eyes.

He said with a big grin, “That’s for you.” ”

“For me, these things couldn’t be simpler.”

“You said that the Great Qin Dynasty became peaceful, then let me ask you, has the remnants of the Six Kingdoms been leveled? Have the hearts of the people of the world taken it? ”

“You said that the barbarians are all subject, the Xiongnu in the north, the Dayue clan in the west, the barbarians in Lingnan, and the barbarians in the deep mountains of Bashu.”

“There is such a vast land beyond the green ridge, and this is not a military merit everywhere?”

“As for the absence of paper, do you think I have no way to transfer money?” More went. ”

“Might as well tell you so, as long as I want to, making money is as simple as drinking water and eating.”

“I have a thing, called a hundred steel, ten times better than bronze, if I forge weapons, I can be invincible.”

“I also have a thing called a saddle, and if I assemble cavalry, everyone can ride on horseback!”

“Old Zhao, our time of knowing each other is still too short, I still have more secrets for this good thing!”

Kong Yu closed his eyes and was thinking about how to deal with Ba Shi’s problem later.

And the winning government is not calm at this time.

Almost every time Kong Yu said a word, the shock in Yingzheng’s heart increased by three points.

The remnants of the Six Kingdoms, the hearts of the people of the world, the Xiongnu in the north, and the Dayue clan in the west.

These are the most serious problems that Daqin needs to face at the moment.

Over time, @ Six Kingdoms remnants have now begun to no longer settle down.

And winning the hearts of the people in the world has always been a headache for him.

Although Daqin unified the six countries, it also left behind these two drawbacks that were difficult to solve for a while.

And the Huns in the north.

Chen Bing was hundreds of thousands above the head of Shangjun, hanging above Daqin like a sharp sword.

Although the Otsuki clan in the west did not move, it would become a disaster sooner or later.

And what Kong Yu said about a hundred steel, and the saddle made Yingzheng’s curiosity greatly increased.

Through hemp paper and bamboo paper, Yingzheng believed that what Kong Yu said was not empty words.

Where do all these weird things come from?

Yingzheng is very curious.

Suppressing the curiosity in his heart, Ying Zheng calmed his mood and asked: “Brother Kong is afraid that it is serious, go to the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, what kind of waves can you turn over.” ”

“Daqin with a million, as long as they dare to rebel, if they want to destroy it, is it not anytime, anywhere?”

Win the political way.

Kong Yu calculated his shoulders: “That’s right, but what if they don’t do the opposite?” How to extinguish? ”


Winning the government wondered if it was boring.

Not anti?

What do they do?

“Brother Kong’s words are a little incomprehensible to me, since they don’t rebel, then there is no need to worry about it.”

Yingzheng said.

Kong Yu shook his head and said: “They are not not opposed, but waiting, waiting for an opportunity, and now they are not opposed, just because the time has not come.” ”

“If the time comes, the remnants of the Six Nations will inevitably rebel!”

Kong Yu took a bite, his tone extremely certain.

Kong Yu is not interested in history.

But I also know one thing.

That is, the first emperor does not die, and the six countries do not come out.

“What chance?”

Yingzheng asked curiously.

Even Wang Bian, who was driving the carriage and sitting outside, tried hard to stretch his neck and listen carefully.

“Of course, they are waiting for the emperor to return to heaven.”

Kong Yu said without hesitation.

Outside the carriage, Wang Bian’s face turned white with fright.

The horsewhip in his hand almost flew out.

You Kong Yu is awesome!

You Kong Yu is powerful!

He dared to say in front of the emperor that the emperor wanted to return to heaven.

I’m afraid you don’t want that little head around your neck.”

Wang Ben immediately retracted his head and decided not to eavesdrop.

It’s so scary.

It’s so exciting.

My heart can’t stand it, can’t I not listen anymore.

Winning Zheng was also rectified by Kong Yu’s words.

I don’t know how to answer the phone.

Half ringing, Yingzheng took a deep breath.



All right!

So Yingzheng looked at Kong Yu again with his eyes closed and asked, “Why do you say that?” ”

“Hehe, isn’t this simple, because they are afraid that the First Emperor will destroy the Six Kingdoms and threaten the world, who is not afraid?”

“Only when the emperor dies, these rats hidden in the shadows will emerge.”

“Therefore, as long as the emperor does not die for a day, it will be difficult to remove the remnants of the Six Kingdoms.”

“It’s a knot that can’t be untangled.”

Kong Yu said.

Ying Zheng frowned.

He knew that Kong Yu was right.

As long as he does not die for a day, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms will not dare to rise for a day.

But can he live forever?

From the moment Xu Fu’s deception was revealed, he knew that immortality was nothing more than a luxury.

However, just when the winning government was helpless, Kong Yu changed his words again.

“In fact, if you want to destroy the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, you don’t have to start with the remnants of the Six Nations, you just need to see the fundamental problem and solve the problem fundamentally.”

“It’s like a palace with no foundation, even if the palace above is built in magnificence, but without the support of the foundation, it will collapse sooner or later.”

“The remnants of the royal family and nobles of the Six Kingdoms are like palaces on that foundation.”

“And as long as the foundation is solved, then the palace will naturally collapse.”

Kong Yu said.

“So what is the foundation?”

Win Zheng asked.

Kong Yu cleanly spit out two words: “People’s heart!” ”

“The people’s heart is the foundation of this magnificent palace.”

“The reason why the remnants of the Six Nations have the ability to oppose is because the Six Kingdoms have ruled various places for hundreds of years.”

“Taking the State of Chu, the State of Yan, and the State of Qi as an example, which one has not ruled for hundreds of years?”

“This is called going deep into the hearts of the people, and it is also where the capital of the remnants of the Six Nations rebellion lies.”

“Of course, if Daqin wants to win the hearts of the people, it is not a simple matter!”

Kong Yu shook his head.

Yingzheng listened to Kong Yu’s analysis, and almost every sentence could be said to the point.

This surprised him.

All along, Yingzheng knew that Kong Yu was a little special.

But he never expected that he could hear some ways of governing the country from Kong Yu’s mouth, which was like a Confucian who was unreasonable and poured out his fist.

But Kong Yu is such a person.

You say he’s a Confucian, well, he reasoned with you with his fists.

You call him a reckless man, and now he talks about statecraft.

Yingzheng thinks that he has read countless people in this life.

But it was really the first time he had seen a wonderful person like Kong Yu.

“Then, according to Brother Kong’s opinion, how should we close people’s hearts?”

Yingzheng asked with the mentality of trying.

Kong Yu shook his head slightly, “Difficult.” ”

“Mountains and rivers are easy to change, human nature is unpredictable!”

“The Six Kingdoms have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for hundreds of years, and it is not easy to close them, and the laws of Daqin are strict, and it is difficult for the people of the Six Kingdoms to adapt.”

“And there is also a deeply rooted question.”

“As long as the emperor does not collapse, it is difficult to win people’s hearts.”

Kong Yudao.

Yingzheng suddenly felt a little bad.

How can three sentences not leave me and not collapse.

Dare to wait until I collapse before saying anything?

Is this world so expecting me to die?

Ying Zheng glanced at Kong Yu.

It’s just that Kong Yu was busy closing his eyes and recuperating his mind, and he didn’t see the white eyes of Yingzheng.

“You said that the remnants of the Six Kingdoms of Ping will wait for the emperor to collapse, how can you close the hearts of the people in the world and wait for the emperor to collapse?”

“Can the emperor not collapse?”

Yingzheng asked angrily.

Kong Yu shook his head and said, “No.” ”

Winzheng: “…”

Listening to your Kong Yu’s words, I still have to collapse, right? Can’t it collapse anymore?

“The First Emperor destroyed the Six Kingdoms, this is already a deep hatred in the hearts of the people, unless the throne is changed and he comes up to think of the new emperor, otherwise, even if Daqin changes the law now, it will be too late.”

“I didn’t wait to win the hearts of the people, I’m afraid that the emperor has collapsed.”

Yingzheng gritted his teeth.

If I hadn’t been able to beat you, I’d have punched you!


“Okay, let’s not discuss the collapse of the emperor first, we say, if the new emperor ascends the throne, how can we win the hearts of the people?”

Yingzheng tried hard to calm his mood.

He decided not to get tangled up with Kong Yu on the issue of collapse.

I’m afraid that if I want to get entangled, I will be killed here by Kong Yu’s anger.

“Amend the law, practice benevolence, cut the tax burden, and let the people be fed and clothed.”

“The people’s demands are actually very simple, as long as they can eat, as long as they can wear warm clothes, then who is willing to hold their heads on their waists and rebel?”

Kong Yu’s words were simple.

Revise the law, promote benevolence, cut the tax burden, and keep the people fed and clothed.

These words are simple to say.

But it’s not that easy to do.

Modifying the law is a matter for a nation, and if it is easily changed, it will inevitably hurt its excesses.

The implementation of benevolent government is also simple, but if you want to implement it, you will inevitably be hindered by various layers.

A country’s expenditure depends entirely on the tax burden.

Daqin was millions of armor, and he fought for years, and all kinds of construction required huge amounts of money and food.

How can you feed when the land is barren?

How can you wear warm clothes in a place of bitter cold?

These are all problems.

Want to solve these.



It’s hard!

That’s it.

The carriage had already arrived at the door of the Babbitt.

The carriage stopped, and Wang Ben jumped out of the car first.

Then the curtain of the carriage was lifted.

Kong Yu stretched out and also jumped down from the carriage.

Wang Ben rolled his eyes and glared at Kong Yu.

I’m outside basking in the big sun to catch the car, and you sleep inside!

Kong Yu glanced at Yingzheng and Wang Ban and said, “Wait until you two are standing behind me, don’t be covered in blood!” ”

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