The Great Storm

Chapter 1073

Priestly monk Puhui originally thought that he had hidden deep enough, no matter how powerful Ao Qifeng and Luo Xiaoyan's detection ability was, it would be impossible to find him secretly watching.

Therefore, when he heard the voice of Ao Qifeng's secret voice, he was stunned immediately, and secretly said in his heart: "This person with ancient dragon blood flowing in his body, but with magic power in his power is of unknown origin." Guy, it's so powerful, I hid so deeply, and he even discovered it."

Although he did not want to admit the fact that he was discovered, Puhui finally chose to face the reality, and immediately communicated with Ao Qifeng through the secret voice channel that sent him a message.

"What do I need to do? To help you?"

"After more than an hour of tracking and monitoring, you should have discovered the escape route chosen by Luo Xiaoyan, the bastard, right?"

"Well, I found the law and trajectory of his escape route."

"This is easy to handle. How about this, you immediately go to the direction of twelve o'clock and arrange a blocking formation that is enough to block him. Once he falls into the blocking formation you arranged, even if it can only trap him for half a minute , I have full confidence to crush one of its paws to death."

"Is it the direction of twelve o'clock?"

Priestly monk Puhui thought for a while, turned around and checked, and confirmed that Luo Xiaoyan's course of action estimated by Ao Qifeng was completely correct, so he left without too much hesitation, and went straight to the airspace designated by Ao Qifeng, and arranged to intercept Luo Xiaoyan. Xiaoyan's formation.

In fact, Luo Xiaoyan had already noticed the existence of Puhui Divine Monk, but when he saw Puhui Divine Monk did not attack him, nor did he attack the disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect. Take him seriously.

However, Luo Xiaoyan was a little surprised that at this moment, the Puhui priest would choose to join forces with Ao Qifeng and join forces with him to deal with him.

"Hmph... I finally saw you showing your fangs... A long time ago, I didn't really believe that the monk represented a truly compassionate person, and now I don't believe it even more..."

Through investigation, Luo Xiaoyan found that Puhui Shenseng went to the twelve o'clock direction of the escape route he drew a circle, and immediately understood that Puhui Shenshen was going to tamper with his escape route, cooperating with Ao Qifeng, and his face A faint indifferent smile appeared on the face immediately, and he thought to himself: "It's really two stupid birds, my escape route is something you can guess casually..."

Luo Xiaoyan, who was running, was about a hundred miles away from the blocking array arranged by the Puhui monk, when Luo Xiaoyan suddenly changed his advancing route, and did not rush to the coverage of the blocking array arranged by the Puhui monk.

The Puhui divine monk who had set up a blocking formation felt extremely happy when he first saw Luo Xiaoyan approaching from a distance, approaching the airspace he estimated.

However, the good times didn't last long, and the Puhui monk saw that Luo Xiaoyan suddenly changed his advancing route, almost moving at a high speed along the edge of the blocking formation he had set up to cover the power. : "Is his detection ability so powerful that it is so amazing? Even my pre-existing blocking formation, he can detect it through his keen perception ability? If this is the case, then he is really terrible gone."


Luo Xiaoyan's figure, like an arrow, skimmed along the edge of the blocking formation area arranged by the Puhui monk, and then quickly went away.

Therefore, in the heart of the Pratham monk,

Immediately became restless, and even regretted choosing to cooperate with Ao Qifeng, and arranged blocking formations on Luo Xiaoyan's advancing route to deal with him.

"Coincidence, it must be a coincidence..." Priestly monk Puhui didn't want to believe that Luo Xiaoyan chose to take a detour because he noticed the danger in the area where he had set up the blocking formation through investigation.

"Continue, continue to set up blocking formations in this vast space, the more the better, as long as there is one who can trap him for a moment, I will be able to catch up with him." When the Puhui monk was feeling depressed, Ao Qifeng turned into a The giant dragon figure has passed by the edge of the space where he has set up the blocking formation, and is chasing after Luo Xiaoyan, and the words he said to him floated into his ears in a secret voice .

"Do you think this is useful?" Puhui asked Ao Qifeng.

"It's useful, definitely useful...provided that as long as he chooses to go around in circles in this area of ​​space..." Ao Qifeng responded.

"If he chooses to escape in a straight line and a long distance, doesn't it mean that all my efforts are in vain?" Priestly monk Puhui felt extremely depressed at the moment.

"With this kid's pride and stubbornness, I believe that he will still choose to circle around and deal with me in this vast space area." Ao Qifeng said.

"I hope your prediction is right." Puhui shook his head deeply depressed, and then chose to continue to cooperate with Aoqifeng, and set up a blocking formation in the space area where Luo Xiaoyan and Aoqifeng circled.

Another blocking formation was completed.

Puhui Divine Monk let out a deep breath, looked back, and saw that Luo Xiaoyan was more than three hundred miles away, drawing an arc in the void at a very fast speed, and arranged a space area for him to block this time. Approaching, I couldn't help but secretly pleasantly said in my heart: "I hope this time I can use the power of the formation to stop you..."

However, Pratt Hui was disappointed again.

Because when Luo Xiaoyan was about to reach the area where the force of the blocking formation existed, Luo Xiaoyan changed his course again, turned into an arc, and once again passed along the space area where he had arranged the blocking formation, and then quickly went away.

Once, it may be a coincidence, but it is not as simple as a coincidence to avoid the dangerous place twice in a row.

At this moment, the Puhui Divine Monk's face was as pale as paper, and the regret in his heart became more and more intense.

"It's fine if you can't win him over...Why did you choose to provoke him, completely offend him, and make him an enemy of my Tianyuan Temple? Damn it, it's all that damned Ao Qifeng...I really shouldn't choose to be with him Cooperation..." Puhui howled depressingly in his heart.

"Go on, don't give up." When Ao Qifeng passed by not far from him and chased Luo Xiaoyan, he said such a reminder to him with secret voice.

"Is it still meaningful to continue to set up blocking formations?" Puhui asked Ao Qifeng with the technique of secret voice.

"It's useful. If you arrange the void around him completely without leaving any gaps, I don't believe that he can still dodge accurately?" Ao Qifeng replied.

"Since you think it's useful, then do as you say." The Puhui monk was very depressed, wishing to find a place to bump his head to death, because he knew in his heart that if the news of what happened today was spread, his face would be ruined in the future. Really don't know where to put it.

Next, the Puhui monk entered into a busy state of obeying Aoqifeng's command, and chose to go around in circles in this area of ​​Luo Xiaoyan, fighting for stamina with Aoqifeng, and fighting for a long-lasting space area to set up a formation to block Luo Xiaoyan.


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