The Great Storm

Chapter 1080

Under the personal command of the Shadowless Tarantula King, the twelve Shadowless Tarantula Squads, after a lot of work, basically destroyed the formation trap Luo Xiaoyan had set up in this jungle without much effort.

The formation trap disappeared, and the traces of the battle that were originally covered by the power of the formation trap immediately appeared clearly in the sight of the shadowless tarantulas.

Looking across the messy battle scene, the shadowless tarantulas felt extremely angry in their hearts, because through observing the battle scene, they confirmed that their companions who had rushed into the formation trap one by one before, No one was spared, and they were all slaughtered by the thieves who had set up formation traps, and no corpses or blood were left behind.

"Wang, where is the guy who harmed our fellow creatures?" The guards beside the Shadowless Tarantula King, after careful searching, couldn't find any other creatures, so they hurriedly asked the king next to him.

"He's in our encirclement...but he's hiding very well at the moment. With your abilities, you can't see his trace." The Shadowless Tarantula King responded, and then shouted to the Shadowless Tarantula subordinates He said, "Everyone listen to the order, act quickly, and block off the ten-mile space in front of me thirty miles in front of me, about ten feet above the ground, to prevent the little human thief from escaping."

"Yes, king!" All the creatures rushed out one after another after listening to the order, and rushed to their pre-planned stop points, and then cooperated with their companions to spray out streams of milky white liquid, which turned into extremely viscous spider silk, forming a group. A huge spherical spider web only blocked the void where Luo Xiaoyan was hiding.

After sealing off the space where Luo Xiaoyan was, the Shadowless Tarantula King was not in a hurry to order to attack Luo Xiaoyan, but stepped into the void step by step, like going up a staircase, slowly climbing up until it was at the same height as the void where Luo Xiaoyan was hiding. , it stopped.

Then, the Shadowless Tarantula King spoke out, and shouted at Luo Xiaoyan, who hadn't shown his body up to this moment, and who was wondering in his heart: "Damn human boy, show yourself, you've been hiding so little The means of appearance cannot be hidden from the eyes of this king."

"It seems that my camouflage hidden attribute points are a bit low, otherwise, it would be impossible for the Shadowless Tarantula King to be able to discover the void where I hide my body... I need to find a way to combine the camouflage and insight. Only by increasing the points of the two hidden attributes..."

After hearing the words of the Shadowless Tarantula King, Luo Xiaoyan was sure that he had really been discovered, and the position where he hid his figure was in the eyes of his opponent, and there was no secret at all.

Since he couldn't hide, Luo Xiaoyan didn't bother to hide anymore, he walked out of the void, stepped on the white cloud, hovered there, looked at the Shadowless Tarantula King and said with a smile: "I've revealed myself, what can you do to me? Don’t think that you can beat me because you have the advantage in numbers.”

"My king knows,

You are indeed capable, but your behavior has violated the bottom line of this king, you must die today... Otherwise, this king will have no face and become king in the future. "

The Shadowless Tarantula King snorted softly, and then issued an attack order to all the Shadowless Tarantulas besieging Luo Xiaoyan.

Following Wang's attack order, a large number of shadowless tarantulas immediately obeyed the order and started to move.

These shadowless tarantulas split into two groups immediately.

Some of them quickly approached Luo Xiaoyan until they were about thirty feet away from Luo Xiaoyan, and when they were sure that Luo Xiaoyan could not pose a threat to them even if he used the secret long-range attack technique, they stopped advancing.

Then, they quickly opened their mouths one by one, spewing out extremely viscous liquid, which turned into spider silk, forming a net that could cover all of Luo Xiaoyan's maneuvering and dodging space, covering Luo Xiaoyan's figure, directly covering it .

The other part rushed to the space below Luo Xiaoyan, set up a blocking formation, blocked Luo Xiaoyan's downward movement and absconding route, and ensured that the cobweb cover formed by the teamwork of his companions would not miss when it was under the cover, and could accurately cover Luo Xiaoyan. small rock.

Obviously, the behavior of the shadowless tarantula intercepted below was somewhat redundant.

Because Luo Xiaoyan didn't intend to move to avoid it at all, but when he was under the spider web cover, Luo Xiaoyan directly opened his mouth and spit out the flying sword, held it in his right hand, and then quickly swung it at will, drawing out a series of sword lights, and slashed towards the spider web cover.

The sword light created by Luo Xiaoyan has a strong lethality, even monks at the Xuanxian level have to back away from such a powerful sword light, and dare not take it easily.

However, even such an astonishingly lethal sword light could not cut through the spider web cover with sealing power woven together by the shadowless tarantulas.

bang bang bang...

Amid the sound of a series of impacting forces, the spider web covering Luo Xiaoyan was only hindered, but it was not torn apart by the power of the sword glow, but the speed under the cover was slowed down.

In the next instant, the cobweb cover had already reached the sky above Luo Xiaoyan's head.

"It's really surprising...the spider silk is a bit harder than the steel wire. The only difference from the steel wire is that the spider silk that is woven into a web has a strong stickiness..."

Seeing that he was about to be covered by the spider silk, Luo Xiaoyan frowned slightly, then swiftly swung his sword, and directly slashed at the spider silk net with the sharp edge of the sword.


A flash of sword light flashed, and the spider web cover on Luo Xiaoyan's head was immediately pierced by the sharp flying sword with a hole more than three feet long.

However, as the sword in Luo Xiaoyan's hand swiped across, the cobweb cover that had a breach appeared, and it seemed to have spirituality, and it recovered and healed on its own.

Then, Luo Xiaoyan was hit, and was directly covered by the first spider web cover, followed by the second spider web cover quickly, followed by the third, fourth and fifth... until more than ten seconds In the past, Luo Xiaoyan was tightly entangled by the spider silk sprayed out by the criss-crossing shadowless tarantulas.

"This king really thought you were strong, but he never expected that you were a weak chicken...haha..." Seeing that Luo Xiaoyan was defeated in the first round of confrontation, the men sent by it The released spider silk was tightly wrapped, like rice dumplings, and I felt extremely happy in my heart.

"Don't be complacent, don't think that you have the ability to kill me because I'm entangled in a spider's web..." Seeing the shy look of the Shadowless Tarantula King, Luo Xiaoyan felt amused in his heart, but he didn't bother to mind it. Contemptuously sneered at the Shadowless Tarantula King.

"Really? I want to see how long you can carry it..." The Shadowless Tarantula King said this to Luo Xiaoyan, and then ordered the Shadowless Tarantulas who participated in dealing with Luo Xiaoyan to his subordinates, " Immediately approach him, pour a strong dissolving solution into his body, and completely dissolve the flesh and blood cells in his body."

"Yes, king." All the shadowless tarantulas took the lead and approached at a faster speed, waving their sharp claws, and grabbed Luo Xiaoyan.

"Mentally handicapped!" The moment the shadowless tarantulas approached, Luo Xiaoyan sighed slightly, and then released the expanding power containing the mysterious power of the divine energy card, rushing towards the entangled spider web that entangled and restrained him.


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