The Great Storm

Chapter 1082 Confronting the King

Luo Xiaoyan knew in his heart that the Shadowless Tarantula King was much stronger than its soldiers and generals. If it attacked him, the defense of "Tiangang Body Protection Technique" alone would not be able to protect himself. Intact.

Therefore, after finding that he lost the shadow of the Shadowless Tarantula King, Luo Xiaoyan felt a little nervous.

In order to avoid being passively beaten as much as possible, Luo Xiaoyan did not hesitate at all, and immediately consumed a part of the magic cards accumulated in his hand, and upgraded the secret skill "Mysterious Book of Pirates" that he had mastered and could upgrade infinitely to the current level. The highest limit that can be achieved, thus increasing the three attribute points of insight, camouflage, and agility by 536,400 points on their original basis.

So far, this is the only secret skill that Luo Xiaoyan has obtained that can be used to improve insight and camouflage these two hidden attribute points, and it is also the only method he knows to improve the two hidden attributes.

With the growth and improvement of the two hidden attribute points of insight and camouflage, Luo Xiaoyan found that his detection ability had been significantly improved, and when he activated the sky eye and used the power of the sky eye to cooperate with the investigation, what was originally in his The Shadowless Tarantula King, whose sight and perception range did not exist at all, finally showed some clues. Although it was not particularly obvious, Luo Xiaoyan was able to roughly determine the body shape of the Shadowless Tarantula King through the captured traces.

"Although it is not enough to blacken the eyes, it is far from enough to just capture the traces left by the shadowless tarantula king's movement. It seems that we need to intensify our efforts and find a way to quickly integrate the two things of camouflage and insight Increase the points of a hidden attribute, keep up with the pace of cultivation realm improvement, and avoid dragging yourself down, which will affect the results of future battles with the enemy..."

Luo Xiaoyan was extremely dissatisfied with his inability to capture the exact figure of the Shadowless Tarantula King in the "Shadowless" state at this moment.

However, fortunately, Luo Xiaoyan acted decisively and increased the two hidden attribute points of insight and camouflage, otherwise, he would suffer a big loss right now.

This is because, when he was able to capture the traces left by the Shadowless Tarantula King's movement through detection and perception, after some calculations based on the capture situation, he suddenly found that the Shadowless Tarantula King had disappeared. It has already reached him not far away.

Therefore, Luo Xiaoyan reacted immediately, and quickly swung his sword directly to the front.

The Shadowless Tarantula King's body position at this moment is just slightly above Luo Xiaoyan's front, and because its body is too large, part of its body is within the range of Luo Xiaoyan's sword.

The Shadowless Tarantula King originally thought that Luo Xiaoyan could not see him and could not catch its shadow, so he approached Luo Xiaoyan calmly.

After planning to get closer, he sticks out his sharp mouthparts like sharp blades and attacks Luo Xiaoyan. By the way, he pours the extremely soluble liquid accumulated in his body into Luo Xiaoyan's body, trying to kill one of them. Hit to kill.

However, just as it was about to open its mouth and thrust out its weapon, Luo Xiaoyan shot out abnormally suddenly, raised his sword and stabbed at its body, immediately caught the Shadowless Tarantula King by surprise.

"Can he see me?" The Shadowless Tarantula King was secretly startled.

At the same time, the Shadowless Tarantula King immediately moved its legs together, stepped on the void, and quickly climbed up, avoiding the sharp edge of the sword pierced by Luo Xiaoyan with great difficulty.

Luo Xiaoyan pierced the air with a sword, and then through detection and perception, he captured the trace of the Shadowless Tarantula King staying at the place where the sword edge pierced the air. Not far above the point, he immediately changed his sword move, turned his wrist and swung the sword, and swiped upwards quickly.


A sword glow flashed.

The Shadowless Tarantula King, who reacted extremely quickly, quickly retreated the moment the sword light flashed, avoiding the cutting of the solid edge of the sword, but was hit by the sword light ejected from the sword.

The power of the sword light is slightly weaker, but it is not something that the Shadowless Tarantula King can easily bear. After all, the power of this sword is enough to easily kill a monk with the strength of the Puhui God Monk in seconds. Huishen monk is much more powerful, but he is far behind monks and creatures at the holy level.

As the sword flashed across, a bloody wound immediately appeared on the Shadowless Tarantula King's body, and his "Shadowless" state was broken as a result, and he appeared directly in front of Luo Xiaoyan not far away.

" king is in the 'shadowless' state, and you can still capture the traces of my figure?" After appearing, the Shadowless Tarantula King opened his eyes wide while performing spells to heal his wounds, using it like Staring at Luo Xiaoyan with eyes like a terrifying monster, he shouted loudly.

"The detection methods I have mastered are extremely clever, and all the camouflage methods are just for display in front of me." Luo Xiaoyan responded with a sneer, "Did you feel hopeless after hearing this? Haha... "

"Despair? It's a joke. In the eyes of this king, the word despair does not exist yet... I have to admit that you, a hateful human being, really have some skills. However, this king really doesn't take you seriously. You were injured by chance, it was only because of carelessness, you did not expect that you could perceive the evil consequences of this king's figure through detection. From now on, you will no longer have this opportunity."

The Shadowless Tarantula King snorted disdainfully, and then opened his mouth to spit out a large amount of white mucus, which turned into thousands of silk threads, like thousands of sharp steel thorns, quickly swept across the void, and attacked Luo Xiaoyan in a scattered manner.

Luo Xiaoyan knew in his heart how strong the Shadowless Tarantula King's attack power was, and through his insight, he observed how much power was contained in the white silk thread, and realized that once he was hit by thousands of silk threads, the defensive shield would immediately If he collapses, his flesh and blood will definitely be riddled with so many silk threads in the first place. Although it is not enough to make him fatal, it will also bring him great pain.

Therefore, Luo Xiaoyan was startled when he saw the scene in his sight, and quickly stepped back, trying to stay away from the silk thread's attack range as much as possible.

Luo Xiaoyan's reaction was quick, the speed of withdrawing reached the highest limit, but the speed of extending the silk thread towards him was actually a bit faster than his withdrawing speed.

After withdrawing from Baizhang, seeing that the defensive shield he propped up was about to be touched, Luo Xiaoyan immediately swung the flying sword Nirvana in his right hand as hard as he could, drawing out one after another sword lights, and slashed towards the extending silk thread.

ding ding ding...

At this moment, when the sword light collided with the silk thread, there was a sharp sound of soldiers and iron clashing.

From this, it can be clearly judged that whether it is the spider silk ejected by the Shadowless Tarantula King, or the power gushing out of the sword in Luo Xiaoyan's hand, they have already materialized, as hard as steel.

The moment the symphony sounded, the tips of countless silk threads were cut off by the sword light, turning into a needle-like sharp weapon more than an inch long. After being impacted by the force of the sword edge, it immediately sputtered open like a goddess of scattered flowers, shooting into the surrounding space .

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