The Great Storm

Chapter 1086 Group defection

"This damn bastard is so lethal in battle. When he first started fighting with this king, he chose to show weakness. What purpose did he achieve by doing this?"

Realizing that he was injured, the Shadowless Tarantula King immediately figured out that if he continued to fight Luo Xiaoyan like this, not to mention being killed by him, he would also consume him to death, or make him half dead in anger.

Counting the time, I felt that my subordinates should have returned smoothly, and now they have even begun to arrange a joint attack formation in the jungle area where the lair is located.

Therefore, the Shadowless Tarantula King no longer hesitated, and immediately cast spells to try his best to suppress the fire attribute power entering his body, and then dragged the wounded body and fled quickly.

"Do you think you can escape?"

Luo Xiaoyan sneered, but he was not in a hurry to chase, because the clues and traces left by the Shadowless Tarantula King when he fled were enough to point him to the escape route of the Shadowless Tarantula King.




Ten minutes later, two beams of light, one in front and one behind, quickly shuttled through the jungle, rushing to the jungle where the Shadowless Tarantula's lair was located.

These two beams of light are the result of the Shadowless Tarantula King and Luo Xiaoyan's high-speed movement.

The one who fled quickly in front was the Shadowless Tarantula King.

Biting his tail, Luo Xiaoyan quickly chased after him.

In fact, the Shadowless Tarantula King had a way to get rid of Luo Xiaoyan's pursuit, but it didn't do so, because it was worried that Luo Xiaoyan would lose it, and after losing its track, the murder plan jointly formulated by it and his subordinates would fail. .

However, the worry of the Shadowless Tarantula King is really unnecessary.

Because Luo Xiaoyan's tracking ability is far from as bad as it expected in its heart, even if it got rid of Luo Xiaoyan in a short time, Luo Xiaoyan still came up with other ways to find it, it just took some time to find it.

"With your chasing speed, you won't be able to catch up with me. I'd better advise you to stop quickly." The Shadowless Tarantula King pretended to hate Luo Xiaoyan chasing after him very much, and turned to Luo Xiaoyan. Shout out.

"I may really not be able to catch up with you in a short time, but when your strength is exhausted and you cannot keep running at such a speed, I should be able to catch up with you easily.

" Luo Xiaoyan responded casually.

"Fight with me, you're still a little tender, because this king has long strength, at this speed, even if you can run for three to five years, it's not a problem, if you have the ability, then go after it slowly... Haha... "The Shadowless Tarantula King responded with a smile as if he had succeeded in a trick.

It was proud because it knew from Luo Xiaoyan's reply that Luo Xiaoyan chased it just to kill it, and didn't realize that it was doing this at this moment to lead him step by step into the trap.

"Don't lie to me with such foolish words, because I know your power consumption situation well. If my observation is correct, you will consume ten thousand points every second you run. One of the power, with such a calculation, with your current remaining power, you can still run at such a speed for two to three hours..." Luo Xiaoyan responded with a smile.

After hearing Luo Xiaoyan's words, the Shadowless Tarantula King was extremely shocked, because what Luo Xiaoyan said was in line with its current situation.

"This abominable guy is really terrifying. He even has a clear and thorough understanding of the power remaining and consumption in the opponent's body... It is really not a wise choice to fight against such a powerful person." Shadowless Tarantula King thought in his heart Secretly amazed, and even a little regretful that he personally led the crowd to deal with Luo Xiaoyan, causing himself to be dragged into a fight against Luo Xiaoyan, unable to get out of the trap in time.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

About an hour later, the Shadowless Tarantula King, who led Luo Xiaoyan around in circles, finally breathed a sigh of relief, because at this moment, he had successfully led Luo Xiaoyan, who was chasing him, into a place he was familiar with - the Shadowless Tarantula King. The lair is in the jungle.

After investigation, the Shadowless Tarantula King did not see any traces of the creatures of the same race, and he did not even catch the traces of the creatures of the same race being busy. He felt a little excited in his heart: "Their ability to do things is quite high... just use It took more than an hour to arrange this ambush battlefield so perfectly. Even if I know the details, I can't find any flaws."

"Where are you guys? Where is the core of the formation attack that you have arranged?" The Shadowless Tarantula King was getting more and more excited as he got closer to the lair. In order to ensure a perfect kill on Luo Xiaoyan, it Immediately use the technique of secret voice to ask the creatures of the same race who have been lurking in this jungle.

However, what made the Shadowless Tarantula King feel depressed was that it didn't get any response from its fellow creatures, as if the jungle area, as it saw it right now, was really empty.

"What's the situation? Why didn't I get any response to my king's call?"

While wondering, the Shadowless Tarantula King immediately tried his best to search this jungle area carefully, but it still found nothing.

As a result, an ominous premonition emerged in its heart.

From the appearance of the Shadowless Tarantula King running in a hurry, but looking around and searching at the same time, Luo Xiaoyan realized that the mood of the Shadowless Tarantula King was a little abnormal at the moment, and he must be very anxious. Feeling a little puzzled: "Why did it become anxious? Could it be that the development of things didn't go according to what it preset?"

"What are you looking for? My detection ability is top-notch. If you need help, you can tell me. Maybe I can help you a lot when I am happy..." Holding a sword, behind the Shadowless Tarantula King Luo Xiaoyan, who was running after him, jokingly shouted to the Shadowless Tarantula King ahead.

Hearing Luo Xiaoyan's words, the Shadowless Tarantula King felt even more angry in his heart, but it didn't respond to Luo Xiaoyan, but went forward at full speed, heading straight for their lair.

"When I was on the road before, I chose to go around in circles, rush left for a while, and turn right for a while. I didn't want to choose a straight line to rush to the depths of the jungle, but now I speed up to the depths of the jungle. What does this mean? Could it be that What happened to the shadowless tarantula group living in this jungle area? Among them, the restless guys who did not want to follow the shadowless tarantula king chose to betray and abducted the king when the shadowless tarantula king was in trouble. All the shadowless tarantulas have gone to other jungle areas to dominate? If this is the case, then this shadowless tarantula king who was hunted down by me will really become a loner..." Luo Xiaoyan was puzzled road.

About three miles away from the Shadowless Tarantula's lair, the Shadowless Tarantula King found some clues. This was a small trace of damage to the surrounding environment caused by a large number of Shadowless Tarantulas gathering in the jungle.

"Who is there?" The Shadowless Tarantula King sighed slightly, and then shouted to the surrounding space with the technique of secret voice.

However, its shouts still did not receive any response from any living beings.

From this, the Shadowless Tarantula King really understood that he had been abandoned by all the creatures of the same race, and they had taken the opportunity to leave and went to other jungle areas.


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