The Great Storm

Chapter 1102 Breakthrough Direction

"Some time ago, because our blockade and monitoring were not strict enough, many indigenous creatures broke through the blockade and stepped into the forbidden power area released by the Shushan Sword Sect Town Pai Zhibao. With the participation of these people, the chanting The Heavenly Dao Zhengxin Sutra boosted the power of the treasure, and made the area of ​​restricted power around the Shushan Sword Sect much larger than before. If it weren't for the proposal of Immortal Siming, we might still be fighting on our own, and we wouldn't see it at all. The influence of the Shushan Sword Sect is hoped to be cut off. Now it’s all right, with everyone’s coordinated actions, the Shushan Sword Sect is like a trapped beast with its limbs trapped and its source of power lost. Over time If it continues for a long time, this trapped beast will undoubtedly die."

In the place where the leaders of all the forces gathered, Oxford Lie smiled and said this to everyone present. At the same time, he looked at Yin Siming and gave him a thumbs up. The taste of flattery was very obvious.

Oxford Lie chose to do this because, in his view, the chances of the cultivators of Yin Siming's force, Tiandao Palace, wanting to be number one in the final territory are too low. When the strength is absolutely weak, it is naturally impossible to do much.

Therefore, he chose to take this opportunity to improve his relationship with Yin Siming, so that he could try to persuade Yin Siming to join the camp of the Yaoniu clan in the future.

Joining Yin Siming knew that Oxford Lie praised him, flattered him because he looked down on his ability, and felt that he would not reach the end, so he must feel extremely depressed because of this, and even at this moment, he would choose to fight with Oxford Lie to compete .

"It is our duty to act for the common interests of everyone, so we don't need to be so concerned about it." Yin Siming nodded slightly, and then said to Oxford Lie with a smile.

"It's just a native, it's nothing special, no matter how strong he is, the poor monk can slap him to death. Whoever has the ability to find a way to lure that nasty guy surnamed Luo away from the restricted power zone, the poor monk is responsible for dealing with him." Cangpeng Saint Monk glanced over the people present, and then spoke confidently to the people present without hesitation.

"If he is really nothing special like Cangpeng Shengseng you said, then you Tianyuan Temple monk Puhui was killed by him, why didn't you rush to Shushan Sword Sect immediately and kill him directly? To avenge my younger brother?" As soon as the voice of the monk Cangpeng fell, it immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the crowd. It was also a Buddhist influence, and the monk An Lun from Hengyuan Temple immediately said such a sentence with a smile.

"What the poor monk lays out is the overall situation, and what he is playing is a big game of chess, and it is something that short-sighted people can understand..."

The monk Cangpeng put on an air of a master, and pretended to be too lazy to be as knowledgeable as the monk An Lun and others, and replied that he didn't care.

In fact, at this moment, he felt extremely angry in his heart, wishing he could rush forward and tear Saint Monk Anlun into pieces.

Only then are we willing to give up.

Just when the atmosphere in the place where everyone gathered became less harmonious, a cultivator at the late stage of the Xuanxian level hurried over, nodded to Yin Siming, and said directly to everyone present: "Dear friends! , just got a reliable message from the blockade front in front, and learned that Luo Xiaoyan has left the restricted area of ​​the Shushan Sword Sect and is rapidly approaching the blockade area in the north. Looking at the formation, he intends to break through from the north and tear our defenses apart. Blockade, get in touch with the indigenous forces outside."

"Is he the only one?" Saint Monk Anlun confirmed.

"Yes, he is the only one." The monk nodded and said, "However, as far as I know, he is a powerful guy who has mastered the infinite summoning secret technique, and can summon hundreds of millions of alien creatures to fight in a very short period of time." If the situation is true, once he successfully breaks through, our rear may be harassed by a large number of alien creatures he summons, which will affect our overall layout."

"On the northern blockade line, there are several Xuanxian-level consummation-level monks from my Hengyuan Temple standing guard. It is simply unrealistic for him to break through from there. Please rest assured." Saint Monk Anlun said this to everyone. In a word, he immediately bid farewell to everyone, left quickly, and rushed to the area where Luo Xiaoyan might break out.

"Saint Monk Cangpeng, since you are absolutely sure of killing Luo Xiaoyan, please move over there and help Holy Monk An Lun and the others to get rid of Luo Xiaoyan." After the Holy Monk An Lun left, Yin Si Mingpi smiled He looked at Cang Peng Shengseng with a smile and said.

"The poor monk didn't deal with that An Lun, and he felt upset when he looked at him. It's better for one of you to help him An Lun." Cang Peng Shengseng responded casually, and then left without further words.

"This one from Tianyuan Temple is really disgusting..." Yin Siming shook his head, looked at the direction where the monk Cangpeng left, and said to the rest of the people present, including Oxford Lie, Honghe Xianjun and others.

"Buddhist monks all have the same virtue." Oxford Lie said casually.

"..." After hearing this, everyone smiled speechlessly, and left each other with emergency messenger talismans before leaving.


The news that Luo Xiaoyan planned to break out of the siege obtained by the United forces is indeed true.

The only thing they got wrong was that the direction Luo Xiaoyan chose to break out of the siege did not match the information they had learned.

The real direction Luo Xiaoyan chose to break through was to the west outside the restricted area of ​​the Shushan Sword Sect.

The reason why Luo Xiaoyan chose to break out from the west was because in his opinion, the blockade line in the west was relatively long, and the combined forces would send relatively more masters, and the number of soldiers who participated in the blockade of the Shushan Sword Sect was also relatively large.

He felt that if he could kill all the powerful figures from the God's Realm in the team leader in a very short period of time, and then use words to persuade the native creatures, don't be fooled by the forces from the God's Realm, and willingly join them However, the restricted area of ​​the Shushan Sword Sect's power is their living paradise.

On the west side of the restricted area of ​​the Shushan Sword Sect, a looming figure quickly walked through the mountains and forests like a ghost, and quickly approached the area where the coalition blockade line in the west was located.

This figure is none other than Luo Xiaoyan.

At this moment, what he is performing is the innate secret technique "Shadowless", which can only be performed by creatures of the Shadowless Tarantula family, and he is in a shadowless state.

If he is in the shadowless state, the ordinary monks and creatures on the blockade can clearly capture his figure and whereabouts, which means that the heaven-defying secret skill "Shadowless" he just mastered is a scumbag skill.

The blockade line is about 30 miles away from the restricted area of ​​Shushan Sword Sect external forces.

Such a small distance is nothing to Luo Xiaoyan at all. In the blink of an eye, Luo Xiaoyan passed through this distance and quietly approached the blockade, but Luo Xiaoyan did not directly approach the blockade. Instead of doing anything with the indigenous soldiers on patrol, they sneaked along the route of the patrol soldiers on the blockade line, looking for the leader of the blockade team.

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