The Great Storm

Chapter 1130

Although Luo Xiaoyan's cultivation level is not high, and he has just stepped into the threshold of the immortal level, but the strength-enhancing skills he has cultivated are really abnormal, which makes it difficult for him to fight against monks in the middle or even later stages of the Xuanxian level. Not necessarily will lose.

Ao Qifeng's cultivation level reached the height of the holy level, but he was instantly killed by the abnormal attack secret technique released by him. This is the best example.

The strength of Yin Siming, Oxford Lie, Cangpeng Shengseng, An Lun Shengseng and others is even weaker than that of Ao Qifeng who was instantly killed by Luo Xiaoyan. If they meet Luo Xiaoyan again, Luo Xiaoyan will use the ultimate Strong secret technique attack, the result is naturally instant, there will be no second situation.

Moreover, when Luo Xiaoyan used the defensive skill of "Tiangang Body Protection Technique", the defensive ability far surpassed Yin Siming and others' imagination. Even if they jointly launch the strongest attack force against Luo Xiaoyan, they may not be able to break through his defense, and the wounded and his body.

Luo Xiaoyan has already ascertained his own strength, as well as the strength of Yin Siming, Cang Peng Shengseng and others.

Therefore, in Luo Xiaoyan's view, even if Yin Siming, Cang Peng Shengseng and others set up an attack formation against him in the area outside the east gate of Lietian Mansion, they may not be able to pose a real threat to him.

Then, when he found out that the soldiers of the Yaoniu tribe sent by Oxford Lie would not hesitate to pay the price of blood to prevent him from leaving the city immediately and slow down his progress, Luo Xiaoyan felt amused in his heart.

"Since you want to play, then I will accompany you to have fun. I want to see what new tricks you so-called geniuses from God's Domain can play..."

Knowing the real reason why the Yaoniu clan tried their best to prevent him from leading the crowd, Luo Xiaoyan was not in a hurry. He slowed down his pace and cast spells in a leisurely manner. The creatures summoned and participated in the siege of the soldiers of the Yaoniu clan.

The pressure on the soldiers of the Yaoniu tribe was already very high, but now there are new forces joining the battle group, which directly caused the pressure on the soldiers of the Yaoniu tribe to increase exponentially.

Therefore, he led the team to intercept Luo Xiaoyan and the generals of the summoned creature army he led, and immediately used secret voice techniques to stay outside the city, communicating with the leaders of the various forces, discussing Luo Xiaoyan's intrusion into their arrangement. After the battle, if you asked Oxford Lie about the details of Luo Xiaoyan's attack, he asked for his opinion: "Boss, we can't stand it anymore, are you ready?"

"Persist for another ten minutes... Ten minutes later, you will find a way to lead the soldiers to retreat. Remember not to retreat too obviously, and be noticed by him..." Oxford Lie said this sentence to the general through the secret voice channel .

"ten minutes,

Ten more minutes? If this is the case, then there is no need for us to retreat... Because according to my estimation, if we don't choose to retreat now, the soldiers I lead will be wiped out in three minutes. This is what the general said anxiously to Oxford Lie.

"It seems that the situation on the battlefield is really not optimistic... Wait a moment, I will explain the situation to the masters of the forces, read their opinions, and give you a clear answer." After Oxford Lie said this to the general , Self-care said to everyone present, "The front soldiers of my Yaoniu clan can't stand it anymore, you should come up with a specific attack plan quickly, otherwise, once he rushes out of the east gate, with his detection ability, it is very difficult He may find out that we have set up an attack trap for him here at the first time, and he will definitely choose to take a detour. At that time, it will be really unrealistic to kill him."

"After he has stepped into the trap of the formation, we will join forces to attack together, mobilize the formation, and attack him without giving him a chance to slow down. It shouldn't be particularly difficult to kill him." Yin Siming Said.

"It's not safe to do this... If we don't kill him once, he will definitely take the opportunity to escape during the period of time when we make another shot to activate the formation... Once such a thing happens, the previous It is unrealistic to kill Xiao Luo once again, " said Cang Peng Shengseng.

"In your opinion, what should we do?" Oxford Lie looked at the monk Cangpeng and asked.

"Divide all the masters into two groups. After he steps into the trap of the formation, the first group will attack immediately, and the power to control the formation will attack him... If he is killed, everyone will be happy. If he cannot be killed with one blow He, the second group of people immediately manipulated the formation and used its power to launch a second wave of attacks on him... and, when the second group of people shot, the preparations for the first group of people's shots have been completed, and they can be connected to the reminder at any time. The attacking power of the formation, launch a third attack on him...then the fourth, the fifth...until he is killed, or our strength is drained by the power of the formation, and we are exhausted...But I I believe that it is unlikely that our strength will be drained and exhausted to death." Shengseng Cangpeng looked at Oxford Lie and nodded slightly, and then truthfully expressed his thoughts to everyone.

In fact, as long as you are not a fool, you can think of this way of attack.

It's just that the group of people in front of them are not so united, because up to this moment, on the surface, they were teaming up to deal with Luo Xiaoyan, but in fact they were trying their best to use tricks to calculate others, which led to no People really choose to do that.

This is because everyone knows in their hearts that Luo Xiaoyan has something they covet, and once he gets it, it may be of great help to his practice in the future.

If we follow what Cangpeng Shengshen said and divide the masters into two groups, and once the first group of people make a move, they will directly kill Luo Xiaoyan, then those who have never made a move will definitely leave immediately and participate in the robbing of Luo Xiaoyan. The things they covet in Xiaoyan's hands, so that the first person to make the move will suffer, and no one will do such a thing.

It was Yin Siming who saw through everyone's thoughts and understood what they were thinking, so he didn't say what he thought in his mind, similar to the action plan mentioned by the monk Cangpeng, but chose to suggest that everyone directly act together, desperately mobilizing the attack formation He can use the magic trap, exert its power to the extreme, and give Luo Xiaoyan a ruthless attack. Once he succeeds, no one will suffer when he snatches what Luo Xiaoyan dropped.

Therefore, when Shengseng Cangpeng gave his suggestion, Yin Siming shook his head slightly, and then said bluntly to everyone present: "Who would choose to join the first team? Would you, Sage Cangpeng, be willing?"

"This...I..." Shengseng Cangpeng gave Yin Siming a hard look, as if he was blaming him, how could he ask him such an unrealistic question at this time, so that he could not get down.

"Since you don't want to choose to join the first group of teams, why force others to choose to join the first group..." Yin Siming sighed helplessly, and said bluntly to the others present, "My motivation for participating Very pure, that is to combine everyone's strength to deal with Luo Xiaoyan together, and kill him first. As for other issues such as taking the treasure from the hands of the little thief surnamed Luo, I, Yin Siming, have never considered it. I choose to be the first to attack. Are you willing to stand in the same camp as me and choose to act first?"

After Yin Siming's words fell, everyone present fell silent...


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