The Great Storm

Chapter 1173 New Choice

"Brother Honghe was taken away by a mysterious master... Damn it, what should we do now?" An Yishun stared at the empty sky in a daze.

"Everyone hasten to search separately, try our best to find the trace of Senior Brother Honghe, and then send people to the division to report the matter, and at the same time send some people to the station set up by the Heavenly Emperor Mansion on this planet to seek help from General Pang Zhongxuan. " Zuo Liangjin pondered for a moment, and then said to everyone present.

Honghe Xianjun is gone, this group of disciples who are loyal to Xuanyuan Taoist Palace, at this moment, chose the self-conscious Feng'an Yishun and Zuo Liangjin as the backbone.

Therefore, after listening to Zuo Liangjin's words, many disciples expressed their agreement with Zuo Liangjin's proposal, and then spontaneously accepted the dispatch, respectively carrying out the tasks of notifying the master and going to Pang Zhongxuan for help.

After deliberation, it was decided that the person who sticks to Xuanhuang Star is Zuo Liangjin, who led the crowd to look for Honghe Xianjun, and tried his best to find Honghe Xianjun before the duel of the eighth and fourth came.

An Yishun led a group of disciples, left Xuanhuang Star, rushed to the Xuanyuan Dao Palace in the Divine Realm, and reported what happened on Xuanhuang Dao Palace to the head of Xuanyuan Dao Palace, elders and others.


Xuanhuang Star, a temporary station established by the Heavenly Emperor's Mansion.

General Shenwei was sitting on the throne in the main hall, looking down at the disciples of Xuanyuan Dao Palace who reported to him about the kidnapping of Honghe Xianjun by the master, said: "What you reported, this general has already done it in detail. For the record, please rest assured that the general will do his best to investigate this matter and give you a satisfactory answer. However, you requested to suspend the duel competition for the control of Xuanhuang Star, and wait for Honghe Xianjun to return smoothly. , this general cannot agree to your request."

"Suspending the duel, is there really no room for maneuver?" Zuo Liangjin frowned and asked Pang Zhongxuan.

"There is no room for manoeuvre. It is impossible to suspend the established schedule because of an accident with your Xuanyuan Dao Palace." Pang Zhongxuan shook his head and said, "However, this general can give you a new choice. Ten minutes before the start of Si's match schedule, if you still haven't shown up, you can send a replacement candidate to participate... But there are regulations, the cultivation level of the other candidate must not exceed Honghe Xianjun, and other conditions are unlimited."

The new option given by Pang Zhongxuan is really the utmost benevolence for the disciples of Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

Moreover, all the disciples of Xuanyuan Dao Palace knew in their hearts that Pang Zhongxuan made such a choice because he gave face to the disciples of Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

This is because, under normal circumstances, in any duel event, once the participants are designated, there has not been a precedent for changing players before the start of the event during the course of the event.

After hearing the new option given by Pang Zhongxuan, all the disciples of Xuanyuan Dao Palace fell silent and said no more, because they knew in their hearts that if they continued to argue and demand more, they might even lose what they got now.

"What should we do now?" Everyone was silent for a while, and the leader of the group, Zuo Liangjin, asked them helplessly.

"If Brother Honghe doesn't show up before the match tomorrow, you are the only one who will try it out on the battlefield, because among our group of people, you have the highest level of cultivation and the strongest fighting power." Someone suggested to Zuo Liangjin feeling helpless.

"If there is time,

Or the other senior brothers in the division would be fine, then we would have more choices...Because in the division, among the young monks of the same generation, the realm of cultivation is almost the same as that of senior brother Honghe, and there are still others with stronger fighting power than him. A few... But right now, we have no choice. "Another member of Xuanyuan Dao Palace said.

"You don't have to draw conclusions so prematurely. You can go back and slowly discuss sending people to fight... This general can be flexible. As long as Hong and Xianjun don't show up before the battle, you just need to send replacements to participate. But, there is no need to mention this to the general in advance." Seeing the disciples of Xuanyuan Dao Palace whispering in front of him, discussing who to send to participate, Pang Zhongxuan was not interested in this, immediately frowned, and asked Zuo Liangjin and others Said.

"Thank you, General, for your accommodating...we will leave first, and you can rest without disturbing General..." Zuo Liangjin and the others are all smart people, so they naturally knew that Pang Zhongxuan's words were an order to evict them, so there was no shame in staying here There was no going here, so when Pang Zhongxuan's words fell, Zuo Liangjin hurriedly chose to bid farewell to Pang Zhongxuan politely, and then led a group of disciples to leave in a hurry.

"The sudden disappearance of Honghe Xianjun is really surprising... Who is so courageous to ignore the disciples of Xuanyuandao Palace and attack them directly? What if they took away their selected personnel? If he did this, it would be tantamount to completely cutting off the way for the disciples of Xuanyuan Dao Palace to compete for the control of Xuanhuang Star..."

Seeing the leaving figure of Zuo Liangjin and others, Pang Zhongxuan fell into a state of contemplation, thinking before and after, but to no avail, and no clue.

"Come here." After thinking for a moment, Pang Zhongxuan called the guards and told him, "Send someone to investigate the robbery of Honghe Xianjun quickly, and report to the general immediately if there is any news."

"Yes!" The guard respectfully took the order and left.


"Originally, I thought that Luo Xiaoyan, a native of Luo Xiaoyan, would stop here after encountering the eight-in-four duel with Honghe Xianjun... But I never expected that such an unimaginable robbery would happen."

"It's really strange that this happened..."

"Could it be that Honghe Xianjun was robbed and taken away by Luo Xiaoyan, the supporter behind the natives? What shameful things he did in order to let him successfully take control of Xuanhuang Star? If this is the case , then the native Luo Xiaoyan is really too despicable..."

"Luo Xiaoyan is not an easy native..."


The above are the thoughts and speculations in the minds of the cultivators from various forces who learned that Honghe Xianjun was kidnapped and there is no trace at the moment.


Why Honghe Xianjun suddenly disappeared, only those who really know the relationship between Luo Xiaoyan and his master and servant know the reason.

This is because, as a servant, Honghe Xianjun is unwilling to fight with his master Luo Xiaoyan on the fighting battlefield, even if it is acting.

Because in his opinion, the duel battlefield is not a playground, and any accidents may happen, even if they cooperate with each other in acting, there may be incidents of goofing off gangsters, which will eventually expose the true relationship between him and Luo Xiaoyan.

"Xianjun Honghe was suddenly robbed and disappeared. There are rumors that you secretly invited powerful experts to do it. Tell us truthfully, does this matter have anything to do with you?" Qinglian looked at Luo Xiaoyan, who was sitting cross-legged with a calm demeanor, talking at the foothold of the doorman.

"Do you all think that Honghe Xianjun's disappearance has something to do with me?" Luo Xiaoyan asked back with a smile.

"We know that this matter has nothing to do with you... But, he disappeared when he was about to duel with you, which has to make people think of something... If you don't come out to make a name for yourself, it will bring terrible damage to your reputation influence." Qinglian said.

"It doesn't matter, let him don't have to worry too much about it...just let nature take its course." Luo Xiaoyan responded calmly.


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