The Great Storm

Chapter 1201 Fleeing in times of crisis

Niu Shiren and Niu Jinlie failed to return to their destination smoothly, but instead found themselves getting farther and farther away from their destination. On the big star, there is a treasure that can directly and quickly communicate with the Yaoniu clan and the Xuanhuang big star.

Niu Shiren and Niu Jinlie felt that the space they were in seemed to belong to a foreign time and space. A phantom array that simulates exotic time and space.

Of course, Xiaobai also knew very well in his heart that the phantom array it arranged would never be able to completely trap Niu Shiren and Niu Jinlie. At most, it could only trap them for a while. How long, it has no idea.

However, in order to give Luo Xiaoyan more time to win the treasure, Xiaobai chose to deal with the two of them as hard as possible, trying to prevent them from returning.

Therefore, when seeing Niu Shiren and Oxford Lie, they sensed that the situation was not good, they immediately stopped on their way and performed spells to investigate the situation in the space they were in. Xiaobai immediately manipulated the power of the star core to condense a powerful fighting spirit. The spirit beast entered the space of the phantom array and attacked the two of them.

The spirit beast condensed by Xiaobai is huge in size, with a head like a tiger, a body like a lion, a savage tail, four thick and powerful legs, and feet with sharp claws that are as sharp as blades. The blazing heat of melting swept across the surrounding space.

Because the power released by this spirit beast originated from the mysterious yellow star, its every move can cause the void to vibrate, so that the moment it appears, it is overwhelming.

Seeing such a tyrannical spirit beast appear, Niu Jinlie and Niu Shiren's faces immediately showed a touch of solemnity, and they said in horror: "Could it be that we were really dragged into a foreign time and space? It's so bad that you encountered this exotic spirit beast?"

rub rub rub...

After the spirit beast appeared, they didn't give the two people much time to think about it. They stepped on the void and ran at a high speed. With teeth and claws, they charged at the two and attacked them.

Perhaps it was because the two of them didn't know much about the spirit beast that suddenly appeared, and couldn't figure out its true details. When the spirit beast approached, both Oxford Lie and Niu Shiren chose to use spells to condense the shield, using While resisting the invasion of high-energy heat waves, he tried his best to control his body and fly back to avoid the huge spirit beast.

The spiritual intelligence of the spirit beast is extremely high, since it chose to attack first, naturally it will not easily let the two of them have a chance to get out of trouble.

Therefore, at the moment when the two retreated, it immediately adjusted its forward direction slightly, chose to lock on to the weaker Oxford Lie, opened its bloody mouth, spewed out a burst of flames, turned into a long flame dragon, and rushed towards Oxford Lie.

"Damn it!" The Oxford Spirit Beast chose to attack itself,

Immediately felt very depressed, shouted in his heart, tried his best to control his figure to retreat at the same time, exerted all his strength to cast spells, released his strength, gathered a big fist with a diameter of one foot, and faced the flaming dragon.

Oxford Lie is worthy of being a combat master, and his control and grasp of power has also reached the point of precise control.

Knowing that the power he shot was not enough to completely stop the flame dragon, he chose to explode the moment the powerful fist was about to touch the flame dragon, creating a powerful blasting force, causing the void to collapse and time and space to be disordered ...

As a result, the flaming dragon that rushed to that area was affected and torn by the mysterious power from the crack in the void, eventually consuming most of its power.

After the flame dragon passed over that area, only one-third of its power remained.

Facing the flaming dragon whose lethality was greatly reduced, Oxford Lie was not afraid at all. He waved his fist that was bursting with blazing light, and smashed it at the head of the flaming dragon that looked much dimmer.


The two forces collided, and a loud bang erupted.

Then, the berserk power immediately swept through the surrounding space, only engulfing the surrounding void.

Niu Shiren, who retreated earlier, was not at the center of the power explosion, but he was also affected by the impact, and his body was pushed back a hundred feet away quickly, and he barely stabilized his figure.

"A single exotic spirit beast is so tyrannical to such an astonishing degree. If the sound of fighting attracts many spirit beasts, it is not necessary to be surrounded directly... This is not a safe place, and it is better to escape here as soon as possible ..."

After thinking about it, Niu Shiren had already made a decision, choosing to flee immediately to save his own life.

So, he turned his head and glanced at Oxford Lie, who had been submerged by the tyrannical flame power and was struggling in it at the moment, and without hesitation, he quickly set off and accelerated towards the position he thought he could leave safely.

Seeing that Niu Shiren fled, but did not extend a helping hand to him, cast a spell to pull him out of the area covered by the flames, and hurried away from himself, Niu Jinlie suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and on his ferocious face, there appeared a touch of indifference and indifference. With a helpless bitter smile: "This is the elder of my Yaoniu clan? In this situation that is not a real crisis at the moment, he actually chose to abandon his companions and run for his own life. If the people are really facing life and death, Is such an elder really reliable?"

Shaking his head lightly and sighing, Niu Jinlie immediately shouted loudly, a strong energy gushed out from his body, only crushing all the destructive forces involved in the burning, washing and cutting his body like a knife blade, and condensed a body around his body surface The oval flame shield is used to block the approach of destructive forces.

Strengthening the defense, Oxford Lie's eyes showed a fierce light, staring at the fierce behemoth in front of him - the exotic spirit beast (Of course, this is only what Oxford Lie thinks in his heart.)

The next moment, I saw Oxford Lie's hand grabbing in the void, and a three-pointed and two-edged weapon appeared.

Grasping the weapon means pouring a tyrannical force directly into it.

Immediately, the seemingly ordinary three-pointed and two-edged blade immediately burst into dazzling flame light, and the tyrannical energy gushed out from the weapon, only directly defeating the flame power that enveloped him, and made it invisible.

After defeating the forces that hindered his movement, Oxford Lie immediately waved the weapon in his hand without hesitation, darted out, and shot straight at the spirit beast like a stream of flames.

Although the spirit beast is a thing of concentrated power, it has a strong sense of autonomy and is extremely warlike.

It can be seen that in its eyes, it looks like a bug, and it took the initiative to attack it. It seemed that its majesty had been seriously challenged, and it immediately roared fiercely at the approaching Oxford.

At the same time, he opened his mouth again, spewed out a large amount of flame power, condensed the flames and the fire dragon rushed towards Oxford Lie, and at the first moment, set off and flicked its tail like a python, and lashed towards Oxford Lie like a whip. space.

At this moment, Oxford Lie, who was approaching rapidly, only felt that the oppressive force he was facing was soaring at an extremely fast speed, and countless fine beads of cold sweat burst out on his forehead, and he secretly exclaimed in his heart: "This exotic spirit beast It's so fierce and powerful...With my strength, can I beat it?"


Divine Storm

Divine Storm

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