The Great Storm

Chapter 1212 The Bull Demon King Throws Bait

As opponents were eliminated one by one, there were fewer and fewer creatures on the Xuanhuang Star who dared to be enemies with Luo Xiaoyan and his forces.

Those creatures who are unwilling to compromise with Luo Xiaoyan and the forces they belong to seem to realize that the general situation is over, and they already understand in their hearts that if nothing happens, this big black star will be the world of Luo Xiaoyan and the forces it belongs to, and no one can shake its foundation , rather than being an enemy, that is tantamount to courting death.

Therefore, under unavoidable circumstances, the former opposition forces and hostile elements chose to compromise with Luo Xiaoyan and the forces he belonged to.

Without the obstruction of enemies and opponents, the expansion speed of the restricted area of ​​power is almost at its peak.

On the way for the Bull Demon King to go to the Xuanhuang Star, the power released by the demon-suppressing pagoda has completely covered the entire Xuanhuang Star, thus making all the land, sea, mountains, rivers, etc. of the entire Xuanhuang Star Everywhere has become a restricted area for power.

"Damn it, I'm a step late." After stepping into the power forbidden area of ​​Xuanhuang Star, the Bull Demon King found that his power was completely suppressed.

"No, I have to quickly find a way to find that damned bastard, try to lure him out of the restricted area of ​​power, and then kill him... Otherwise, if he is allowed to continue to grow like this, he will definitely become a serious problem."

While the Bull Demon King was thinking in his heart to find a way for Luo Xiaoyan, he gritted his teeth and hurried on his way with a strong suppressing force on his shoulders.


"The goal of turning the Xuanhuang star into a restricted area of ​​power has been achieved. Now it's time to leave, go to other areas to search for prey, collect divine energy cards, and prepare for improving your strength."

Luo Xiaoyan, who was standing on a mountain peak, looked up at the high-altitude star field, with a faint smile on his face.

Just when he was about to leave, his eyelids twitched suddenly, and he immediately narrowed his eyes, using the powerful star core to investigate the entire Xuanhuang Star.

Soon, a figure that was both familiar and unfamiliar to him entered his detection range.

"Why did the Bull Demon King come to Xuanhuang Star? Could it be that he didn't know in his heart that after stepping into Xuanhuang Star, he became powerless, and he was no match for me at all. Once I found out, even his strength No matter how strong you are, can you only seek death?"

While thinking, Luo Xiaoyan started to fly out, turned into a beam of light, and shot straight at the area where the Bull Demon King was.


A looming huge figure emerged from the clouds above the head of the Bull Demon King, and appeared under the support of the clouds.

This is a giant centipede that is more than ten feet long.

The giant worm was covered with scales, emitting a faint golden light.

When the centipede giant worm appeared, a tyrannical coercive force swept down, covering the area where the Bull Demon King's body was, immediately oppressing the Bull Demon King with difficulty.

If it weren't for the Bull Demon King's own strength, thick skin and thick flesh, he might have been crushed into flesh by that tyrannical oppressive force at this moment.

"You scoundrel, if you see this king, why don't you roll down and die..." The Bull Demon King looked up at the giant centipede and roared loudly.

Under normal circumstances, facing such a creature, the Bull Demon King can kill it with just one slap.

But now, to be honest, he really has nothing to do with this centipede that can use power.

Saying these words at this moment is to force composure.

"Shousi... are you kidding me?" The centipede sneered and responded.

In fact, this centipede giant worm was transformed by Luo Xiaoyan, and it was the shadow ancient worm clone that he manifested.

For Luo Xiaoyan, who has the power of life and death for all the creatures on this black and yellow star, what the Bull Demon King said at this moment is undoubtedly a big talk, bragging, and he naturally finds it funny in his heart.

"You think I'm joking?" Bull Demon King shouted angrily.

"It looks like it to me." Luo Xiaoyan smiled.

"Hmph...a lifeless thing." The Bull Demon King trembled angrily, but he had no choice but to look up at Luo Xiaoyan's giant worm and roar, "If you have the ability, get down to me and try it out, and see what I can do." Do you have the ability to slap you to death?"

"Really? Then I want to see, why did you slap me to death...haha..."

Luo Xiaoyan sneered jokingly, then swung his huge body, and his figure crossed the sky, and in an instant, he reached a distance of more than ten feet in front of the Bull Demon King, stabilized his figure, and lay there quietly.

The Bull Demon King knew in his heart that when he was unable to use his strength, even if his physical body was extremely strong and his strength was not weak, it was simply unrealistic to slap the giant insect in front of him to death.

So, he stared at the big bull's eyes, stared at the giant worm in front of him, looked up and down, his mind was running fast, thinking about the countermeasures.

Soon, an ingenious plan came to my mind, "Why don't you use the hands of this not weak villain to get rid of Luo Xiaoyan, that bastard little thief?"

After thinking for a moment, the Bull Demon King immediately changed into a smiling face, looked at Luo Xiaoyan and said, "I was joking with you just now, to test your courage. After testing, I am sure that you have some courage, and you have passed my test. Now, I need your help to do something, and once it is done, I will give you a boundary-crossing talisman immediately."

The cross-boundary talisman, once activated, can use its power to cross the barriers of the boundary barriers and reach any safe place in one's mind.

Refining this talisman requires a talisman master to reach the level of a saint.

Because the secret method of activating this talisman is extremely mysterious, under normal circumstances, it needs to be cultivated to reach the Xuanxian level to activate it.

Luo Xiaoyan naturally knew the value of cross-boundary symbols.

Seeing that the Bull Demon King is willing to take out such a precious thing to buy himself to do things for him, he immediately became very interested in what the Bull Demon King did, and immediately responded with a smile, "The Boundary Breaking Talisman is indeed a good treasure. You are tempted by the conditions you proposed, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Get rid of a human thief, and the boundary-breaking talisman will belong to you." The Bull Demon King smiled, and at the same time reached out from the treasure space, took out a talisman with a faint golden light, squeezed it in his hand, and used it to bribe the person in front of him. The object expresses sincerity.

"Get rid of who?" Luo Xiaoyan asked.

Vaguely, Luo Xiaoyan had detected that the person the Bull Demon King wanted to get rid of by himself was himself.

Sure enough, the Bull Demon King's answer was as he had guessed in his heart, "I want you to get rid of a little human thief named Luo Xiaoyan. Although he has some skills, in my opinion, with your skills, it is easy to deal with him. Once When things are done, this boundary-breaking talisman will belong to you."

"The Boundary Breaker Talisman is really precious. I'm worried that you are using this talisman to tempt me to do things for you, because I'm worried that after helping you kill the target human, you will play a rogue and refuse to give me the Boundary Breaker Talisman." Luo Xiaoyan responded.

He did this because he hoped to get the boundary-breaking talisman in the hands of the Bull Demon King first, and then try to deal with him, because he knew in his heart that since the Bull Demon King chose to forcefully break into the restricted area of ​​power, he was naturally prepared and worried about revealing his identity. The Bull Demon King chose to leave immediately, so his plan to get the boundary-breaking talisman from the Bull Demon King's hand would be in vain.


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