The Great Storm

Chapter 1217 Overestimating Your Fame

"Is his cultivation really only at the early stage of the immortal level?" Seeing the direction Luo Xiaoyan was leaving, Hu Meijie frowned and asked Wu Ling beside her.

The reason why she asked this question was because Luo Xiaoyan's speed of leaving was really too fast, far faster than that of her, who had reached the perfect level of Profound Immortal level.

"He is not an ordinary monk, so you can't judge ordinary people. Even though his cultivation is only at the immortal level, the combat power he possesses is enough to make those of us who have reached the perfect level of the Xuanxian level terrified... ..." Wu Ling responded with a smile.

"You seem to know him well?" Hu Meijie said.

"He is the future son-in-law of my ancient dragon clan. It's normal to know him better." Wu Ling responded.

"Many sisters of your ancient dragon clan seem to be paying attention to him secretly. What is the reason?" Hu Meijie whispered in Wu Ling's ear, "Could it be that he has a secret that attracts your ancient dragon clan sisters?"

"I don't know if there are any secrets about him. We only know that he is the fiance of my ninth sister Zhong Yao, so we will pay more attention to him... If he has nothing to do with our ninth sister, we won't bother to look at him differently." .” Wu Ling replied with a smile.

"Is that so... I thought he had some secrets that are special to your ancient dragon clan..." Hu Meijie smiled.

"Let's go, hurry up and practice as soon as possible, and strive to raise your strength to a level that can resist the catastrophe when the catastrophe comes to God's Domain." Wu Ling responded with a smile, and then left with Hu Meijie to concentrate on practicing.


Leaving Tianji Dao Palace, on the way, Luo Xiaoyan was thinking in secret, whether to go directly to the ancient dragon tribe first, or go to the jungle at the junction of the ancient dragon tribe and the Yu tribe, catch him one or two Yu tribe creatures, and try to get some useful information from them. price clues.

In the end, because he was worried that his whereabouts would be exposed, and that the bull demon king who hated him would find out, which would cause trouble to his upper body, so he chose to go to the ancient dragon tribe to get the Gathering God Formation, and use the power of the formation to refine a lot of boundary-breaking talismans , and then proceeded to investigate whether the creatures of the Yu tribe participated in the disaster of the creatures in the God Realm, and collected the necessary magic cards to improve their strength.

In this way, with a large number of boundary-breaking talismans in hand, Luo Xiaoyan would not be afraid of encountering the Bull Demon King.

On the way, everything went well.

At noon the next day, Luo Xiaoyan arrived at the edge of the ancient dragon clan's residence as he wished, and after asking the creatures on the way, he successfully found the city gate that entered the ancient dragon clan's core castle residence.

The city gate is about five feet wide and more than ten feet high. On the left and right sides are walls more than twenty feet high, built of huge stones weighing more than one hundred tons.

There are ancient dragon soldiers standing guard on duty at the city gate and on the city wall.

Before arriving at the city gate, through investigation, Luo Xiaoyan vaguely caught traces of mysterious and tyrannical power seeping out from the stone walls of the city.

Luo Xiaoyan knew that the tyrannical force captured was the defensive array operated by the ancient dragon clan's garrison, and its release would have a strengthening effect on the city wall.

The soldiers guarding the city gate saw Luo Xiaoyan standing in front of the gate and peeking into the gate, and became suspicious for a moment, and even began to suspect in their hearts that this face-faced guy who blatantly appeared at the gate of the city might be sent by a hostile force to investigate the ancient dragon clan's garrison A spy for city garrison information.

When Luo Xiaoyan was about to go straight into the city gate, the soldiers guarding the city gate immediately stepped forward, lined up, pointed at Luo Xiaoyan with their weapons, and blocked his way into the city.

"Who's here?" The team leader in soft leather armor looked at Luo Xiaoyan coldly and asked loudly, and he was ready to act at any time, as if telling Luo Xiaoyan very seriously that once Luo Xiaoyan gave an answer If he can't satisfy him, he will immediately lead the crowd to rush forward and take Luo Xiaoyan down.

"Don't get me wrong, my name is Luo Xiaoyan. I'm here to visit the Ancient Dragon Clan. I hope everyone will give you convenience and accommodation..." Luo Xiaoyan stopped his progress, stood still, and politely replied to the team leader.

Luo Xiaoyan and Zhong Yao made a marriage contract. In fact, there are not many people in the ancient dragon clan who really know about it. In addition, Luo Xiaoyan is not a famous big shot.

Therefore, when Luo Xiaoyan reported his name, the soldier captain at the gate did not immediately let Luo Xiaoyan pass, but shouted coldly at him: "Ant-like guys are not qualified to visit my ancient dragon clan... Get out of here quickly, don't get in the way here..."

"What's the situation? Why don't these people know about my existence?" Luo Xiaoyan felt a little surprised after hearing what the soldier captain said. It was obvious that he overestimated his reputation in the ancient dragon clan, thinking that he was the only one in the ancient dragon clan. For well-known celebrities, as long as they report their names, the guards will let them go immediately.

Puzzled, Luo Xiaoyan said again: "Don't get me wrong, I'm Zhong Yao's good friend, and I'm here to visit the Ancient Dragon Clan to find her."

Zhong Yao is the reincarnation of the nine princesses of the ancient dragon clan. He has a high reputation among the ancient dragon clan and is almost a household name. And everyone has learned from the patriarchs, elders and other figures that the disaster that the ancient dragon clan is about to face, whether they can survive as they wish, is closely related to the nine princess Zhong Yaona.

Therefore, all the members of the ancient dragon clan respected Zhong Yao who had returned to the clan.

Hearing that Luo Xiaoyan called her by her name directly, without the slightest respect in his words, he immediately felt even more angry, and the soldier captain immediately shouted at Luo Xiaoyan: "You unknown soldier, you actually called the Ninth Princess by her name, this is Disrespect to the Ninth Princess...quickly knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy...I would have let you live."

"I really didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to enter the ancient dragon city gate... If I knew it was like this, I should have asked for a token from Wu Ling or Zhong Yao as a proof of free entry and exit from the ancient dragon city gate .”

Seeing that things had gotten a little worse, Luo Xiaoyan felt a little helpless.

But he did not compromise with the young general guarding the gate, kowtowed to him and begged for mercy, but shouted again: "Don't get me wrong, I really came to find the nine princesses of the ancient dragon clan..."

"The Ninth Princess is an unknown person like you who said he wanted to see him, and he was able to see it... Brothers, give it to me, take him down..."

After the young general yelled at Luo Xiaoyan, he directly gave orders to his soldiers.

At the same time, he had already taken the lead, waved the treasured sword in his hand first, and rushed straight to Luo Xiaoyan.

Most of the soldiers guarding the gate are at the immortal level, and only the generals have reached the Xuanxian level.

Facing people of this level of strength, even if there is a large group, it will not pose a threat to Luo Xiaoyan.

Seeing that the situation has developed to the point of irreversibility, and the only way to solve the problem is to do it, Luo Xiaoyan no longer hesitated, and the moment the little general approached, he acted quickly, cast his secret technique, stretched out his right palm, and released the tyrannical power , Attacking the young general who rushed towards him.


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