The Great Storm

Chapter 617: An Accident in Teleportation

The demon commander was killed, and all the demon heads occupying the city were cleaned up. This is a great event for the various indigenous forces in this cosmic world.

Hao Hongtian and other leaders of various forces, after learning of this news, began to prepare for the establishment of a plan to clean up the remnants of the devil's forces in each star field.

Without the support of such a powerful demon as the Commander-in-Chief, the demon forces entrenched in each star field basically have no resistance in front of the joint army formed by various forces.

Luo Xiaoyan knew about this situation.

Therefore, Luo Xiaoyan did not intend to participate in the joint army's action to clean up the demon entrenched forces. After completing the mission of the exorcism plan, Luo Xiaoyan directly bid farewell to Hao Hongtian and other leaders of various forces, left the wasteland, and returned to the inner domain.

Half a month later, Luo Xiaoyan appeared on Genggu Star, went to Genggu's residence, briefly told him about the situation in the barren domain, and then tentatively asked Genggu: "Senior, my current Xiu For the state, although it has not reached the level of the emperor, it is only the perfect state of the land, but it has the strength to fight against the masters of the emperor, is it qualified to participate in the entry assessment of the Shushan Sword Sect?" \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

"Actually, regarding your situation, the old man discussed with Haoyang and Cangxi, and they also joined forces to perform secret techniques, and got in touch with the senior brother of the inner sect of the Sword Sect, and told you about your situation in detail. Brother Neimen. After learning about your situation, Brother Neimen immediately gave us feedback, telling us to get in touch with him immediately after you are ready to leave this cosmic world, and he will cooperate with us. With the secret technique of receiving and guiding, I will directly approach you to the Shushan Sword School to participate in the entry assessment task." Geng Gu nodded with a smile.

"Thank you so much." Luo Xiaoyan said excitedly.

"You don't have to be polite, serve the master's school, and recommend capable rookies to join the master's school, that is our duty as the outer disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect." Geng Gu responded with a smile.

Next, Geng Gu had a private chat with Luo Xiaoyan, and then asked Luo Xiaoyan to wait for a while, then Geng Gu immediately cast a spell with Haoyang and Cangxi to sit in this cosmic starry sky, guarding this cosmic world for the Shushan Sword Sect Disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect under the jurisdiction of Starfield,

get in touch. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

After waiting for about ten minutes, the spiritual avatars of Cangxi and Haoyang rushed over.

After confirming with Luo Xiaoyan that he was indeed ready to leave this cosmic world, Cangxi, Haoyang, and Genggu immediately started to arrange the teleportation array together.

The teleportation array arranged by the three is different from the fixed teleportation array that is generally built. It cannot directly teleport any living beings. Only by applying the secret method of receiving and guiding can the target of transmission be transmitted to the place where the receiving person is.

After the teleportation array was set up, Geng Gu immediately smiled and said to Luo Xiaoyan: "The teleportation array has been set up properly, and the brother who is responsible for receiving and guiding has also given us feedback, and now we can start implementing the teleportation plan... Oh, yes, then The name of the leading senior brother is Lou Xinfeng, after you see him, just call him Senior Brother Lou." \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

"How is Senior Brother Lou?" Luo Xiaoyan asked.

"You are easy-going and upright. I believe that with your character, you should be able to get along well with him." Geng Gu responded.

"Thank you." Luo Xiaoyan nodded, and then according to Geng Gu's prompt, he moved to sit cross-legged in the center of the teleportation array arranged by the three, and waited for the three of them to jointly activate the temporary teleportation array.

While waiting for the teleportation array to activate, Zhong Yao Yi, who was in the space of the Pearl of Longan, said to Luo Xiaoyan with the technique of secret voice: "I always feel a little uneasy, and I am worried that something will happen..."

"Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with earth...whatever, let's leave first." Luo Xiaoyan responded.

"..." Zhong Yao Yi was silent.

In fact, she was worried that something would happen, not groundless, but she used the power of the longan pearl to deduce Luo Xiaoyan's next itinerary, and found that even the power of the longan pearl could not spy on Luo Xiaoyan. What happened in the future was only given a little reminder information, and Zhong Yao Yi inferred from the very little information obtained that Luo Xiaoyan's next journey would not be stable, the future was gloomy, and there was no light in sight. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

However, she didn't know how to tell Luo Xiaoyan.

Because she knew in her heart that even if she truthfully told him some things about Luo Xiaoyan calculated by using the power of the longan pearl, it would not make him change his mind immediately.

The teleportation array was activated, Luo Xiaoyan was shrouded in the bright light released by the array, and then his body was bound and teleported by the mysterious power of the teleportation array, leaving instantly into the void.

Seeing Luo Xiaoyan being sent away, Haoyang, Genggu, and Cangxi did not give up immediately, but continued to cast spells to maintain the operation of the teleportation array.

Just when the three of them thought they were safe and could teleport Luo Xiaoyan to the gate of the Shushan Sword Sect as they wished, the light emitted by the teleportation array became unstable, and then a tyrannical force rushed out of the teleportation array, Instantly smashed the teleportation array, and at the same time sent the three people who were maintaining the operation of the teleportation array flying, falling hundreds of feet away. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

The spiritual body avatars of Haoyang and Cangxi immediately collapsed the moment they landed, while Genggu opened his mouth and spewed out a lot of blood.

In order to avoid aggravating the injury, Geng Gu immediately sat down cross-legged and performed spells to heal the injury.

When the injury was stable, Geng Gu looked at the disappearing teleportation array, with a look of worry on his face, and thought to himself: "What's the situation? Why did this happen? What kind of force rushed out of the teleportation array?" What? Could it be that he was blocked by some kind of force when he was traveling through the void? Right now, I just hope that the force that binds him has not been defeated, and that the senior brother can sense the force of teleportation and restraint through the secret method, and successfully pick him up. Lead him to the gate of the Shushan Sword Sect. Otherwise, if something happens, he will be lost in the void, or even fall into the turbulence of time and space.

In fact, this kind of thing happened not because Luo Xiaoyan was blocked by an irresistible force, resulting in an accident, but because of the longan pearl attached to Luo Xiaoyan's body.

Entering the space-time teleportation channel, when reaching the meeting point of this cosmic world and other cosmic worlds, the Pearl of Longan sensed the call of the familiar power breath, so it released the power, forcibly released the attachment relationship with Luo Xiaoyan, and then carried the Zhong Yao Yi, who was in the space of the Pearl of Longan, flew away at an extremely fast speed towards the direction of the summoning power it sensed.

The power released by the longan pearl broke through the teleportation force that blocked and bound Luo Xiaoyan, and at the same time cut off the connection between the binding force on Luo Xiaoyan and the teleportation array, which made Genggu, Haoyang, and Cangxi who controlled the teleportation array The three were backlashed by the impact force.

Lost the guidance of the power of the teleportation array, but the binding power on Luo Xiaoyan's body has not been fully informed, and is still moving high in time and space under the traction of the missing teleportation power and the vaguely catching power.

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