The Great Storm

Chapter 835 Decided to fight back


The reason why everyone present was surprised by what Luo Xiaoyan said was that they almost all chose to remain silent at the first moment. This is because what Luo Xiaoyan said just now means that Luo Xiaoyan is still in the state of detoxification At that time, after the leader Zhao Hengtian arrived, he used spells to investigate Luo Xiaoyan's physical condition, and then directly used secret voice techniques to tell everyone that the meaning expressed in the words was exactly the same.

Everyone never believed that Zhao Hengtian also included Luo Xiaoyan when he was speaking to everyone with secret voice technique, because at that time Luo Xiaoyan was using magic to detoxify, Zhao Hengtian would not rashly speak to him and disturb him, thus This led to an accident in Luo Xiaoyan's detoxification.

Since Luo Xiaoyan didn't hear what Zhao Hengtian said, the people in front of him didn't have the chance to tell him what Zhao Hengtian said, but he just said the same thing as Zhao Hengtian's way of dealing with Shushan Sword Sect disciples involved in drugs just after returning to normal. This made everyone present believe in their hearts that Luo Xiaoyan's wisdom and ability to deal with situations have reached a level that is almost the same as that of Zhao Hengtian.

"The master came here just now, and after making sure that your life would not be in danger, he quickly left to deal with the affairs of the sect. Regarding the drug-related matters of the disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect, the master has his own arrangements, so don't worry about it, brat. It's already..." Xue Meihan broke the silence of the scene by speaking directly when everyone was silent, and said to Luo Xiaoyan bluntly.

"Since the head has made a decision, I really shouldn't worry...haha..." Luo Xiaoyan smiled, then looked at Elder Wang Jinzhong and asked, "Elder Wang, how much do you know about that poison master Du Linjiang? Where are you?"

"Why are you asking this?" Wang Jin asked suspiciously.

"I just want to know how strong he is..." Luo Xiaoyan replied.

"Carpenter Du Lin's cultivation level has reached the super god-level perfection level...Recently, there are even rumors that he made a breakthrough in a place of seclusion and stepped into the threshold of the fairy-level level...As for his poison-making level, it is still This is recognized as number one in the Xuanhuang Great Universe, once it is contaminated with the poison he made, under normal circumstances, no one can easily remove it unless he personally takes are an exception..." Wang Jinzhong briefly introduced to Luo Xiaoyan .

"Do you know where he is now?" Luo Xiaoyan asked.

"This man is heinous, murder, arson, robbery and other evil things can be said to be evil. He is the head of the top ten demons recognized by all the forces in the Xuanhuang universe. Everyone nicknamed him Poison Demon because he did too much evil. , all the people in the sect of the forces wanted to take his head and kill him...but no one could get his wish...Maybe because he realized the great danger he was facing, Carpenter Du Lin disappeared a few years ago. Until recently, some fishermen Legend has it that Carpenter Du Lin appeared in a place called Gongxi Island in the North Sea, and it remains to be confirmed whether this clue is true." Wang Jinzhong responded with a smile.

"Gongxi Island in Beihai?" Luo Xiaoyan thought in his heart,

Note down the place name.

After chatting with everyone here for a while, Luo Xiaoyan bid farewell to everyone on the grounds that he had to deal with important matters. Just as he was about to leave, a young disciple rushed over and told him that he was invited by the head, and hoped that he would go to Shushan Sword as soon as possible. Send the main hall to meet the head.

I don't know what is the important thing that the head is looking for him, Luo Xiaoyan didn't think too much, after saying goodbye to everyone immediately, he left with the disciple who informed him, and rushed to the meeting hall where the head is.

Seeing the head of the sect, Luo Xiaoyan was about to say hello to him, but the head of the sect, Zhao Hengtian, spoke to him first, and asked directly with concern: "How is it? Has all the poison in the body been eliminated? This poisoning incident , will it bring any sequelae to your practice?"

"This kind of poison may be fatal to ordinary people, but for me, it is an opportunity to learn... To tell you the truth, if I want to learn, this poison making is not at all for me. It's not a difficult task... Although I didn't deliberately delve into poison production, I still know something about poison production... Therefore, detoxification is not a difficult task for me... This poisoning incident has made me more deeply aware of poison. Views and perceptions." Luo Xiaoyan responded with a smile.

"So that's it, you kid is really a miracle...haha..." Zhao Hengtian laughed and said, "I have already issued a sect arrest warrant for Lu Yangling who poisoned you... As for the backer behind him, I also I will dig them out together, and get rid of the cancer from the Shushan Sword Sect that may harm my Shushan Sword Sect in the future, I wonder if you are satisfied with my way of handling it?"

"As for this matter, I haven't taken it to heart yet. I can deal with it as the sect leader thinks is appropriate. I really have no opinion." Luo Xiaoyan shook his head and said.

"Since you have no objection, then it's settled." Zhao Hengtian let out a deep breath, then changed the subject, and mentioned to Luo Xiaoyan the real reason why he sought Luo Xiaoyan here, "Now the Shushan Sword Sect's normal travel road is being blocked by the Lietian Mansion. In order to prevent my Shushan Sword Sect disciples from colliding with them and causing heavy casualties, I decided to release the god-level beasts, birds of prey and other creatures that the elders hunted back some time ago to deal with the hunters and kill their arrogance. I came to you this time, hoping that you will take action to tame the creatures that have not been tamed in the follow-up hunting, and join in the action against the hunters, but I don’t know if you are ready to tame the follow-up batch of god-level creatures Prepare?"

"If you just intend to kill the arrogance of the Lietianfu people, it's not that troublesome to deal with the Lietianfu people. I am enough alone." Luo Xiaoyan said with a smile, "However, before doing anything, I can go with you first, and get rid of those who have nothing to do." All the domesticated creatures should be domesticated and saved for later preparations for battles or protection of the sect..."

"You alone are enough?" Zhao Hengtian felt a little surprised, and quickly asked, "What are you going to do? Are you going to use one person's power to kill a back and forth on the road blocked by the hunters of Tianfu? Doing so is tantamount to taking risks... ...If the people of Lie Tianfu send super god-level experts to besiege you, it will be troublesome...I don't want you to take this risk just to kill the arrogance of the people of Lie Tianfu."

"Thank you for your concern. Although it is not a risk to do so, even if I am besieged by super god-level figures from the Lietian Mansion, I still have the means to escape. However, I will not do this. I will directly use the summoning technique, Summon a large number of alien god-level creatures to form an alien army, first clear their soldiers blocking the road, and then order them to besiege Lietian Mansion, let them taste the siege of the mountain gate station." Luo Xiaoyan said.

"Have you practiced the secret technique of "Infinite Summoning" taught to you by Elder Ou Tianhong to the extreme?" Zhao Hengtian confirmed in surprise.

"Don't say that you have practiced to the extreme, but it's almost the same." Luo Xiaoyan responded.

"However, performing this secret technique to summon a large number of times, for the summoner himself, the power consumption is also a big burden, can you really bear it?" Zhao Hengtian asked.

"Give it a try, if it really doesn't work, it won't be too late to send the tamer out." Luo Xiaoyan responded with a smile.

"Okay, okay, then I will leave it to you to kill and hunt the arrogance of Tianfu people..." Zhao Hengtian was extremely satisfied with Luo Xiaoyan's answer, and the sooner he went to himself, Luo Xiaoyan felt that in his heart He liked it more and more, and because of the communication with Luo Xiaoyan, his mood became very good, and a sense of joy flooded into his heart instantly.

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