The Great Storm

Chapter 854 The Arrival of the Hunting Mansion's Reinforcements

In the square in front of the main hall of Lie Tianfu, there are a large number of masters of Lie Tianfu gathered at this moment.

In the center of the circle surrounding the city is an altar-like formation.

The center of the formation is the treasure that the Palace Master uses to communicate with the Shenting Haoxi God General's Mansion.

At this moment, the Palace Master is sitting cross-legged on the edge of the formation altar, releasing power into the formation, and using the power of the formation to activate the treasures and make them release magical powers.

The treasure in the hands of the palace lord Zhu Nanqing is incomparably miraculous. It can directly open up a mysterious space-time passage in the void. The powerful person at the end of the time-space passage can follow the path opened by the treasure after receiving the teleportation power released by the treasure. The mysterious space-time channel leads to the space-time where the treasure is located.

After a lot of hard work by the palace lord Zhu Nanqing, the treasures in the altar formation finally reacted, and a dazzling light burst into the sky. In the blink of an eye, the entire formation released dazzling light, forming a circle with a diameter of three feet. A pillar of light, connected to the sky.

The beam of light was so bright and dazzling that even Mo Jishan, the elder of the Lietian Mansion, and the others were unable to see through the blocking force on the surface of the beam of light and clearly see what was going on inside the beam of light through the released probing power.

This treasure is the first time since the Lietian Mansion existed in the Xuanhuang Great Universe, the mansion master used it in public to release its powerful power.

After the formation of the beam of light, about ten minutes later, all the masters of the Hunting Mansion who were watching at the edge clearly sensed the tyrannical aura of power escaping from the beam of light.

Vaguely, Mo Jishan and others, through the tyrannical power breath they captured, learned that the power breath that penetrated the power blockade of the beam of light should belong to a certain powerful creature.

As time passed by every minute and every second, the aura of power that penetrated the beam of light became stronger and stronger. Until three minutes later, Mo Jishan and others could not bear the pressure of the aura of power, and went back and forth again and again. Withdrew until they were about a hundred feet away from the beam of light, and the oppressive force was calmed down, reaching a range that they could easily bear.

About three minutes passed.

The sky-reaching beam of light suddenly collapsed, and then quickly converged at a certain point.

It wasn't until the beam of light disappeared completely that Mo Jishan and others realized that the gathering point of the power after the beam of light collapsed turned out to be a formidable figure wearing silver armor and holding a three-pointed double-edged gun.

"The powerful power released by the treasure was directly incorporated into the body of this group of masters who appeared... How strong are they? Will they be masters who have surpassed the perfection level of the super god level?" Seeing the majestic masters appearing,

Mo Jishan and other Lietianfu masters and elders were all shocked and nervous.

"Welcome all the generals to come to the Lietian Mansion!" Seeing the appearance of all the masters, the mansion master Zhu Nanqing immediately knelt down on the spot facing the crowd, bowing his head respectfully.

Mo Jishan and the others knew that the Lietian Mansion was a branch of a certain mansion under the jurisdiction of the Divine General's Mansion, but they had never seen the mansion sent by the Mansion, so they didn't know how to behave when facing the man from the Mansion. treat.

Seeing the Palace Master kneeling down to salute, they immediately followed suit, knelt down one after another, and bowed down to all the silver-armored generals.

This group of silver-armored masters are ordinary soldiers in Haoxi's mansion, and the silver-armored master named Ao Qingfeng standing among them is the leader of this group of silver-armored masters.

In fact, he is just a squad leader, and the others are his squad members.

The names of the members are Du Makui, Yang Ditian, Gu Guangyun, Sun Sulong and so on.

This group of people have served as soldiers in the Mansion of God General Haoxi for countless years, and they have basically never encountered anyone kneeling and saluting to them, only they kneel and salute to others.

At this moment, seeing Mansion Master Zhu Nanqing and other Lietian Mansion masters bowing down to them, excited smiles appeared on their faces.

Ao Qingfeng's gaze flicked over the crowd, and only then did he know that the group of so-called masters in front of him was actually not much better than the people living in some remote areas in the God's Domain, and only then did he know that this group of people respected them like gods the real reason.

"Are you the palace master?" Ao Qingfeng stepped out, came down from the void, and landed a foot in front of Zhu Nanqing. At this moment, the others also landed one after another, standing respectfully behind Ao Qingfeng, lined up neatly .

"Yes, my lord, this villain is the master of the Lietian Mansion." Zhu Nanqing responded respectfully.

"En." Ao Qingfeng nodded, then waved to the kneeling Lietianfu masters and said, "Get up, everyone."

"Thank you, General." Zhu Nanqing and the others respectfully said such words of thanks, and then got up one after another, standing there respectfully, waiting for Ao Qingfeng and his group of masters to speak.

"This world is under the jurisdiction of my Haoxi Divine General's Mansion...Many years ago, the Divine General's Mansion issued a divine decree and treasures to guide soldiers, just to select a qualified manager for this world, and to serve as the leader of the Haoxi Divine General's Mansion." Manage this side of the world. After you obtained the god's decree and the army-leading treasure, you did act in accordance with the god's decree and established the Lietian Mansion directly under the jurisdiction of the general's mansion, but I don't know why you didn't use the army-leading treasure before to open up The channel to send a message to the God General's Mansion?" Ao Qingfeng stretched out his hand, performed a secret technique, recalled the treasure in the formation, put it in the palm of his hand, and then said to Zhu Nanqing.

Zhu Nanqing knew in her heart that once she got in touch with the Divine General's Mansion, his status in the Lietian Mansion would be greatly reduced. Maybe the Lietian Mansion that she had worked so hard to create would no longer be in control in a blink of an eye, and she would gain The practice resources have nothing to do with me.

Even if his status as a manager will not be deprived immediately by the Divine General's Mansion, at least he has to hand over most of the large amount of cultivation resources he obtains every year to the Divine General's Mansion, and there are very few under his control.

It was precisely because she was worried that such a thing would happen, Zhu Nanqing chose to only reveal to the outside world that the Lietian Mansion was directly under the jurisdiction of the God Realm Shenting Shenting Mansion, so as to deter all forces in the Xuanhuang Great Universe, but never used the treasure to attract soldiers Get in touch with the Divine General Mansion directly.

Hearing Ao Qingfeng's question, Zhu Nanqing naturally didn't dare to tell the truth, and after running her mind quickly, she immediately replied: "The general doesn't know, it was extremely difficult for me to build this hunting mansion, and I planned to use my own ability to completely defeat this world All the big and small forces in the world, when they hunted for me, they only got in touch with the Divine General's Mansion and told me about my achievements, because I haven't achieved much at the moment, and I really don't have the face to contact the Divine General's Mansion..."

"Whether what you said is true or not, this general will not care, and will not pursue it. From now on, you just need to act according to this general's will." Ao Qingfeng can't see through Zhu Nanqing's mind, but he is too lazy to care Forget it, after speaking soothing words to him, change the subject, "My surname is Ao, my name is Qingfeng, tell me about the current situation that Lie Tianfu is facing..."

"Okay, Lord General Ao." After hearing Ao Qingfeng's words, Zhu Nanqing breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly and respectfully invited Ao Qingfeng and others into the main hall of Lietian Mansion, and after giving up the throne of the mansion master to Ao Qingfeng, it began Xiang Aoqingfeng introduced the situation of Lie Tianfu in detail.

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