The Great Storm

Chapter 858: Four Devils Fighting the Giant Python

The arrows condensed by the power ejected by the giant python, each one is not only amazingly lethal, enough to easily kill any super god-level perfect level master accident, but also contains a strong poison.

The moment the arrows condensed by a large amount of tyrannical power were shot, Guan Chen and the other four masters of the Demon Realm realized the horror of this giant python. A black crystal shield blocked the area where the four of them were.

bang bang bang...

A black crystal shield appeared, and the arrows shot at the shield one after another, making a loud sound like a cannonball.

The black crystal shield, which was shot continuously by the arrows, lasted for about ten seconds, and there were tiny cracks, as if it would collapse at any time.

Seeing this scene, the four masters of the Demon Realm felt terrified. They quickly increased their power input, released the power, poured it into the black crystal shield, and repaired the fine cracks on the shield to prevent the shield from being breached. .

In the eyes of the giant python, the four demon masters are like ants, and it wants to kill them, it is simply a matter of flying out easily.

Right now, it saw the shields condensed by the four people cast spells, blocking the power attack it released, and only then realized that the four monks in front of its sight were much stronger than it expected in its heart.

Therefore, in order to make a quick decision, eliminate the opponent as soon as possible, and then continue to search for other human monks who intend to attack the treasures of the core land, the giant python immediately changed its attack method, rushed forward, and at the same time swung its giant tail like a thick whip. , severely abstracting the black shield condensed by the four people performing spells.

The python's speed was too fast, and the four of them had no time to react.

The shields they output with condensed power were directly drawn by the giant python's big tail, and immediately burst open.

The four people behind the shield were directly impacted by the tyrannical force, and flew straight out, smashing countless big trees one after another, and fell to the ground hundreds of feet away, with blood gushing out from their opened mouths.

"The giant python is too strong. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to fight against it in human form. Only by manifesting our true body and improving our combat effectiveness can we join hands to kill it." Guan Chen raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, After saying this sentence to everyone, he released his strength, distorted his figure, turned into a big rooster, released a majestic aura, and swept away.

The broken branches and fallen leaves on the ground were rolled up by the power breath released by him, and spread out in a ring around him, until they were more than a hundred feet away, and then gradually scattered and piled up there.

Black Scorpion, Centipede Huang, and Yin Lingjiao,

Everyone knows what Guan Chen said, which is very reasonable. With their human bodies, they can't fight the terrifying giant python in front of them.

So, without hesitation, the three of them, the black scorpion, immediately released their power and gushed out of their bodies, their figures twisted rapidly, turning into a giant centipede, a highly poisonous black scorpion, and the real body of the silver fox respectively.

"Four human monks... How can I say that they changed and turned into strange beasts? Don't play like this..." Seeing the four human monks who were easily repelled by him, they turned into non-human images, and With a huge body and an astonishing breath of life, the giant python immediately stopped its forward momentum, opened its big mouth, and uttered a snake letter, as if it was scrutinizing whether it should continue to fight with its opponent.

"Kill!" Guanchen opened his huge chicken mouth, uttered human language, and shouted such a murderous word, then kicked his feet on the ground, jumped up, and then quickly flapped his wings, carrying his huge body, and rushed straight to python.

Hei Scorpion, Centipede Huang, and Yin Lingjiao also set off at the same time to use their respective special killing methods, charging out with murderous aura, and following Guanchen, they rushed towards the giant python.

"Don't think that if you have four of you, I will be afraid of you...Since you are determined to compete with me, I will help you..." The giant python opened his mouth and said to the few who rushed towards him With such a sentence, he urged the power to turn into a pair of emerald green crystal wings, which merged with the body, making it look like a flying snake with wings.

Then, the giant python quickly controlled the green crystal wings, and rushed out with its huge body, facing the crown minister who was rushing in the front.

"Gathering its wings with strength and carrying itself to fly, this boa constrictor's ability to control its strength has reached such an astonishing level..." Seeing the scene in sight, the big cock Ji Guanchen was shocked in his heart, if he was not still extremely confident , firmly believed that he would never lose to the giant python if he fought in his true state, so he must have reacted immediately at this moment and chose to turn around and escape.

The distance between the giant python and Guanchen was getting closer and closer, until they were about to meet each other head-on, the giant python shook its body suddenly, causing the wings that carried it to fly away, and then controlled the wings with the power of thoughts, rushing forward and grazing rapidly, Like a pair of blades, one left and one right slashed straight at Guanchen's huge body.

At the same time, the giant python manipulated the falling body, turned around suddenly, and used its thick tail as a whip to lash towards the position of Guanchen and the others.

"You can still operate like this... This giant python, a real cow..." In order to avoid being hit by two forces at the same time, Guanchen exclaimed in his heart, and at the same time dodged to the right to avoid the force attacking him from the left, He turned his head and opened his mouth to spew magic power, and rushed straight to the oncoming force.


The magic power collided with a crystal wing, and a loud noise erupted, and the violent power immediately swept around with the collision place as the center.

When the violent force swept around, the giant python's thick tail swept across a large void, and reached the right side of the three not too far away under Guanchen's body, namely Black Scorpion, Centipede Huang, and Yin Lingjiao.

"Damn it... retreat quickly..." Seeing that he was about to be hit by the giant python, Centipede Huang shouted at everyone, and then manipulated a pair of blade-like mouthparts on his head that could spray poison, and headed towards the person who was getting closer and closer to him. The closer to the tail body of the python.

"Emma... my teeth..." Centipede Huang, who came into contact with the body of the giant python and bit down fiercely, was unable to bite through the scales of the giant python with his blade-like mouthparts, while his own On the contrary, the body was sent flying more than a hundred feet by the sweeping force of the giant python's tail, and fell straight to the ground.

Centipede Huang's body was blown away, and the giant python's tail was hindered to a certain extent, the sustained force was weakened, and the speed was also much slower. When he was about to hit the black scorpion and silver spirit, The two guys, who were already prepared, quickly manipulated their bodies to move away, and after avoiding the whipping of the giant python's tail, they took advantage of the moment when its power exhausted and stopped, and quickly rushed forward. The part near the tip of the tail, while Yin Lingjiao quickly flicked the furry tail, releasing thousands of silver threads in an instant, wrapping the part of the giant python's body in front of her.

Seeing this scene, Guan Chen knew that this was an excellent time for him to strike again. Without hesitation, he flapped his wings immediately, controlled his huge body, and swept over the "seven inches" vital point under the giant python's head, stretched out his claws, Straight down.

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