The Great Storm

Chapter 889 Unstoppable

"Kill!" After killing the skeleton elf soldiers summoned by Luo Xiaoyan, the burly man wearing a leather jacket and holding an ax in both hands led all the disciples of Qianye Hall to surround Luo Xiaoyan, and said to all the subordinate disciples that he was so big. With a shout, he dodged forward, swung a pair of axes, and swiped rapidly, creating streaks of light from the shadows of the axes, striking at Luo Xiaoyan.

At this moment, Luo Xiaoyan doesn't even pay attention to people who are at the perfect level of the super god level, not to mention that the one who wants to attack him at this moment is just a person who has just stepped into the threshold of the super god level. The characters are more powerful than some small characters.

Therefore, when the man with the ax wielded the big ax and cast out the shadow of the ax to attack him, Luo Xiaoyan shook his head slightly, and then cast a spell to prop up the oval shield to protect his body.

The shield appeared, and the shadow of the ax created by the man had already attacked, hitting the shield condensed by Luo Xiaoyan's casual spells one after another, and a series of "bang, bang, bang" sounds immediately erupted.

After the sound, the ax shadow collapsed, but Luo Xiaoyan's condensed shield still existed.

The man with the ax originally thought that the series of ax shadows he created would be enough to severely injure Luo Xiaoyan, and when he got close, he could easily subdue Luo Xiaoyan.

When he saw that the ax shadow he created could not even break through Luo Xiaoyan's condensed defensive shield, he realized that this young man who dared to break into Qianye Hall alone was stronger than he expected Much, a hint of fear surged into my heart at this moment.

Then, the burly man stopped his progress, and shouted to his subordinates at Qianye Hall, "Kill... whoever kills him, I will reward him with a god-level weapon..."

Most of the disciples of Qianye Hall in front of me are elite figures among god-level monks, and many of them are powerful figures with leapfrog combat capabilities. With the help of god-level weapons in their hands, it is easy to kill weak monks who have just stepped into the threshold of super god-level.

The god-level weapon reward thrown by the man with the ax was extremely tempting to most of the Qianye Hall disciples present.

Therefore, after the voice of the man with the ax fell, all the disciples of Qianye Hall brandished their weapons one after another, joined hands to perform spells, and released powerful forces. The lights and shadows in the form of weapons formed a killing array, attacking Luo Xiaoyan overwhelmingly.

"To me, your attacks are similar to my old itch. With such a little power, don't use it to embarrass me in front of me." Luo Xiaoyan smiled coldly when he saw the killing array of weapons enveloping him, Quickly cast the spell to condense a shadow of arrows, which scatter out, facing the killing array of weapons released by the joint cast of the crowd.

Luo Xiaoyan's attack,

Compared with the attack power of the crowd, that is not an order of magnitude.

The power that Luo Xiaoyan released casually has the power to instantly kill a super god-level monk.

But with the power released by everyone, it is not realistic to even kill a person at the perfect level of super god level.

Therefore, the two forces collided, and the judgment was made.

The arrow released by Luo Xiaoyan was powerful and unstoppable. In the blink of an eye, it defeated the sword formation that everyone had released together and disappeared without a trace. A Qianyetang disciple directly killed them one by one.

As one by one of his subordinates were killed by the terrifying power contained in the arrows, their bodies were exploded, turned into a cloud of blood mist, and ended up with no bones left. The man with the ax really panicked, and quickly threw his hands away Pulling out a pair of axes, he slashed at Luo Xiaoyan, and at the same time he dodged back quickly, heading straight for the location of the main hall of Qianye Hall.

"Going a hundred feet further, you will enter the maze area set up by the disciples of Qianye Hall. The maze set up by the disciples of Qianye Hall is what they rely on to deter other forces, so that other forces dare not rashly kill Qianye Hall Do you want to do it first to destroy the maze arranged by the Qianyetang people and cut off their thoughts?" Seeing the man with the ax flee, many of the Qianyetang masters who attacked him were killed, and the rest Some of the people had already lost their fighting spirit, Luo Xiaoyan didn't bother to care about their expressions and moods, and looked at the hinterland of Qianye Hall, which was equipped with maze traps, smiling and frowning.

"Forget it, let's play with them first...Anyway, there is no danger in the depths of the ancient ancient forest, even if the teleportation array created by them is sent to the ancient ancient forest area, nothing will happen... What's more, Qianyetang The teleportation array arranged by the gatekeepers, for me, I only need to increase the part where the power is exposed, and then the force point of the teleportation array will collapse, thus losing the teleportation function..."

Luo Xiaoyan's eyes flicked across the hinterland area of ​​Qianye Hall where the maze was arranged, and then he was too lazy to think too much, so he speeded up his pace and went straight to the main hall where Qianye Hall's core residence was located.

Luo Xiaoyan's speed was extremely fast.

The man who ran in front of him, intending to rush to the main hall of Chiba Hall to report to the hall master and elders who were holding an emergency meeting, was quickly left behind by him.

"Emma...this kid is really terrifying...the strength is so tyrannical to such an astonishing extent, I should run for my life...stay here, most likely looking for death..." Ru a wind passed by, throwing the double axes The man in front of him was immediately frightened, he immediately stopped his progress, quickly turned around, and went straight away from the center of Qianyetang.


Luo Xiaoyan's figure shot across the void like an arrow, and settled on the stone platform in front of the main hall of Qianye Hall.

The guard of Qianyetang guarding the gate of the main hall saw Luo Xiaoyan appearing, although he knew in his heart that he was not easy to mess with, but because of his duties, he had to choose to be brave, waved his spear in his hand, pointed at Luo Xiaoyan, and prevented him from entering the gate of the main hall He shouted at him, "Who is coming? Quickly report your name? Hurry up and tell the truth, why did you trespass into the main hall of my Qianye Hall?"

"The garbage forces like Qianyetang who are willing to be with the devil should have been destroyed long ago... I came here this time to destroy Qianyetang... If you don't want to die, get out of here..." Luo Xiaoyan He casually replied.

As soon as Luo Xiaoyan's words fell, the guard of Qianye Hall who guarded the gate was taken aback. Realizing that the crisis was coming, he hurriedly retreated into the gate of the palace and greeted the master of Qianye Hall and everyone in the main hall. The master reported what happened to him.

The hall master Xia Qinghe is dressed as a man, that is, the Ao Qianfeng appearance known to all the disciples of Qianye Hall. The secret that she is a woman is still only known to Jiang Yizhong, the right protector in this hall. The other elders and masters of Qianye Hall are Unaware.

At this moment, the topic Xia Qinghe is discussing with the elders and masters of Qianyetang is not to deal with the crisis that Luo Xiaoyan is coming. That is because in their eyes, Luo Xiaoyan forced his way into Qianyetang to die, and it is not worth it at all. They had too much time to discuss the details of how to deal with Luo Xiaoyan, but they were discussing whether Qianyetang should choose to move closer to Tianluo Mansion with the support of the masters of the Demon Realm, or to the Lietian Mansion with the support of Shenting Haoxi Divine General Mansion. .

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