The Great Storm

Chapter 903: Teaching Alchemy Techniques

As the written knowledge and information melted into her mind, Qinglian seemed to realize that her comprehension ability had greatly improved at this moment.

In addition, I have been to the runes I have seen from the land of exploration, and the words described in the books I have obtained that she does not understand at all. Now I can understand it immediately and can understand its meaning. I couldn't help but secretly exclaimed in my heart: "Knowledge of words is really amazing..."

"I'm too lazy to read this book. Just pack and condense the alchemy knowledge and techniques you have mastered into knowledge runes and pass them on to me..." Qinglian turned her head, then looked at Luo Xiaoyan and said with a smile.

"This is not possible." Luo Xiaoyan shook his head and said, "If you want to make alchemy well, you need to have a solid foundation... The knowledge in my head is my perception from reading books, not all the knowledge recorded in books. For complete book knowledge, you need to read, read, and comprehend each word by yourself, so that you can gain real results. After your foundation is solid, I will pass on the knowledge of alchemy to you, so that you can gain the most..."

"Oh..." After listening to Luo Xiaoyan's words, Qinglian had no choice but to obediently leave the alchemy room and go to the study to read.

After Qinglian left, Luo Xiaoyan cast a spell to roll up the elixir in the alchemy furnace that added the magical power of the green-haired fruit monkey, put it into the system backpack space, and then started to work, using the power of the green-haired fruit monkey as the main material, refining Make the holy spirit pill.

Because of his prior experience in alchemy, Luo Xiaoyan chose to refine in large batches this time.

After some selection and screening, Luo Xiaoyan took out all the precious materials that could be used to refine the Holy Spirit pill from his system backpack space, piled them aside, and then started alchemy.


"There are so many books, how long will it take to read it... What a headache... Did he really get the skills of refining perfect quality pills from these pill books? The alchemy techniques described in these pill books are more difficult than I don’t know how many times worse the alchemy techniques taught to me by my master... It’s just that some alchemy techniques are more special, Xinyi... but it doesn’t seem to have much to do with being able to refine a perfect quality elixir..."

In the study room, Qinglian read half of a book called "Dan Jing", then threw it on the table in front of her, supported the table with her elbows, rested her cheeks with her hands, raised her small mouth, and looked at the The bookshelf is in a daze...

"Come on... I don't want to read this alchemy book... I really don't have the patience to read it. It's better to go to the alchemy room and watch him make alchemy. Maybe it will be more rewarding than reading these useless alchemy books..."

Feeling that reading the alchemy book was useless, Qinglian grabbed the half-read "Dan Jing" and threw it away, making it fall back to its original place, then got up quickly and left the study directly.

I went to the alchemy room to find Luo Xiaoyan and watch him make alchemy.

Luo Xiaoyan, who was concocting alchemy, noticed that Qinglian was coming again, worried that she would disturb him and cause him to make mistakes in alchemy, so he immediately reminded Qinglian: "It's fine if you don't want to read the alchemy book, but when I am concocting alchemy, you can Look, but you can't move around at will, you can only stay here and wait patiently, understand?"

"I know." Qing Lian curled her lips, responded, and then sat cross-legged not far from Luo Xiaoyan, quietly watching him concoct alchemy.

looking at...

looking at...

Qinglian felt a strange feeling in her heart. She found that Luo Xiaoyan's alchemy movements and techniques were as smooth as flowing water, extremely skillful, as if they were natural. What surprised her most was that every movement he made, They are all so beautiful and fascinated her...

When she watched Luo Xiaoyan's alchemy movements with her heart, Qinglian's mind seemed to be deeply caught in the trajectory of his movements and could not extricate herself, and the image of Luo Xiaoyan in her eyes became tall and majestic because of this, making her feel To win her heart and move her face...

"What's the situation? His behavior is like the path of heaven, as if made by nature... Could this be the key to his ability to refine the perfect quality pill? I remember that Master once said to me that if you want to achieve great success in the way of alchemy, You need to act in accordance with the way of heaven, and every action must conform to the Tao of Tianxin, so that you can refine high-grade elixir..."

Qing Lian shook her head vigorously, getting out of Luo Xiaoyan's alchemy in which she was deeply trapped in her thoughts, and she looked at Luo Xiaoyan with eyes full of endless curiosity.

Two days and two nights passed like this.

After Luo Xiaoyan stopped being busy, Qing Lian immediately asked him: "You really learned your alchemy secret technique through reading?"

"Of course, you think I'm really a genius. I just learned alchemy without even reading alchemy books, and I'm better than others..." Luo Xiaoyan nodded, and while responding to Qinglian, he got up and walked to the alchemy furnace , Shi Shu opened the top cover of the alchemy furnace, rolled up the finished alchemy in it, put it into the prepared bottle, and put it in the system backpack space, then turned and said to Qinglian, "You don't want to see the alchemy?" book, and want to learn alchemy techniques from me, this is probably unrealistic..."

"Reading the alchemy book is really boring. How about you read the alchemy book slowly when I have free time, so that I can spend my spare time reading the alchemy book and then teach me the alchemy technique?" Qing Lian said with a smile.

"Actually, if you just want to learn my alchemy technique, it's not that troublesome, but I have to tell you clearly that even if I pass on the alchemy technique to you, you can't achieve my success by using it. Alchemy level...Since you don't want to read alchemy books, there is really no need to waste precious practice time on alchemy..."

Luo Xiaoyan could tell that this mysterious girl who came out of nowhere was not a simple person. If he wanted to keep her in the Shushan Sword Sect out of selfishness, he would try to let her see it. , really not very helpful alchemy book, wasting her precious practice time in vain, she would feel unbearable, after thinking about it, Luo Xiaoyan still told Qinglian the truth about his alchemy technique, told Qinglian Even if she learns his alchemy technique, she may not be able to achieve 100% alchemy rate like him, and every batch of alchemy is of perfect quality.

"I understand this point...whether it is cultivation or alchemy, in addition to relying on personal innate ability, it also requires a very high level of understanding...I have seen you alchemy, and the techniques you perform seem to coincide with the trajectory of the heavens...These Ability, not through imitation, can get what you want." Qing Lian said.

"You can say such a thing, it is enough to prove that Miss Qinglian, you are very human... I am relieved... Since you really want to learn the alchemy technique I have mastered, I will pass it on to you... As for you to be able to comprehend How much, whether it will help you in alchemy, depends on how much you can absorb and understand..."

After Luo Xiaoyan finished speaking, he didn't hesitate anymore, and directly condensed the essentials of alchemy techniques he had mastered, as well as the key details of processing materials, into knowledge runes, and sent them to Qinglian.

Seeing the knowledge runes flying towards her, Qinglian didn't hesitate this time, she directly accepted them and brought them into her mind, and then began to accept all the huge information contained in the knowledge runes one by one, integrate them into the sea of ​​consciousness, and become her own knowledge.

Because the amount of knowledge is too large, this process lasted for a full day and night before it was considered complete.

If Qinglian was an ordinary super god-level monk, I am afraid that this huge amount of knowledge would be enough to make her mind unbearable and collapse, turning into an idiot.

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