The Great Storm

Chapter 915 The Final Ultimate Move

The giant stone bull swallowed the devouring vortex and Luo Xiaoyan released, and the figure of the bull demon king flew out of the giant stone bull immediately, and then quickly waved his palms, releasing palm-shaped lights and shadows, directly attacking the giant stone bull The bull, intending to kill Luo Xiaoyan while he was trapped in the boulder bull.

The boulder bull is a puppet controlled by the Bull Demon King, and its defensive power is not in the slightest hindrance to the palm force of the Bull Demon King.

The palm force of the bull demon king, after touching the body of the boulder bull, is like hitting the air, passing through directly, and directly attacking Luo Xiaoyan who is inside the boulder bull.

For Luo Xiaoyan, the boulder bull and the power vortex in its body at this moment are a sealing barrier that seals his body.

He wanted to leave, the only way to destroy the power vortex and the boulder bull.

Luo Xiaoyan had realized this a long time ago, and when he was about to attack the power vortex and tear apart a hole to escape, he felt a series of palm shadows with astonishing lethality approaching, Luo Xiaoyan quickly released his power to resist the impact of the power vortex At the same time, he opened his mouth and spat out the Nirvana Flying Sword, and swung it repeatedly, creating a series of sword lights to meet the palm shadow released by the Bull Demon King.

bang bang bang...

The sound of continuous cannons erupted in the body of the boulder bull.

The tyrannical impact force only smashed the extremely regular power vortex into pieces, and it collapsed very quickly.

There is no hindrance of the power vortex.

Luo Xiaoyan slashed the power of the attacking palm with a sword, then took advantage of the momentum and rushed forward to get close to the barrier in the body of the boulder bull, swiped swiftly, and drew a golden blade that burst into golden light, and slashed towards the barrier.


The sword glow touched the barrier, and a loud shock erupted.

Then, the barrier that blocked the space immediately collapsed, and a huge hole appeared.


The hole appears.

Luo Xiaoyan's figure flitted out like an arrow, leaving the body of the boulder bull.

With the loss of a large amount of cohesive strength, the body of the boulder barbarian bull began to collapse, and large and large stones kept falling from it, hitting the ground, making a "boom boom boom" sound,

The ground in the area where the boulder barbarian bull was located was violently shaken by the boulder, as if an earthquake had occurred.

After a while, the boulder bull completely collapsed and turned into a huge mountain.

"It came out, did it come out so soon? This bastard boy, he has some skills..." Seeing the collapse of the boulder bull, a touch of surprise appeared in the eyes of the Bull Demon King.


The Bull Demon King leaped out, stretched out his furry right hand, quickly clenched it, turned it into a fist, swung it quickly, and smashed it at Luo Xiaoyan's chest.

Seeing the Bull Demon King rushing towards him, Luo Xiaoyan immediately swung his sword out.


The fist collided with the sword, and there was a sound of fighting.

Then, a huge force surged around the place where the collision occurred, and it only forced Luo Xiaoyan and the Bull Demon King to separate quickly, retreating more than a hundred feet away, and then both of them stopped their retreat.

"This old cow's skin is so thick that even the sword in my hand can't pierce its skin... It seems that it is a bit unrealistic to kill him with my normal methods." While thinking, Luo Xiaoyan had already secretly performed the first ultimate move of the "Royal Dao Jue" secret technique "Lightning Strike", at the same time he dodged and swung his sword again to slash at the Bull Demon King.

The stronger the killing power of the "Royal Dao Jue" secret technique, the longer it takes to accumulate strength, and the relatively weaker ultimate move requires a much shorter time to accumulate strength.

It is precisely because Luo Xiaoyan knows this that when performing the secret technique of "Royal Dao Jue", his first choice is the ultimate move of "Lightning Strike".

When Luo Xiaoyan started to save, there was already a thunder and lightning robbery cloud in the sky. When Luo Xiaoyan got close to the Bull Demon King and had another head-on fight with him, the robbery cloud in the sky had already been conceived.

Then, when Luo Xiaoyan and the Bull Demon King were knocked into the air by the opponent's force, a thunderbolt thicker than a bucket rushed across the void, carrying the power of thunder and robbery, and smashed down with a "bang". Hit the Bull Demon King.

The power of thunder and lightning swept across the Bull Demon King's body in an instant.

His tyrannical defense was torn apart by the power of lightning, and the black hair like steel needles was destroyed by the power of lightning and turned into powder.

Soon, the lightning power that hit the Bull Demon King was exhausted and dissipated.

A burst of strong burnt breath immediately came from where the Bull Demon King was.

Luo Xiaoyan looked intently, and suddenly saw that the long hair on the Bull Demon King's body was running out, and the wound where the flesh was torn by the force of lightning was bleeding, but the bleeding wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye ...

Soon, the bleeding wound stopped bleeding, and the wound was sealed with blood scabs.

"Even lightning strikes can't kill his clone. With such a weak clone, his flesh and blood body has become so perverted... This also means that the recovery ability of his flesh and blood body is stronger and perverted... Sure enough. It's a big monster who can be called a king and become a saint... If you can't kill you once, then come twice, three times... More times, I don't believe that you can't kill you..."

While thinking about it, Luo Xiaoyan secretly performed the ultimate move "Lightning Strike" in "Royal Dao Jue" again. When the power of "Lightning Strike" was accumulated in the sky, Luo Xiaoyan quickly swung his sword and threw himself at the cow covered in blood scabs. devil.

"This little thief is quite capable, and the secret skills of the spells and ultimate moves he uses actually contain the power of the heavenly tribulation... This also means that his perception of the power of the heavens has reached a level far beyond that of ordinary people... If Give him enough time to grow, and it will definitely bring trouble to Lao Tzu's plan in the future... With the power of Lao Tzu's avatar, it seems that he can't kill him... Using a treasure with too much destructive power here may destroy this piece of land. The destruction of the star field resulted in the collapse and disappearance of the transfer station planet, which is extremely detrimental to the plan that the master wants to implement... Once the master knows about it afterwards, I will definitely be destroyed by him..."

The Bull Demon King's body felt extremely depressed at the moment, and he desperately wanted to kill Luo Xiaoyan, but he couldn't.

Seeing Luo Xiaoyan approaching, thunderclouds rolled in the sky, the Bull Demon King didn't move this time, he just stared at Luo Xiaoyan who was approaching him, thinking about how to kill Luo Xiaoyan in his mind.

Soon, the avatar of the Bull Demon King made a major decision.

The moment Luo Xiaoyan approached, the avatar of the Bull Demon King was extremely unwilling to use the disintegration method, and attacked Luo Xiaoyan with the terrifying power generated by the body explosion.


The moment the sword in Luo Xiaoyan's hand touched the Bull Demon King's body, the Bull Demon King's body exploded immediately, turning into a terrifying lethal force that swept away instantly, only covering Luo Xiaoyan and a large space around him, and the power was still there. Constantly expanding around...

The violent force is like a tsunami, extremely violent, where it passes, the void collapses, the landslides and the ground cracks, the ground shakes...

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