Shiraishi never dreamed that before he came forward to claim Moka’s life, he would send it to the door himself, and if he heard news about the kingdom of Azer on the way to the capital of Azer, I was afraid that he would still be in the dark.

“Exactly, now take advantage of this time to continue cultivating.”

The corners of Bai Shi’s mouth turned up slightly, since he took the initiative to send it to the door, there was no need to go in person, just use the current one to carry out the next stage of cultivation.

At present, his kendo cultivation has just arrived at Jianhao, and there is still a long way to go before the next stage of the Great Sword Hao, but the armed color domineering is not far from the third stage.

And with the inlay of the second sword pill, the weight of the dragon slashing reached hundreds of pounds of strength, and the cultivation of swordsmanship was almost in a difficult situation, and it was time to improve the physique again.

As for the cultivation of seeing and hearing domineering, it needs to be improved in actual combat, and after facing Augustus’ three great demon guides for a period of experience, it has not improved for a while, and the most recent time, he also gained a trace of experience in fighting with the demon Serra just now.

After finding a secret mountain, Shiraishi silently said in his heart: “Mission! Open! ”

“Ding! 【Side Quest】・Go all out a thousand times! Gain 1% XP! ”

“Mission begins!”

The number has increased tenfold, and with the opening of the second stage, the difficulty of cultivating armed domineering qi is gradually increasing, but the experience is also increasing.

“Come on!”

Raising the dragon slasher in his hand, Shiraishi slowly opened his eyes, his dark eyes, his gaze was like an indestructible blade, tearing open everything that covered him.


The dragon held high suddenly turned into a silver-white light, slashing down from top to bottom…





The next day, Bai Shi cultivated even more frantically, at the same time this was hunting monsters, after the end of the armed color domineering cultivation last night, when the hungry Bai Shi was looking for prey, when Bai Shi killed an iron-armored giant rhino, his own domineering spirit actually rose a little.

At this time, Shiraishi discovered that whether it is a human or a monster, as long as you fight, you can gain experience, and with the strength of the opponent in battle, the experience gained is also different, but how strong the opponent is, as long as you fight, you will definitely be able to gain experience.

But even this is enough to surprise Shiraishi, after all, no matter how small a fly is, it is meat, as long as there are enough opponents, Shiraishi can always quickly raise his domineering spirit.

Fortunately, in this era, monsters are very dense, many of them are active in groups, the number is large and the strength is strong enough, other magic guides have already run away when they see it, but this is undoubtedly a big treasure for Shiraishi, and it is more effortless for Shiraishi.

All now Shiraishi found this loophole that looks like a BUG but not a BUG, so that his domineering speed is much faster than that of armed domineering, of course, this is the reason why the domineering is in the first stage.

The power of seeing and smelling domineering is an innate ability of human beings, the same as momentum and deterrence, just like instinct. However, most people are unaware of this power or will not be able to exert it for the rest of their lives.

The domineering in the first stage can only achieve simple detection ability, but it is enough to search for monsters.

Before General Moka arrived, Shiraishi had been cultivating these two colors of domineering.



A huge black bear with a black body fell at the feet of Shiraishi, its long neck constantly spilling blood, soaking the mound under its feet, dyeing it a bloody red, the smell of blood in the air, and its limbs collapsed to the ground, bitterly complaining about the torture it suffered while it was alive.

In order to defeat it, it took Shiraishi a lot of time to climb over the mountain, and this finally caught it.

“It’s all gone…”

Shiraishi walked towards the dense forest, in the recent period, monsters are becoming more and more difficult to find, at first, monsters are still everywhere, seeing Shiraishi will desperately pounce to fight, and then experienced setbacks again and again in Shiraishi’s hands, understanding that this human is not something they can provoke, so they fled this mountain and didn’t even want a home, so that now all over the mountains did not even find one, Shiraishi sighed silently when he saw that he was about to break through the experience of seeing and hearing domineering stuck at 99%.

After the monster left, the mountain became unusually quiet at night, and loneliness rushed to Shiraishi’s heart like a tide, who may have been a little concerned when Uncle Noah was still there, but now he has become alone again.

After standing for a long time, after making sure that there were no other monsters, Shiraishi rarely gave himself a little time to rest, and then turned his gaze to the black bear.

So he grabbed the black bear, used the sword skills he had practiced for several days to eat, quickly broke the black bear’s skin, dug it out and then took out its internal organs, and the movements were skillful in one go.

“Black bear, I have never eaten it in my life…”

Black bears in Baishi turned out to be protected animals, even the richest people can’t eat it, as long as they are stained with a little, they will eat prison, let alone eat a whole one.

However, in this other world, there are no such rules, in the face of the threat of dragons, people have no spare power to protect other creatures in order to survive.

In the world where strength is supreme, as long as there is enough strength, any rules will be meaningless on the body of the strong, but if it is really possible, Shiraishi also wants to try the taste of dragon meat, of course, this may be a little far away for Shiraishi, and after breaking through to the Great Sword Hao, maybe at that time he should have the strength to face the dragon.

Raise the fire, take a clean stick, put the cleaned black bear on the charcoal fire and roast, not for a while, the appearance of the black bear is golden butter bright, the outer meat is burnt yellow and crispy, although there is no slightest condiment to put, but the bear meat of the black bear itself alone already emits a charming meat aroma, which is worth a bite.

“It’s a pity, there is no cumin, otherwise it should be more fragrant.”

Shiraishi plucked the right forepalm from the black bear, I heard that the left forepalm of the four bear paws is the most delicious, of course, this is just Shiraishi heard and I don’t know if it’s true, but looking at the little bit of juice left behind, this rumor should be true, seeing here Shiraishi’s saliva almost flowed, don’t think much, and bite the bear’s paw.


Shiraishi gulped down, the innermost part was filled with the aroma of bear meat, both the taste and aroma were the taste that Shiraishi had never felt, and then Shiraishi understood that it was not unreasonable for this product to be eaten and endangered, such a taste is not at all irresistible.

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