A bright moon hangs high in the night, the sky is so deep, the moonlight of the night shines through the window, shining in the house where Shiraishi is.

In an unfamiliar environment, after the aroma of medicinal herbs filled the air for a while, Shiraishi suddenly remembered something and immediately put his hand on his waist.

“What about my sword!”

Empty, without any presence, lift the cup covered on his body, ready to get up


Suddenly, Shiraishi gasped, but due to the excessive movement when he got up, Shiraishi’s wound opened, and a small bloodshot seeped out of the bandage.

“Don’t move, your wound has just been stitched up, and it will open when you move.”

An old voice sounded, and only then did Shiraishi find that there was a figure in the corner of the house, and with the help of the faint light, Shiraishi could see the figure of the person in front of him.

It was an old man, his weather-beaten face was covered with deep wrinkles, his face was full of wrinkles, and the zigzag and uneven ones were like mottled marks on the wall, crawling all over his face, leaving traces of time, and his two small eyes were a little cloudy.

“Don’t move anymore, your sword is still there, don’t worry.”

The old man’s voice had a hint of softness, as if caressing his soul made Shiraishi choose to believe, nodded and lay down obediently, not moving in the slightest, but his eyes stayed on the old man’s body.

In his hand, he held the dragon chopping that was exactly Shiraishi, and what surprised Shiraishi the most was that after the second sword pill was inlayed, the dragon chopping dragon, which was obviously weighing a thousand pounds, seemed to be playing with nothing in the hands of the old man.

The old man, who was woken up, could not lie down, found a corner, lit a candlelight, and Shiraishi saw an old and small medicine mill at his feet.

From the medicine shelf, the old man picked up the tray containing the herbs, put it on the ground, grabbed a handful of herbs and sprinkled them on the mill, then sat down and put his hand like a dead branch on the poles on both sides of the mill wheel and began to roll.

On a calm night, the mill made a “cooing” sound in the milling trough, and after a while, perhaps too weak, Shiraishi felt a burst of drowsiness and fell asleep.


When everything woke up, Shiraishi felt a noise in his ears, and his eyes slowly opened, only to see the old man sitting on the edge of his bed late last night, tinkering with herbs in his hand.


As he spoke, the old man’s hand like a dead branch was already pounding, and his eyes did not move at all.


“Then get up, it’s time to change the dressing.”


With the lesson of last night, when he got up this time, Shiraishi sat up little by little, and then the old man took the bandage wrapped around Shiraishi’s body and replaced the herbs that had lost their medicinal effect, revealing red flesh and blood with a trace of herbal green juice, or a trace of wound, which was caused by Shiraishi’s movement last night.

“Good health, I didn’t expect to be able to heal most of the wound after one night, it seems that your strength should not be weak.” Shiraishi was then handed a bitter soup and asked him to drink it.

Shiraishi took a sip and drank it and handed it back to the old man, who nodded, and pressed his dry fingers on Shiraishi’s chest.

“It doesn’t hurt.”

“It hurts.”

“The pain is right, don’t move much these days, wait until it is completely healed.”


After the old man checked Shiraishi’s injuries, he applied the herbs that had been prepared, and the strong medicinal effect stimulated Shiraishi’s newly healed wounds, but Shiraishi endured it with his own will.

“If it hurts, shout out, endure it, but let your body suffer more damage.”

The old man glanced sideways at Shiraishi and said.

“I’m used to the pain for me, it’s nothing.”

Shiraishi shook his head and smiled, seeing this, the old man did not speak, took the herbs and bandages that had just been replaced and prepared to leave.

“Old man!”

Shiraishi shouted.

“What’s wrong?”

The old man turned to look at Shiraishi and saw the calm but slightly peaceful face, and the words that Shiraishi just wanted to say seemed to be stuck in his throat and could not be spoken.

“Thank you.”

“Well, lie down and rest.”

Watching the old man leave, Shiraishi shook his head again, perhaps in the eyes of such an old man, any words of gratitude were slightly pale in front of him.

“After the injury is healed, let’s see what chance there is to repay this old man.”

Bai Shi, who was lying down, could not sleep at this time, the medicinal effect was constantly emanating, and the wound was like tens of thousands of ants crawling over, making it feel like life was better than death.

Shiraishi closed his eyes tightly for any attack, the tingling sensation made sweat flow from his forehead, after a while, this itch was gradually subsiding, Shiraishi unconsciously slept, and it went on for three consecutive days, and in these three days, Shiraishi also knew where he was.


In this world, the Nirubit tribe is a neutral tribe, always in a state of isolation, ostensibly sounding like a poor and backward tribal group, but in fact the most intelligent race in the entire human race.

Four hundred years later, Nirvana was created by their patriarchs, a long, long time ago that could be called a combination of magic and architecture, a moving ancient city.

It is an unparalleled magic, a magic that replaces light with darkness, and it can transform the character of the undetermined person, one of the forbidden magic that is sealed.

Hearing this news, Shiraishi was almost shocked, but he didn’t expect that he was actually in this wisdom tribe, and the old man who was taking care of himself these days was Robin Ru, the patriarch of the Nirubit clan! No wonder Shiraishi looked a little familiar at first, but he couldn’t recognize it.

“Forget it, since you’re here, stay well.”

Shiraishi lay on the bed with a bandage, and he fell into a deep sleep, and when he woke up, it was already the next morning, and the old man appeared at Shiraishi’s bedside on time.

“Get up, drink the medicine.”

“Yes, old man.”

Shiraishi got up to untie yesterday’s herbs and bandages, and the old man was surprised to find that Shiraishi’s wound had completely healed, and now there were only newly grown tender flesh on the wound, and the old man did not apply herbs to Shiraishi, but took a jar of things that I don’t know what was inside, stretched out his fingers and dug out a piece of liquid to wipe on Shiraishi’s body.

A coolness spread from the wound throughout Shiraishi’s body.

“Okay, now your body can recover most of it just one more day of rest.”

After the old man finished cleaning everything up, he sat in front of Shiraishi.

“Although I don’t know where you came from, but I think you are also a fallen person, if you want to stay in the Nirubit clan, then you must find a job, otherwise even my patriarch has no right to let you continue to stay.”

In an era when food was extremely precious, no tribe would come up with a surplus to feed an idler, so Shiraishi either left or chose to stay and work after recovering from his injuries.

“I see.”

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