“Zheng, zizi…”

The time of rain and gold that changed from a bamboo knife to a real sword collided with the bitter red of sunset.

The sharp blade on Ku Wu’s body brought a little firelight, and then Liu Sheng’s palm holding the knife paused slightly, and Shi Yujin suddenly broke away from the confrontation, turned around and slashed towards Sunset Hong’s neck with the back of the knife.

The advantages of long soldiers stand out.

In the face of Liu Sheng’s gentle and merciless blow, Sunset Hong squatted and rolled to the side, and after a few rolls, his body was half squatted on the ground, and there were already a few more shurikens in his hand, throwing towards Liu Sheng.


When Yanagi danced a few times, several shurikens that flew were knocked to the ground, all shattered in half.

Immediately, when Liu Sheng raised the Shi Yujin in his hand, it fell down again.


As the familiar streak passed, another sword qi three or four meters high roared out.

The speed of sword qi spreading was very fast, and the movement was also very large.

Like a hurricane, it set off a wave of qi and swept towards the sunset red.

That irresistible power made Sunset Red only able to dodge.

Before he could stand up straight, he rolled to the side again in embarrassment, and then jumped up.

And when she focused on dodging the sword qi, she didn’t notice a figure, hiding behind the sword qi, running with the help of the wave of qi set off by the sword qi.



When the sunset red, a bamboo knife suddenly rested on her neck.

Looking at the handsome face in front of him, there was a sound like an earthquake behind him, and the sunset was red for a trance.

“You lost, Teacher Hong.” Liu Sheng did not take off the cloth strip at the first time, but reached out and grabbed the bell on Sunset Red’s waist.

The illusion powerhouse is the most dangerous kind of ninja in the ninja world, and every move may make people fall into false illusions.

Although he has seen and heard domineering, he may be able to capture the other party’s true body even if he is caught in illusion.

But the means of forbearance, he has never learned.

To be on the safe side, he would seal his eyes.

Sunset Hong, who was blocked by his illusion skills, did not even have the ability to resist at all.

The slash of the pirate world is indeed powerful in this world.

Throughout the entire Naruto, the one who can swing the slash is Susano, and the only one who cuts off the mountain is the complete body Susano.

Although his Chakra is only at the level of middle ninja, Yanagi’s strength can be defeated even by upper ninja.

Although the reason is very large, it is that the means of sunset red cannot be used.

However, Liu Sheng also learned a little, the kendo of the pirate world, in this Hokage world where everything depends on Chakra, the advantage is too great, there is no need to consume Chakra’s powerful slashes, as long as you can block the opponent’s skills, then you are already in the most advantageous position.

Ninjas who have lost their ability to be proud, except for the Master of Physical Arts and the Blood Successor Realm, the others are at best ordinary people who have Chakra and can jump high and run fast.

Such people can be seen everywhere in the pirate world.

Sunset red is the best example.

The performance of Xi Rihong just now was like forbearance.

“You’re so amazing, Yusuke.” Sunset Hong let Liu Sheng take away the bell, and exclaimed with a look of amazement: “That kind of sword technique is simply unheard of, how did you do it?” ”

Feeling the real feeling coming from the bell, Liu Sheng finally took off the cloth, and the same red eyes as Sunset Red contained a smile, and said bluntly: “Actually, even I don’t know, when I was a child, I was practicing by the river with Hinata, and suddenly cut off the surface of the river, but it scared us all. ”

“As a child?” Sunset Red Willow’s eyebrows frowned slightly, and secretly said in his heart: “Speaking of which, those two sword qi do not have Chakra’s fluctuations, does the Ninja Realm need to consume Chakra’s blood succession limit?” Or is this not the Blood Succession Limit? ”

“Teacher Hong, what’s wrong with you?” Liu Sheng didn’t know what Xi Rihong was saying at this moment, he just said this just to be perfunctory.

The sound of the breath of all things, that is the power system of another world, except for him who has the help of the system, even if he hands over this cultivation method, no one can cultivate.

“No, nothing… It was I who lost. Sunset Hong came back to his senses and looked at Liu Sheng’s gaze with a faint golden light.

It’s really a treasure!

I didn’t expect that I had just become a mentor and picked up such a terrifying disciple.

Kakashi, Asma, I won!


Seeing that the two seemed to have divided the victory and defeat, Hinata and Shino suddenly walked over.

Hinata’s gaze rarely looked directly at Yanagi, and his eyes were full of rich adoration.

And the oil girl Zhi Nai also held up her sunglasses and said flatly: “Liu Sheng, you are hiding too deeply.” If you want to, you can graduate from ninja school a long time ago. In the last sentence, Shino used the affirmative form.

“I still have a lot to lose.” Liu Sheng said softly.

How strong Liu Sheng is now, in fact, even he does not know.

Judging from today, Illusion Shinobi should not be able to test his strength.

At the very least, you need to compete with the elite Shinobi like Kakashi Kiki to see your strength.

Shino didn’t say anything more, only thought he was modest.

Sunset Hong also felt the same, looking at the eyes of this student, all of them appreciated.


Xi Rihong clapped her palms, attracted the attention of the three of Liu Sheng, and smiled: “Today’s survival exercise, originally wanted to see your temporary teamwork, but I didn’t expect that I lost to Liu Sheng. ”

“But I am willing to gamble and lose, we will meet at the school gate at six o’clock tonight, and I will invite you to eat barbecue.” Sunset Red raised two fingers: “Then, disband.” ”

After speaking, the figure of Sunset Red disappeared.

Looking at the place where she disappeared, Liu Sheng’s eyes flashed with a touch of essence.

Almost forgot… Instantaneous Technique!

This kind of escape technique can easily dodge his own sword qi.

Although I don’t know why Xi Rihong didn’t use it just now, Liu Sheng wrote this down at the moment.

In fact, in the battle just now, Liu Sheng released water.

Otherwise, Shi Yujin Shi and Ku Wu would not have collided, but directly cut off, and Liu Sheng did not use the back of the knife to slash towards Sunset Hong.

In the few moments of hand-to-hand combat, Liu Sheng was confident that he would leave a few scars on Sunset Hong’s body, but he just took pity on Xiang Xiang and cherished the jade.

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