After Urtia and Shiraishi looked at each other and smiled, the two joined hands and slowly slid down the ice bridge!

After a while, they reached the original hall. At this time, Tang and Strett were still half-lying on the ground, holding half of their shields in each hand, looking a little sad!

After returning to the main hall, Michelle also ran over quickly, just about to ask something, but she stopped abruptly when she saw the box in Shiraishi's hand.

Immediately, he turned his eyes around and walked towards the mouse-sized Sannya behind Tang, shouting incessantly, "Sanya, are you alright? Are you alright?

"Sir Shiraishi, you guys are back, what can I do with Sannya like this! Will it never change back? That's how..." Michelle took Sannya into his arms with some sadness , sobbing slightly.

Seeing Michelle 04's seemingly heartbroken look, Shiraishi also comforted softly: "Don't worry, no, since Don Strait can make Sannya smaller, naturally he can also make her smaller. came back!"

After that, Shiraishi gradually walked towards Don Strait who was half lying on the ground, squatted down, looked at him and said softly.

"Now that Samir has fled, and you can't snatch it away, it's time to give up? Then you can change Sannya back! 35

Don Strett settled down, looked at Shiraishi, and the small box he was holding, and said helplessly.

"This is really not something you should touch, it will bring disaster!"

Shiraishi shook his head lightly, and said with a chuckle: "No, you're looking too high on this infinite clock!"

Given Shiraishi's strength, Don Strait didn't know how to refute it. After a pause, he slowly stood up and watched Shiraishi speak.

"Actually, we don't have to snatch these parts. The real task that the archbishop gave us is to make it impossible for others to collect the infinite clock, because there will be terrible consequences after collecting them!"

"And the easiest thing to stop all this is that we snatch these parts so that others can't collect them. Of course, I also know that I'm afraid our Region team can't snatch this part from you, but I still want to follow you. In a word, if you can, don't collect this part, even if you keep this part



After speaking, Don Strait picked up the spear and aimed it at the mouse-sized Sannya!

Suddenly, a burst of light flickered, and everyone was stimulated by the strong light to close their eyes! In an instant, among the people who opened their eyes, a scream came out!

"Ah!!! Monsters!!!"

I saw that Sanya, who was the size of a mouse just now, turned into a giant dozens of meters high at this time, and she also bowed in this palace with an unbelievable look on her face!

After the farce, Sanya was changed back by Tang, and the palace of the Heartfilia family was restored by Urtia's time magic!

Everyone followed the clues in the book found in the Heartfilia family palace and continued to move forward!

Don Strait is also helpless, keeping up with Shiraishi and others, and has been pinching around Sonya!

"According to the description in the book, there is a part, which should be in a building not far ahead!" Urtia said while looking at the book in her hand!

"But this place is deserted, are you sure there are any buildings? It's too remote!" Sanya was frightened by the sight of this small mountainous area without a trace of vegetation in front of her!

Once upon a time, where had she seen such a place, if it weren't for the soil quality and viscosity, and it wasn't weathered, it could be called a desert!

"Strange, the map does show this place! Why is this place like this!" Urtia was also a little puzzled, and even wondered if what the book said was pure deception!

At this moment, Shiraishi next to Urtia took a deep breath and closed his eyes! Immediately he opened it, as if an invisible wave spread from there!

After a long time, Shiraishi finally closed his eyes again and said, "I know the location, come with me! 99


After speaking, Shiraishi immediately raised his legs and walked forward! Although everyone didn't know how Shiraishi knew the location, they didn't ask much about their trust in Shiraishi, so they immediately followed!

Sure enough, not long after, everyone saw the towering building under a hillside!

It is a tall tower with a strange sign, standing here like a cone! If the hill hadn't blocked the view, I'm afraid this place would be as conspicuous as a group of chickens! The shield of the hill makes ordinary people It's so hard to find!

"How can such a huge library look so old, and the treasure house of knowledge in the past is no one cares about it now! What a waste!" Sanya curled her lips, I don't know if it's a complaint or a pity!

"Yeah, it's such a waste, this is the largest magic library in the past, but it has ended up in such a field!" Tang followed beside Sanya!

Shiraishi smiled slightly, waved his palm forward and said, "Let's go, let's see what this magic library looks like!"

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