Although the bottom of the tower is full of rubble, it still can't cover the dazzling golden light like the sun!

After hearing Eclair's voice, everyone hurriedly looked down, and sure enough, there was a faint golden light flickering in the crevice of the waste rock pile!

And in this magic library with only books, something that can emit such light must be the infinite clock part everyone is looking for! ,

"Sanya, go down and have a look! Leave it to me here!" Shiraishi glanced at the bottom of the tower and said to Sanya!

With a slight nod, Sonya and Ekleia walked towards the bottom!

Michelle of Nature Follower Sonja and Don Strait "Six One Zero" followed suit!

At this time, Urtia was standing beside her panting heavily. Shiraishi hurried up and supported her! Looking at Urtia's angry eyes that still refused to move away! Although Shiraishi was puzzled, she didn't ask any more questions. Watching Seilah relieved.

"Let's go, until I don't find the core of hell, it's pointless to kill you again and again!" Shiraishi shook his head lightly, not knowing whether this sentence was for Seilah or Urtia. have to!

Seilah, who was half lying on the ground, was actually ready to return to the core of hell once again. After all, from the very beginning, when Urtia started, this matter could not end well!

But Shiraishi's actions surprised Seilah, dragging his weak body, Seilah gradually got up, looked at Shiraishi and Urtia with cold eyes again, and then fled through the wall without looking back.

Watching Seilah leave, Urtia finally exhaled heavily, her body gradually softened, and Shiraishi quickly brought Urtia to the corridor and sat on the floor!

"What happened today? If you have anything to do, you can tell me directly, why bother!

Looking at the weak Urtia, Shiraishi sighed helplessly.

"What can I tell you, don't you still win her over and over again, why, she is so important? Say it once every time you meet, do you know that when Stella was there, they showed no mercy to me at all, Not only that, but they enslaved everyone in Grimoire Heart!"

"Besides, what I've done over the years is because I was bewitched and controlled by their master, the black magician Serref, this matter is all related to them, but you can't wait to bring her under your command time and time again. !Humph!"

Shiraishi didn't know how to explain it. Although Seilah's ability really made Shiraishi's heart move a little bit, it was not his own after all. The so-called appreciation was just a pretense. In reality, Shiraishi deliberately turned against Seilah. After all, time and time again Under the touch, Shiraishi can feel the shaking of Seilah's mind!

And once Seilah is instigated, then the most obvious one is the location of Pluto Mard Geer's lair. Although Shiraishi doesn't think Pluto has any ability to fight him now, but if he can't let him go, the sooner he will be dealt with naturally. the better.

"I think you have misunderstood, Urtia! My actions are all purposeful, not as simple as you see, but it's okay to make a mess, in this case, the next time we meet, it won't be more difficult. After speaking these superficial words, if you meet again, you are really an enemy. Even if you can't kill it, you won't be the first to do it!

After all, the explanation is powerless, but since Seilah expressed it clearly and firmly, then the next time we meet, these scenes will no longer exist, so telling Urtia now is also the fastest way to calm her anger. .....

After Shiraishi finished speaking, Urtia looked suspiciously at Shiraishi, as if she didn't believe that Shiraishi had just abandoned his usual behavior.

However, Shiraishi didn't say much, just picked up Urtia directly, walked to the corridor, jumped, and jumped down.

At the bottom of the tower, Don Strett, who was still struggling to swing the boulders, felt something falling from the sky, so he hurriedly dodged and knocked down Sanya and the others.

"It's me!" Shiraishi's faint voice came.

After Tang heaved a sigh of relief, he got up and continued to pull at the falling rocks, while Shiraishi gently put Urtia down and came to Tang's side, motioning for Don Strait to stay away a little.

After everyone pushed to the corner, Shiraishi looked under the pile of rubble that still radiated light, raised his right foot slightly, and a white light appeared on the bottom of his foot, accompanied by a strong sense of agitation, Shiraishi stepped on it suddenly!

A strong wave spread out, and countless boulders were smashed by the shock. Soon, the golden luster part finally emerged from the stone.

That's a giant gear that looks like it's the one that runs the entire clock for 2.2!

Everyone finally saw the true face of the parts of the infinite clock, and they all gathered around excitedly.

"This must be the part of the infinite clock! It seems that I really have to thank Urutia for fighting that demon, otherwise, how can we find out!

Sanya looked at the clock parts in surprise and said, but when she turned around, Ulutia was still thinking in the corner with her head down.

Suddenly, Urutia raised her head in surprise, looked at Shiraishi, and said with a surprised smile.

"Erza and the others are back!"

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