The Great Swordsman Of The Hokage World

Chapter 31 Praying Mantis Catching Cicada, But The Oriole Is Behind?

Noon of the second day.

The Forest of Death is the outside of the 44th practice field.

78 people from the 26 groups that passed the first test gathered together.

Mitarashi Anko began to explain the content of the exam. During the period, because of her tone, Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help imitating and provoking. After being taught by the Kunai she threw, a pair of masters and apprentices who hadn't seen each other for many years had a " You know I don't know' meeting.

Then the candidates from the 26 groups began to sign the 'death consent form'.

The content of the second test is extreme field survival.

And it's not ordinary survival in the wild, it's a survival training centered around fighting for scrolls.

Each group will be assigned a scroll, namely the Book of Heaven and the Book of Earth.

Their mission is to collect the Book of Heaven and Earth and successfully reach the central tower.

Due to the need to snatch each other's scrolls, fighting is unavoidable.

In addition, the relationship between countries is not as good as it appears on the surface, and the death rate in the battle must not be low.

Therefore, everyone must sign a death consent form.

The duration of the first exam is 1 hour, and the duration of the second exam is 120 hours, which is 5 days.

After submitting the signed death consent form, the eighth class secretly received their own scroll, and then came to the designated entrance No. 5.

Five minutes before the start of the exam, Liu Sheng glanced at the Book of Earth in his hand, and then handed the scroll to Hinata.

Aburame Shino said indifferently: "The worms have told me that the closest team we have is the Book of Heaven."

Liu Sheng nodded and said, "We need to collect the Book of Heaven and Earth as quickly as possible to reach the central tower. There is no need to waste time in such a harsh environment full of beasts and poisonous insects."


Hinata and Aburame Shino echoed.

When the time came to 14:30, the staff responsible for opening the door opened the iron gate of entrance No. 5.

"Blind eyes, open!"

Walking into the forest formed by towering trees, Hinata immediately rolled his eyes.

The farsightedness covering 1 kilometer of Fang Yuan allows Hinata to instantly capture the dead forest of 1 kilometer in Fang Yuan.

"There are five teams closest to us, two of them are fighting, two are moving away quickly, and one is moving slowly." Hinata reported the situation to Liu Sheng: "The one moving slowly should be the team at entrance 6 , and one of them had a very large Chakra."

Chakra is huge?

That should be Gaara's group.

In this exam, there are only three people with the largest Chakra.

Two of them are Jinchūriki, Uzumaki Naruto and Gaara.

The last one is Orochimaru.

But Uzumaki Naruto's Chakra, Hinata knows it, and Liu Sheng also remembers the entrance of the seventh class, which is No. 12.

Orochimaru's team must be busy looking for Class 7.

At this time, only Gaara's group is still moving slowly.

Liu Sheng looked sideways at Aburame Shino and asked, "Which one is the group that owns the Book of Heaven?"

"Let me lead the way."

Aburame Shino didn't answer, the figure jumped up, jumped to the top of a big tree in front, and began to lead the way ahead.

Liu Sheng and Hinata jumped up at the same time and followed behind.

After driving for nearly twenty minutes, Aburame Shino just stopped.

Without waiting for Aburame Shino to report, Hinata has already said: "Mr. Liu Sheng, there is a group in front, and the sign seems to be from Rain Shinobi Village."

"Go over and finish them off quickly." Liu Sheng's foot stepped a little bit, and the figure flew past Aburame Shino, and Observation Haki had already locked on the three people in front of him.

Two minutes later, the eighth class jumped out of the forest.

The three Rain Shinobi Genin, who were discussing something in a group, cast their eyes over in an instant.

When they saw the forehead protector of the three of Liu Sheng, their expressions changed slightly.

"Be careful, that woman is from the Hyuga family, and the one wearing sunglasses should be from the Aburame family." An uncle man with an oxygen cylinder on his back said in a deep voice.

Another man with several umbrellas on his back said solemnly, "Is it from Konoha's famous family?"

Liu Sheng didn't pay attention to the three of them, and asked plainly: "Three uncles, can you give me the Book of Heaven in your hands?"

"Little ghost, how do you know that our scroll is the Book of Heaven?"

After hearing Liu Sheng's words, the expressions of the three of them changed again, and they looked at Liu Sheng suspiciously.

Could it be that Konoha gave Konoha Genin privileges in this exam?

"Forget it, I don't think you will either, obediently hand over the scroll to me." Liu Sheng was not in the mood to continue talking with them, his right hand slowly rested on the handle of the knife, and his red eyes stared at the three of them indifferently: "Three Uncle, go all the way..."



An afterimage brought a smear of silver-white knife light, passing by like a shooting star.

Seeing the disappearance of Liu Sheng's figure, the leader Rain Shinobi subconsciously reminded him.

A sharp pain came from his waist.

The vision in front of them began to blur, and darkness enveloped their eyes.

Immediately, the six-part corpse fell to the ground.

The bright red blood stained the soil red.

"Every time I see Liu Sheng draw his sword, I'm glad I'm not his enemy." Aburame Shino commented indifferently, looking at the six corpses on the ground.


Hinata nodded, the two of them didn't feel any resentment at all.

For ninjas, killing is inevitable.

They have all experienced Liu Sheng's sword skills.

That is the knife technique that kills people.

"found it."

Liu Sheng put the knife back into its sheath, and found the Book of Heaven from a Rain Shinobi.

"Little devil, can you please hand over that scroll to us?"

Just when Liu Sheng was about to throw the Book of Heaven to Hinata, a familiar voice suddenly reached the ears of Class Eight.

Looking in the direction of the sound, I saw a group of two men and a woman headed by a red-haired boy, coming out of the forest.

Impressively Sunagakure's Gaara squad.

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