The Great Talisman

Chapter 164: Moon God Wangshu, the fallen god

"I don't have a deep hatred with Taiyi. I told you the reason for this, and you don't understand it!" The female voice was faintly deserted.


  Yang Sanyang silently rolled his eyes: "The Taiyi comes from the sun. Your Excellency reveals the moonlight all over his body, bright and dazzling, and the holy spirit is clear, as if the moon is declining to dust. Does the honor come from the lunar star? Is it the goddess of the lunar star?"


   "You can call me: Luna!"


The female voice was silent for a while before she said: "However, I am inferior to Tai. Tai has been resurrected from the dead, and I have just resurrected. Although I am the goddess of the moon, I have fallen and I want to be resurrected. Only years of good fortune can be reborn against the sky."


   "Falling?" Yang Sanyang felt strange: "Didn't your Excellency live well?"


"When you prove it, you will be able to understand the realm of this throne. After this throne falls, the aura is immortal. It is between life and death. Here you will be born again and return against the sky!" The woman sighed, "But I have to borrow your blessings to save me countless hard work."


   "So that's the case!" Yang Sanyang's eyes showed a hint of thought. He hadn't proved it to Da Luo. Of course, he would not know the realm of the Moon God at this time: "The goddess is immeasurable, and she can die and resurrect. I admire it."


   "Don't call me some gods, goddess, you and I are in trouble now, lives are linked, you directly call me: Moon God. How?"


   "This...I am afraid of blaspheming Goddess!" Yang Sanyang hesitated slightly.


"Hahaha, what identity, fate, etc., are all that you and other ordinary beings care about. The proof of cultivation is Da Luo, and those prejudices have long been lost in his eyes!" Moon God smiled softly: "Or, you can call me: Hope Shu."


   Moon God, is the same title as the Sun God. Wangshu is the real name, just like the sun **** Taiyi, but the real name.


   "Wang Shu?" Yang Sanyang tentatively yelled, "Will you become angry and slap me to death?"


   The goddess smiled lightly: "Of"


   "Since the goddess has been resurrected, why not go to the lunar star and use the source of the lunar star to Nirvana" Yang Sanyang puzzled.


"If you are willing to distribute some of my great energy, or distribute some of my merits, it will be much faster than I can practice alone!" The Moon God sighed quietly, "Tonight, I will teach you how to sacrifice. The menstrual wheel. If you can ask for the Nikkei wheel from Taiyi in the future, then the Yin and Yang will be in harmony, and the sun and the moon will shine together.


   "The menstrual wheel is a treasure of the fairy. Wouldn't it be bad if I were to sacrifice?" Yang Sanyang hesitated slightly.


"You have practiced the menstruation wheel, so I can borrow your merits and aura to use for cultivation. Besides... I just borrowed the menstruation wheel for you, but I didn't tell you about it!" The Moon God said angrily: "What you think It's beautiful, I actually want to seek my menstrual wheel."


   Yang Sanyang smiled and twisted his body all the way to the Phoenix Clan's territory.


   "Are you going to the Phoenix Clan?" The Moon God sensed the direction Yang Sanyang was heading, showing a touch of surprise.


   "I want to ask for the branches of the plane tree!" Yang Sanyang said.


   Moon God sneered: "Wishful thinking! Not to mention you, even if your master, you can never ask for a half branch."


   "No? It is said that the phoenix tree covers a radius of thousands of miles, so I will ask for a few branches. The Phoenix people are not so stingy, right?" Yang Sanyang was surprised.


"What do you know, the branches of the phoenix tree are related to the aura of the Phoenix tribe. Each branch grows in response to the aura of the Phoenix tribe. If you intercept the branches of the Phoenix tribe, it is equivalent to intercepting the Phoenix tribe’s aura. , How could the Phoenix Clan be so generous?" The Moon God sighed.


   "So that's the case, that's troublesome! The phoenix tree is so precious, how can the Phoenix tribe give it to me?" Yang Sanyang grabbed the hair on the top of his head, and a gleam of light appeared in his eyes: "Do you want me to secretly perform calculations?"


   To be honest, Yang Sanyang didn't want to offend the Phoenix Clan.


"How arrogant and arrogant the Phoenix tribe is, in the vast wilderness, who can be regarded by them besides the **** emperor and the demon ancestor? You, a little barbarian, still want to ask for the phoenix tree branches? Don't say it's you, even a **** The emperor spoke personally, I'm afraid that the Phoenix tribe will have to think about it before agreeing!" The Moon God is not optimistic about Yang Sanyang's trip: "You better go back, don't toss in vain."


   "Things are man-made, as long as there is a heart, there is always a way!" Yang Sanyang was noncommittal.


   One day, Yang Sanyang was a lot closer to the Phoenix clan. The bright moon was high, and the moon was like water. He was drawn out by the menstrual wheel and swallowed all of them.


   Void is distorted, a hazy figure gleams with moonlight brilliance, revealing infinitely distorted and graceful, with endless sacred aura, provokes infinite reverie.


   The woman's figure is vague, and she can't see her face clearly, but just an ordinary vague figure that has overwhelmed the world and caused countless sentient beings to sink.


  Especially the holy breath, which makes people's involuntary distracting thoughts disappear, and can't produce the slightest blasphemy.


   In front of that figure, Yang Sanyang couldn't help but feel ashamed and lowered his head.


"Oh, you little monkey and Taiyi can quarrel a few words, how come you see this palace but look like this?" The cold female voice sounded, with the faint sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance, which made people feel depressed. The soul was clear for a while.


   The woman stepped forward slowly, dressed in a white dress like snow, and the crystal-like jade soles seemed to be the result of good luck, perfect. Each toe is perfect and cute. I wish I could make people pick it up and play with it. Yang Sanyang was sure that there was nothing more perfect in this world.


   That section of toe bones, like crystal, is like a work of art.




   She is like a bright moon in the sky, perfect and flawless, making people sink into the mind.


   subconsciously looked away, as if he was afraid that his slightly dirty eyes would tarnish the flawless creatures in front of him.


   Hearing the words of Fairy Taiyin, Yang Sanyang squeaked: "I...I...I..."


   I have been for a long time, but I can't say a word. Faced with such a perfect elf, he shouldn't have said anything, lest he blaspheme good fortune.


"Hahaha..." The woman covered her mouth and chuckled, her voice sounding like natural sounds, and she couldn't help but sink: "We will have to get along day and night. You can't be like this. You look up at me, where is that? Terrible."


   Yang Sanyang smiled bitterly when he heard the words, followed the jade-like soles, plain white robe, graceful and perfect figure, swept the slender fingers, flawless fingers, and then landed on the woman's cheeks.


   There was moonlight, and he couldn't see the face of the moon **** at all.


   For some reason, he couldn't see the face of the Moon God, but he let his heart breathe a sigh of relief.


   is indeed relieved!


   Even if it's just a posture, it already makes people willing to sink into drunkenness. If you see the face that sinks into the sky, Yang Sanyang is afraid that he will die of drunkenness.


   Indulge in the appearance of the moon god, and die!


   "Huh~~~" Yang Sanyang exhaled, and saluted the figure respectfully, as if he had worshipped his faith: "I have seen a god."


"You forgot, my palace said, you don't have to call me: Respect the gods, just call me Wangshu!" The goddess' fingers stretched out gently, and the white and perfect jade fingers lightly flicked Yang Sanyang again. On his forehead.




   The faint scent of osmanthus scented across the tip of his nose, and Yang Sanyang sank, smirking dementedly.


   Moon God shook his head: "This little barbarian, there is no help! Fortunately, I wear a veil, otherwise this little barbarian is afraid that he will be stupid."


   The Moon God is very wise, and of course Yang Sanyang's virtues, she knows nothing. Haven't achieved the great path yet, have never gone to the root of the seven emotions and six desires, how can they be worthy of their aura?


"Hey, wake up! If you are in dementia, the sky will be bright, you don't have to learn how to sacrifice the menstrual wheel tonight!" Moon God's fingers swayed in front of Yang Sanyang's eyes, and the sound of the natural sound made people immersed in it. Wish to wake up.


   "Hehe..." Yang Sanyang smiled silly and looked at the Moon God dementialy.


   The Moon God looked at the sky speechlessly, stroking his smooth forehead, and said annoyedly: "The Demon Ancestor is here!"


   "Huh? Ah!!!" Yang Sanyang woke up, finally woke up, shocked the whole body hair exploded: "What?"


   "You finally woke up!" The Moon God said helplessly.


   Yang Sanyang recovered in a daze and fixed his eyes to look at the Moon God. At this time, the Moon God's energy flowed all over his body, and the three thousand green silks on his head were simply rolled up, only a pair of eyes were exposed.


The entire face was covered by a crystal clear mask, Yang Sanyang’s eyes revealed a dignified touch: "Well, it’s a good thing that the goddess covered her face with a mask. Otherwise, she would form a puppet if she only saw one face. Drunk completely while drunk!"


   Drunk to death, or better to say it is beautiful death!


   Moon God’s eyes are cold and like the nine-day moon, pure and flawless, ashamed, it seems that all the dirty things in the heart will be exposed in the holy eyes.


"I used Yuehua to reshape my body these past two days, but my person hasn't come alive yet, and this body is just a living dead!" Moon God sighed, making Yang Sanyang tearful in his eyes, and his heart was broken. , It seems that you can't hear the woman sighing.


   "Goddess, can you, like Taiyi, completely converge your body's qi? If you do this again, I'm afraid I won't be able to pounce on it!" Yang Sanyang turned around, but the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus still lingered on the tip of his nose.


"I have just regained my consciousness, and I have tried my best to condense the Qi, and it will take decades to completely condense the Qi! Just bear with me. I teach you the method of cultivating the menstrual wheel. I won't disturb you anymore!" Moon God smiled softly: "To be honest, my palace is still grateful to you."


   "Thank me for what?" Yang Sanyang puzzled.


"Thank you for killing the eighteenth princes. If you hadn't killed the eighteenth princes, this palace might still encounter some minor troubles!" Moon God shook his head: "For the sake of Zulong's face, I can't care about the juniors. , You solved the problem for me."

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