The Great Tang: God-level Bear Child

Chapter 190: Sophistry, Li Chengfeng VS Grandson Wuyi

"I remember that ten years ago, Changsun Wuyi was in the court hall, and he vomited blood from Prime Minister Wei Zheng. Today, ten years later, he vomited blood from Prime Minister Wei Zheng again! Moreover, he is still spitting blood. Taking advantage of the loopholes in the case, and whitewashing Changsun Shunde, I dare not easily convict Changsun Shunde now! Because I really did not hear with my own ears that Changsun Shunde is the mastermind behind Xuanwuzong!"

"What? It turned out that it was just that, and he took advantage of this loophole to whitewash Changsun Shunde?"

"Yeah! What can I do? Because I really haven't heard from the people of Xuanwuzong that Changsun Shunde is the person behind Xuanwuzong's backstage? Even if this thing is true, we still need evidence! "

Li Shimin sighed again.

However, Li Chengfeng suddenly rolled up his sleeves and said, "Hmph, do you want evidence? Well, this prince is the evidence! Come on, father, take me to meet that man named Changsun Wuyi! I, Li Chengfeng, want him to You know, what is the first bar king of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Eh? Feng'er, what does the King of Barbarians mean?"

"Ding, doubts from Li Shimin, naughty value +20!"

Li Shimin looked up at Li Chengfeng, his eyes full of doubts.

He could always hear many strange words from Li Chengfeng's mouth.

Li Chengfeng smiled, and said: "The meaning of the king of the bar is the king of the bar! In ancient times, Zhuge Liang used his tongue to fight against the Confucians. This is the meaning of the king of the bar!"

"Oh? So, that's what it means to be strong? Haha, I've learned a new vocabulary!"

Li Shimin stroked his beard and laughed loudly.

In fact, for him, killing the eldest Sun Shunde was to show his majesty to the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty.

And he almost died in Xuanwuzong, so Li Shimin must put his hatred on Changsun Shunde.

"Go, father, let me go and see how much that so-called sophistry is worth. Let's go now!"

While talking, Li Chengfeng was about to leave with small steps.

But Li Shimin pulled Li Chengfeng's sleeves in advance, and said: "Forget it, Fenger, I just retired from the court today, and it is not appropriate to go to Changsun Wuyi to argue! How about this, tomorrow morning, I will notify Wei Zheng The prime minister is here to pick you up and go to court! This time, the contest between you and Changsun Wuyi is up to you!"

"Feng'er, don't worry, with my support behind him, his eldest grandson Wuyi will definitely not dare to do anything to you! But you must also remember to be careful, this person, eldest grandson Wuyi, is not the next generation! What he said , well-founded, very likely, you won't be able to take him down!"

"Impossible, in this world, no one can beat me!"

Li Chengfeng said confidently.

"Eldest Sun Shunde is dead! If that eldest grandson Wuyi doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, I can even expose his crimes. It depends on your father, whether you are willing to kill him!"

Li Chengfeng smiled wickedly.

Li Shimin raised his brows and said: "Hmph, if Feng'er really has the ability to expose the crimes of eldest grandson Wuyi, is there anyone in this world who I dare not kill? I am the king of a country, and I am also a wise king! If Changsun Wuyi has really done something wrong to Datang, so why not order him to be beheaded?"

"Okay, then it's a deal! As for whether Changsun Wuyi should be beheaded, it depends on my mood!"

"Well, that's going to make things difficult for you, Feng'er! Come to court with Prime Minister Wei Zheng tomorrow morning!"

"Father, my son knows it!"


In the early morning of the next day, all the ministers heard that the emperor had to deal with the matter of the eldest grandson Shunde when he went to court today, so they didn't dare to neglect, and came to the court early to go to court.

The current court officials are very polarized on whether to behead Sun Shunde or not.

Some people think that Changsun Shunde manipulated Xuanwuzong behind the scenes, no matter whether he intended to murder the emperor or not, this crime alone is enough to kill Changsun Shunde.

But some people think that the eldest grandson Shunde should not die! After all, it is still impossible to determine whether the crimes committed by Changsun Shunde before are true. Moreover, the Changsun family is under the Li family of the Tang Dynasty, the first family, and there is no credit but hard work.

They begged the emperor to punish Sun Shunde, but not to behead him.

After all, she was not Zhang Liang, Duke of Yun, who had committed the crime of intentionally stealing 100,000 gold for disaster relief, and also deliberately sent someone to the Zhenwang Mansion to assassinate the Eighth Prince.

So the two crimes are different.

Before there are no witnesses to prove the crime of Changsun Shunde, the emperor should not execute Changsun Shunde.

As for Wei Zheng, yesterday in the court hall, his elder Sun Wuyi vomited blood out of anger.

Changsun Wuyi, that sophistry talent, directly blamed Wei Zheng, and even wanted to frame me, Wei Zheng, and Xuanwuzong for a private conspiracy?

Can Wei Zheng not be angry?

After a night of recuperation, Wei Zheng's health improved a lot.

In the early morning of the next day, he hurriedly followed the emperor's instructions and went to Zhenwang's mansion to invite the eighth prince to come out of the mountain to deal with the eldest grandson Wuyi.

And Li Chengfeng also woke up earlier this morning.

After breakfast, Wei Zheng came to the Prince Zhen's Mansion.

I saw Wei Zheng cupped his fists slightly towards Li Chengfeng, and said: "Eighth prince, the old minister came here on the emperor's order, please go and listen to the court!"

"Good Prime Minister Wei Zheng, I've heard about Changsun Wuyi! I heard that you vomited blood again because of his anger, didn't you?"

Li Chengfeng looked at Wei Zheng with a faint smile on his face.

Wei Zheng sighed helplessly, shook his head, and said, "Oh, that villain's eldest grandson Wuyi actually slandered the old official and Xuanwuzong for secretly plotting to frame the emperor and their eldest grandson's family on purpose. The old official is really outraged!"

Wei Zheng became more and more angry as he spoke, and continued: "The eighth prince, that villain Changsun Wuyi, his tongue is not weaker than Jianfeng! When you argue with him later, you must be careful, don't, Fall into his trap? This person likes to play with logical thinking and language loopholes! And his sophistry ability is really too strong!"

"Oh? Play logical thinking with me? Hmph, then I, Li Chengfeng, want to see, can he play with me?"

"Gulu Gulu!"

After Li Chengfeng drank up the porridge bowl in front of the table, he wiped his mouth and said, "Prime Minister Wei Zheng, Eunuch Wu, let's go, let's go to court now!"

"Okay Eighth Prince, please!"

Wei Zheng made an application gesture, which can be said to be very polite to Li Chengfeng.

Wei Zheng naturally hoped that Li Chengfeng could win the grandson Wuyi over the arguments, and then avenge himself.

After all, that little thief had already vomited blood twice in anger at the court.


The three of them came to the court hall of the imperial palace, and found that the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the Manchu Dynasty had already done it, and Li Shimin was also sitting on the dragon chair, flipping through some memorials.

Along with Eunuch Wu, Li Chengfeng walked up to the Tingchao Stage. Eunuch Wu fanned a fan behind Li Chengfeng, while Wei Zheng stood on the edge of Li Chengfeng's audience.

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